Chapter 82 Remarks on the launch

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  It took more than a month to write the main text of   Chapter 82 , but I can finally talk about other things.

  The origin of this book was when the author was working on the Caledor Knights faction in Hammer 2 in September last year. When he was very poor in ten rounds, he was thinking, I have a dragon tamer on Caledor, and I got three of them. It's not too outrageous that a Phoenix King with a giant dragon under him, full of martial virtues, and a perfectly high-spirited light, turned into a young man and a stepping stone at the end.

  Moreover, Caledor is actually more in line with our value orientation. He is arrogant and indifferent, but he is able to fight and values ​​commitment and honor. In addition, he does not get involved in the nonsense of high spirits, and the Dragon Horn and Dragon Bone Wasteland also make the intervention in the old world more reasonable. , is a good starting point.

  So I came up with the idea of ​​writing a book about Caledor. If I wanted to write about it, I would just write about it in a big way. The poor prince would be more representative, so the time was set before the Battle of Fenouir Plains.

  Then there is the golden finger. In fact, it should be given a larger number. The author dislikes the system very much. In addition, there is not much description of the golden finger, so the plot feels a bit fragmented. I will elaborate on this mask of the betrayer in the third world.

  I re-read the previous chapters, and the focus was on political struggle. This is a bit inconsistent with the common routine of writing about Warhammer, but you must pay attention to this when writing about high-precision. After all, war is a continuation of politics, and the protagonist’s IQ is equal to the author’s. IQ, Imrik's character is basically fixed. I didn't conduct a large-scale psychological description throughout the story. Most of it was analysis, and I even thought that the real protagonist was Davian.

  In fact, Davian is the real Long Aotian. He has nothing to do and just waits for the prince to arrange it. He has good equipment, meets a good teacher, enters the best academy to study, and then it is the journey of Long Aotian. This The inspiration for the character comes from DOTA. Friends who have played it must know what abilities the Dragon Knight has.

  Regarding the female protagonist issue that many friends are concerned about, how can you write about Dragon Wazi without writing about Cathay, right? However, this has to be done a little later. Judging from the current layout, even going to the Badlands to find the Dragon Horn is more complicated than going to Cathay. Reasonable. The Tai brothers have fallen, and now the world belongs to Caledor. Alarili will bring it to you, and Adira will bring it to you.

  There will be many secondary settings in the book, and Alfonso is a typical example. He brags every day about how he leads the world in high-precision art, so at least there must be a representative figure.

  In fact, the author is quite lucky. I signed a contract with Qidian for my first book. At first, I wanted to write a steampunk novel with some drama elements. I wrote half of the outline, but I felt that I couldn’t control my writing skills, so I read it. Youdao Yun discovered that the Caledor Knight whom he thought about last September is still on it.

  I started writing as soon as I thought of it. I first wrote 10,000 words and posted them directly. After the Chinese New Year, an editor was willing to take them in.

  In fact, during the writing process, the author wanted to include some personal information. I originally wanted to spend some time writing about the art exhibition, but as soon as the idea came up, I gave myself a big mouth first. The readers came to see the story, not the story. I came to see art theory, so some transformations took place. The real Long Aotian Davian began to appear. He didn’t know anything. After saying a few words casually, a big boss appeared to take him in. Then a dramatic scene appeared, which was quite I feel like Guo Jing.

  Okay, I’ve said this too much, but please subscribe. Your support is very important to the author. No one wants to use love to generate electricity for what they write. It is really difficult to persist in this way.

  It will be put on the shelves tomorrow at 12 noon, and then it will be restored to the original zero update. Five chapters will be published first, and the first order will be worth 10,000 yuan per day for five days.

  Created a book club group: 722316829. The password is the protagonist’s name
  . Please subscribe.

  (End of chapter)

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