Chapter 72 The two princes also want to make a fortune

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  Chapter 72 The two princes also wanted to make a fortune. In the

  afternoon, two uninvited guests arrived at the training ground, led by Adela.

  Adila, who was sitting on a wicker chair, looked curiously at Imrik, who was flipping through the news from various countries and seemed not worried about the upcoming competition at all. She said, "Are you really not panicked at all? You know that there are eight The silver-helmet knight of Elion who has experienced hundreds of battles."

  "No matter how many horses there are, they can only run on the ground instead of competing with the dragon for hegemony in the sky." The Dragon Prince put down the newspaper and looked at Adira beside him, Today she is wearing a yellow and white dress instead of the noble service or armor before, and she looks extremely energetic.

  The topic was interrupted by Imric's words. Princess Adira felt that whoever wanted to be her partner would be very angry. She deserved that the dragon tamer family was a one-person family, and most of the dragon princes were still frigid. Dragons are more interested than women.

  On the contrary, Aizhuo didn't pay attention to the question of whether he would win. He looked at the handicap information on the table and asked curiously, "How much did you buy?" "

  Fifty thousand gold leaf coins, win in half an hour."

  Picking up the information table on the table, Aizhuo narrowed his eyes slightly and calculated the profit, then said, "Are you really so sure? Although Bruni is very strong, he can't defeat them all in such a short time. ."

  If Imric or a high-level dragon prince were to play in person, Eljo would still think it was possible. Although it would be fine for one dragon prince to fight three, this is based on the battlefield environment. As long as he cooperates with his comrades to charge , then they will be like a spearhead that gets sharper and sharper, penetrating from the frontal position to the enemy's command post.

  But this is in a gladiatorial arena. Although the area is not small, the depth of the battle is not enough. With the charge of eight people, it is very likely that the first attack will be caused by the lance being unable to withstand attacks from several directions.

  "No one has been able to take away the golden leaf from my hand."

  Azhuo was thinking deeply. If he could make a fortune from it, the profit would be huge. There might be a handicap next, but it would definitely not be like This game, which involves the honor of the two countries, has attracted a lot of attention. If the capital pool is not enough, the odds will not be too great.

  "I will take out 30,000 gold leaves."


  When Adila heard about the 30,000 gold leaves, she spent this period of time carefully trying to dig out the money for the magic equipment from various places, and even started to do so. She came up with the idea of ​​​​a dowry prepared by her mother for her, thirty thousand gold leaves, which could buy eighty sets of magic equipment at the discounted price Imrik gave her at that time.

  Eldra said with a smile, "I believe this boy Imric has a lot of bad things in his belly. Why don't you join in?"

  Hearing his father's words, Adira was a little moved. After all, Those were a lot of gold leaf coins, so she made a move that she didn't expect. She grabbed Imrik's arm and said, "Can you really win? Don't lie to me." She turned around

  . Seeing that her eyes had turned into the shape of gold leaves, he sighed, what's going on? This woman is really getting more and more presumptuous. Could it be that Prince Long has such no prestige in the eyes of others? But I don't know what's going on. He didn’t let Adila let go either.

  "I promise that if you lose, I will give you a hundred sets of magic equipment for free."

  Adira looked at the Dragon Prince in front of her with an expression of disbelief. This Caledor Sherlock was actually willing to give away equipment. Could it be that he Being possessed.

  Next to him, Eldraine watched the interaction between the two with a smile. None of the princes in the country were reliable. Although the Caledonians had bad tempers, their abilities and character were still outstanding. He was also keen to see them. The Belkerk family often travels with the Dragon Tamer family.

  After repeated assurances, Adira finally calmed down and found that her behavior was a bit rude. She quickly let go and urged Adela, "Father, let's go and take a closer look at which place has the highest odds." See Seeing that his daughter was so active, Azrael also stood up and said goodbye, "See you in the arena then." After

  Tyrannroc and his daughter left, Imric, who was reading the newspaper, felt someone was peeking at him. He raised his head and found the dragon princes beside him. He was looking at Adira's position intentionally or unintentionally,

  and continued to lower his head regardless of their thoughts. These people are really vulgar, and they only have Slaanesh things in their minds.


  Not long after the prince and his daughter left, another father and son came, who were from Yris. Imric even wondered if this place was the palace of the Phoenix King. How could it be difficult for ordinary people to see it for decades? Prince, you are like cabbage here.

  "So you have changed your mind?" Imric said after the maid poured wine for several people.

  "Yris needs Caledor's support, but we cannot provide the training methods of Tal Gavor Knights." Eltharion stated the conditions directly. He felt that there was no need to bargain with Imric.

  From the first meeting, he knew that what Imrik really valued was not the interests, but the favorability of the situation. The training methods of the Knights of Targaivor were not necessary for Caledor.

  Looking at Iris and his son, Morarion was holding the handicap information and kept watching. It was obvious that he wanted to delegate power to Iris. His visit this time was just to show that Iris was concerned about this matter. Pay attention to.

  After thinking about it carefully, the Dragon Prince felt that the Griffin Knight was actually just a supplement. It was not a necessary unit for Caledor's combat sequence. After all, he had the dragon in his hand, so why did he care about the big bird? So he said.

  "Calledor will search for griffon eggs and chicks in the Annulian Mountains and deliver them to Yerys, but after these griffins reach adulthood, one-third of the number of Tal Gavor knights will be lost in Caledor. As long as you serve, other conditions remain unchanged." The time

  from hatching to adulthood for a griffon is expected to be eight years, and the lifespan of a griffon is close to three hundred years, but griffins are not an animal that is good at reproduction. Often only six to eight eggs will be hatched in a lifetime. These little griffons need to fight with various monsters to hone their hunting skills before they can be qualified to survive in the Annuli Mountains.

  This condition is tantamount to giving money to Iris. If the prison chief still doesn't agree, it can only declare that the cooperation has broken down. After all, his own armaments are not brought by strong winds.

  Eltharion thought about this condition carefully. Imrik did not specify how many griffins he would give. If he gave only one, it would be given. If he gave ten, it would be given.

  But he had to give one-third of his cutting-edge troops to Caledor, but Eltharion's personality was not an indecisive person, otherwise he would not have made the expedition to Nagaroth and the Badlands of the Old World.

  "Yes, Iris's standing army will go to Caledor Rest in a month."

  "Happy cooperation." At this time, the Dragon Prince also rarely showed a smile.

  After seeing Imric and Eltharion finish talking, Morarion, who was sitting next to him, suddenly interrupted and asked the same thing as Eldraine, "How much did you buy?"

  (End of Chapter)

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