Chapter 669 Everyone’s Thoughts

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  The initial exchange ended unhappily. Everyone could see that Aslay didn't want to lose at all. The competition conditions forced them to compete on horseback and archery in a complex forest area?
  Talking about testing the skills of the contestants is simply pulling down the last fig leaf.

  Imrik, who should have rejected Aslay's conditions immediately, was not in a hurry. He leaned on a chair and picked his nails with a knife and talked leisurely. It would be better to go to the crater to fight. The natural environment is also a test for the contestants.

  In air combat, I simply went to the group army. I pulled all the more than thirty dragons in my hand over and had a head-on fight to see which horn was more powerful.

  All forces are relatively confident in the original five projects, except for air combat.

  The Flameborn knight stripped off his equipment and could barely fight on horseback. He had no hope of aerial combat. If Caledora brought a few Star Dragons over, there would be no way to deal with them.

  But after Aralos stirred things up, they all lost interest and said, "If you can't afford to lose, then get out and replace Orion."

  How dare you, a coward with no courage at all, dare to be on this table?

  The meeting ended briefly, and Elvis, who was surrounded by the Flame Knights, said with a shy face why he came here.

  "Didn't you hear that Aslay was playing dirty tricks? Although I followed Sotigo, I was also a member of Caledor. I came over from Lauren Loren immediately." Edgar patted the brat's face

  . Looking over his shoulder, he said with some emotion,
  "Wycliffe has a good grandson, and your father will be proud of you."

  "It should, it should, Grandpa Edgar." Elvis smiled apologetically, but his face The pride is unabashed.

  Wiping his palms clean with a towel, Imric walked into the crowd without appreciating Elvis's actions. He said to his grandfather and grandson who were still interacting closely,
  "Edgar, you and Elvis explain our relationship with each other." Sartusa's actions."

  He then looked at the giant lizard Pakal who was teasing the guards of Charis. He squatted down and touched the white lion's head on the elf's shoulder with his fingertips curiously. He seemed to be Wondering if this thing could come to life.

  The skinks under their feet kept shaking their heads and chanting, spreading Sotek's oracle like a magic stick, letting the hot-blooded species know that the rats had nowhere to escape and would soon disappear under the attack of the Red Champions. .

  "Pakar, Gaguar, come with me."

  The sudden sound made Palka accidentally tear the white lion's head in half with his fingers. He grinned sheepishly, as if to apologize.

  Extremely skillful, he took out a leather bag from his pocket, carefully untied the rope, and asked the angry Charis elf,

  "How much compensation do you have to pay?"


  Aralos returned to the jungle and felt a sense of security. The pressure of the giant lizard was too strong. It looked like a walking monster. No, it was a monster.

  He only felt a similar aura on Orion, as if he were the incarnation of a god walking in the mortal world. Underneath his honest and vicious appearance, there was an absolutely bloodthirsty heart.

  The duel was not good for Aslay. The brave man frowned, Bretonnia could barely be considered an ally.

  But for the other three parties, the attitude of the empire can be considered relatively relaxed. Caledor and the Sotek sect are obviously on the same side, and the people in his hands are not enough to cope with the pressure from both sides.

  During the game, accidentally killing a few people, or being permanently disabled or injured, is considered normal, right?

  In the end, he secretly shook his head and thought that he had to go on the field in person. He really had no way to arm-wrestle with Imrik. He could only wait for the king to be resurrected before considering how to win this face.


  The Holy Grail Knights of Bretonnia gathered together, sleeping in the open and leaning on rocks to communicate, but no one complained about it. When seeking an oath, finding a place to rely on is considered comfort.

  Henry frowned and analyzed the changes in this duel, and found that it was already as complicated as a battlefield. If according to the point system, the five forces would fight in each event, and the one with more points in a single event would be the winner.

  So in the individual competition alone, one person will fight against four people. The fighting style and habits will be analyzed immediately and the flaws will be caught by the latecomers.

  He didn't think that the Holy Grail Knights could really conquer everything. All races had cutting-edge powers. In a competition at this level, a single mistake would mean failure.

  Archery, Bretonnia will definitely reject it. The knights disdain to use this kind of thing. Even if other forces win here, it doesn't matter. This is what the elves are good at.

  As long as they win two games, Bretonnia will win this game.

  At present, the most likely options are individual competitions and riding battles, and team riding battles should be added.

  The Dragon Prince, the Grail Knight, the Half-Gryphon Knight, the Wild Cavalry, and the unknown Lizardman Cavalry, this game may have demonstrated the military strength of each country.

  The air battle... This is a bit troublesome for Henry. Both elven forces have giant dragons, and Caledor is a kingdom famous for giant dragons. The elves with giant dragons may be more ferocious than the Flameborn knights he met today.

  Use vultures and Pegasus to touch porcelain? Somewhat unrealistic.

  But he couldn't give up. The mustachioed king thought that he should change the competition arrangement and send more people from each force to play.


  "Your Majesty, the schedule to be discussed today..." Weitz was about to raise his hand to explain that the Knights of the Half-Gryphon were responsible for the riding battle, when he was pulled back by Magnus.

  "There's no need to make a decision so early. The purpose of our coming here is not to win." "

  That's why." Weitz didn't quite understand. The duel was not for victory. Could it be that it was to be a cheerleader?

  Magnus did not blame the knight for not understanding. I am afraid that only a few people involved know the true purpose of this matter.

  The confrontation between the spokesmen, the Dragon Father, the Lady of the Lake, Kunos and Isa, was originally supposed to be a matter between these three, but he came here to express Yurik's attitude.

  You can fight if you want, but you have to follow the rules of the empire. The old world is the empire's home field.

  Although Sotek came in, according to the oracle issued by Ulric, this lizard man sect has no interest in developing the power of believers and only wants to exterminate the rat people.

  It was like showing up in front of all parties, telling the Empire, Bretonnia, and Athel Loren to stay out of their future actions in the old world.

  "Just get a victory and join in the fun of the archery project. If the wood elves propose a related behemoth competition project and let Imric compete with them, the empire will not have to do such stupid things." Almost unanimously,

  humans Fangdu chose to give up the air. The advantage of having the dragon was too huge. No one wanted to touch Caledor's strength, and the same was true for archery.

  So individual competitions, team battles, and riding battles are the important goals that the Empire and Bretonnia are targeting.

  Magnus was thinking about whether to transfer a few strong men from the Empire. He had many brave and skilled men in his hands, who had followed him all the way from the Great Holy War and had spent more than ten years in eradicating greenskins, beastmen, and vampires.

  But thinking about it, it doesn't seem necessary. Let's take a look at tomorrow's lottery first. (End of chapter)

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