117.Chapter 116 People under the Moon

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  Chapter 116 People under the Moon

  There is only one bloody word "bitter" on this snow-white silk paper.

  When Ning Xia saw this big character, she knelt on the ground in an instant and covered her mouth. Tears flowed silently and crossed her cheeks. A strong feeling of vomiting rose and fell in her throat, lingering.

  Hei Wu raised his head and looked at Ning Xia: "What happened?"

  Ning Xia knelt on the ground, lowered her head, unable to say a word, and could only cover her mouth and cry silently.

  Heiwu got up from the bed, walked to the table without saying a word, reached out and pulled the piece of paper with the word "ku" written on it, and was about to put it on the candlelight to burn it.

  Ning Xia knelt on the ground and shouted: "No!"

  Hei Wu stopped.

  "No." Ningxia continued.

  Hei Wu looked at Ning Xia: "Since it will bring you such pain."

  "I said no." Ning Xia insisted, her voice as cold as ice.

  Hei Wu turned around and threw the piece of tissue paper on Ning Xia's head, turned around and lay back on the bed.

  Ning Xia knelt on the ground and took off the piece of silk paper from her head with both hands, then pursed her cherry-colored lips, crumpled the piece of paper with the word "bitter" on it, crumpled it into a ball, then stuffed it into her mouth, chewing it bit by bit, and shed tears. Tears couldn't help but flow from her eyes, but she still insisted on chewing up the entire piece of tissue paper and swallowing it.

  "I feel disgusting." Hei Wu looked at the ceiling and said coldly.

  After all, silk paper is made of silk spun by spring silkworms. It is just like ordinary mulberry paper and is safe and non-toxic.

  But of course normal people would not use this kind of thing as food, after all, it tastes really bad.

  And the red writing on it is made from a mixture of cinnabar and blood.

  Ning Xia said nothing and knelt on the ground for a long time before saying, "This is part of my destiny." "

  I said last time that I would help you kill the misery." Hei Wu said quietly.

  "You can't kill him, and besides, he's not bad to me." Ning Xia said.

  "I don't think he treats you well." Heiwu said with a sneer.

  "I think it's okay." Ning Xia said stubbornly.

  Saying this, Ningxia stood up from the ground and opened another copper pipe: "This is the new Jianghu list." "Is it the

  Jianghu list?" Hei Wu looked at the ceiling: "I should be on the list this time."

  "Yes, you killed Kong Wu, so you were directly promoted to the 41st place on the Jianghu Ranking List." Ning Xia said. "The nickname is Black Sky Demon God."

  "Black Sky Demon God?" Hei Wu sneered: "That's really easy."

  "Where is the miserable old man?" Hei Wu asked.

  "Because of Kongwu's death, my master's ranking has moved up one place and is now the nineteenth." Ning Xia said.

  "Then if I kill the miserable old man, will I be nineteen?" Hei Wu said coldly.

  "You are not allowed to talk about this again!" Ning Xia looked at Hei Wu and gritted her teeth and shouted: "I didn't save you to ask you to do such a thing." "

  Okay." Hei Wu reached out and covered him with the quilt: "I'm going to sleep. Now."

  Ningxia memorized the rankings of the new Jianghu Ranking little by little, because Jianghu Ranking A and B are all famous Jianghu celebrities who have been famous for a long time. Unless someone dies or is defeated, there will be no change in the ranking of Jianghu Ranking A. .

  The reason why Hei Wu was able to directly jump to forty-one was because he directly participated in killing the Shaolin Temple monk Kong Wu who had been famous for decades.

  However, such a thing may not happen even once a year.

  "Also, Huashan Shang Jiuge is also on the list." Ningxia continued.

  "Is it the Shang Jiuge I heard?" Hei Wu had already covered himself with a quilt, but he still asked coldly.

  "There is only one Shang Jiuge in Huashan." Ning Xia said, taking a look at the accompanying news about this time's ranking: "Shang Jiuge in Huashan swept through seventeen bandits in the Yellow River, with a single sword, and was unscathed, so he entered the Jianghu Ranking. ."

  "It's really a hasty news about being listed on the list." Ningxia smiled: "And it is currently the 100th on the Jianghu list, the real last position of the crane." "So

  we will have to watch it for a long time. Is that guy slowly climbing up from the bottom of the Jianghu rankings?" Heiwu said quietly: "It's really boring to think about it." "

  If we meet her, I don't know if I can kill her by the way." "

  Then we have to wait until we meet her. After arriving." Ning Xia said coldly: "Master has written a bitter letter to warn me. I need to kill Gouzazhong as soon as possible and then return to the Western Region." "Take

  you with me."



  The moonlight is like water, The shadows of the trees in the courtyard are dancing.

  Xue Ling looked at Fang Bie, who was already practicing sword cutting repeatedly with a wooden sword in his hand under the moonlight, and shook his head.

  In front of her was a dim oil lamp, and stacks of thick thread-bound books cast shadows under the lamp. They were all the information she asked Sister Ping to get from the hive, about various trivial matters in the world, and celebrity information. , and even the customs and customs of various places.

  Hive's information in this regard has always been relatively complete.

  Only now did Xue Ling understand why Fang Bie was like Bai Xiaosheng in Jianghu, and he knew almost every Jianghu person's martial arts, origins and personality.

  Just like the all-pervasive investigation of Shang Jiuge's movements today, Hive really has a big net that can cover the entire world, projecting everyone's every move on this big net.

  So are you also on this network? Every time she thought about this issue, Xue Ling felt extremely anxious.

  However, it should not be there at least for now. No matter how strict the hive's intelligence is, it is still completed by individual bees. The bigger the prey, the more bees will be around it.

  A small character like Xue Ling, who is even a member of the Bees, shouldn't receive much attention.

  And how strong a memory does Fang Bie have to be able to remember all of this in his heart?

  Xue Ling didn't know, but she felt more and more how much effort Fang Bie actually put in under her seemingly indifferent appearance.

  Just like the young man who wields a sword every night, and his seemingly simple gold gloves, they are actually the finished product that Fang Biele basically worked in front of the forge for half a month.

  Xue Ling let out a long sigh.

  This operation to wipe out the Seventeen Bandits of the Yellow River was the first time that Fang Bie completely let her plan the route and battle plan. These seemed very simple. In Fang Bie's hands, it was as easy as eating and drinking soup. In front of her, the girl felt really in a hurry.

  She has always understood that there is a big gap between herself and Fang Bie.

  But now Xue Ling realized more that the gap between them was far from just their martial arts.

  Instead, he was completely crushed in all directions.

  "I'm really unhappy." Xue Ling murmured as she looked at the small black characters under the oil lamp.

  "Yeah, I need to get stronger."

  "Only by becoming stronger can you be able to help him a little."

  The girl smiled and looked at the moonlight outside the window.

  "I don't want to."

  "Be a burden."

  (End of chapter)

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