Chapter 661: The Battle of Orthodoxy

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  Chapter 661: With the battle for orthodoxy
  being disrupted in this way, Imrik lost the mood for confrontation. He put his sword in its sheath, crossed his arms and provoked,

  "Okay, since you don't dare to attack me. Then. To put it another way, the embassy is holding a duel competition. If you win, I will give up my claim to this territory, but if you lose, it is best to stay away from here." "What should be the rules for participants?" Sisters of

  Thorns Although a little tempted, this was also the original goal, not only to win the duel, but also to win when trying to plunder the land of Athel Loren.

  "I won't participate. You are too weak. Maybe Orion is here, and I am still a little interested."

  With such sarcasm, even if Aslay was dissatisfied, he could only endure it. Although Teclis was very polite in speaking, he just Judging from that calm and unpredictable gaze, I am afraid that as long as he takes action, a set of magic combination skills is unavoidable.

  There is also Odd who is watching eagerly from the side, so please be patient for now.

  The maid discussed with Aralos for a while and decided that a few combat events that Asrai was good at must be added. Otherwise, it would be difficult to get benefits from just relying on individual competitions and team competitions.

  After a while, she stated the conditions,

  "Yes, but there must be more competitions. If Aslay wins the two games, it will embarrass Asul." "

  You are trying to anger me, but I don't care about the provocation of a weakling, just say it."

  "It should be added that the elves are best at archery, riding combat, and aerial combat. The time is set for tomorrow." The

  dragon princes looked at each other in confusion. If someone raised the issue to Caledor Air combat is simply asking for death. The dragon army is enough to crush any unyielding enemy.

  But the problem is that this time the prince did not bring the dragon. Instead, Etain sent a flaming phoenix as a mascot, which was still napping on the boat.

  Even if the dragon is dispatched at the fastest speed, it will take at least a few days. This is obviously to seize the current shortcomings of the ambassador.

  "Okay, although your stupid strategy worries me. The duel venue is here, but as your behavior of adding items, I need a condition." "Please tell me." Imrik raised the dragon horn from


  waist , this artifact made of dragon teeth and Yselama mithril, after thousands of years, still maintains the splendor of the past, making people understand that this is the most important symbol of Prince Caledor.

  "Orion has a Wild Hunt horn, and I have a dragon horn in my hand. Aslay dares to make it a condition."

  Dragon horn...

  There are many speculations about this artifact from the outside world, and the most recognized one is that he owns it. , which means being able to control the Caledor dragons.

  No one knows where this artifact came from. They only know that it was carried with Caledor when he was famous as a dragon tamer, and it has never been touched by outsiders.

  And this means that they have no idea that this dragon horn is just an imitation. After all, before the dragons fell asleep on a large scale, this dragon horn also achieved countless victories on the battlefield.

  The calm maid did not think that getting the dragon horn meant getting the Caledor dragons. This was obviously a blood-bound artifact that no one could use except the blood descendant of the dragon tamer.

  "I have no right to make such a decision for His Majesty Orion. What's more, I'm afraid that if Aslay gets this dragon horn, it will only be a souvenir." "That's really a pity. I'm afraid

  these three items cannot be added. ."

  "What do you want?"

  "Twigs of the Oak of Time." Imrik smiled and said the most precious treasure to Aslay, but in fact it was just a pretense to make them think that they were here. The destination of the trip is Era Oak.

  The maid was silent for a long time, and after getting Queen Ariel's consent, she finally nodded and agreed,

  "But you also have to change a condition and remove the Dexon family from the Dragon Prince."

  "Okay, then Asrai can prepare a few now. The unlucky guy has come to test Asur's strength. Let me tell you in advance, if you do things like poisoning, assassination, and sneak attacks, I may not want more territory than this." Imrik stated the threat and waved his hand

  . He signaled the crowd to disperse and prepared to find a few people to deal with tomorrow's game.

  Asrai left as quickly as he came, and the fight with Asul would probably arouse a warm welcome from many people.

  There is a nursery rhyme that sings about the relationship between elves. Don't forget our closest relatives Asul, because they are our enemies; don't forget our cousins ​​Druzi, because they are our enemies.

  The crowd did not disperse, eager to know how this game would be arranged. This was no longer yesterday's friendly match, but a duel involving racial honor. Everyone was eager to show Assur's power.

  Finally, someone with good intentions stopped Imrik, it was the Sword Master of Hoth, Basalora, who won the first game yesterday. His urgent expression, combined with the missing half of his helmet, looked a little funny. He stopped in front of Imric and said,

  "Dragon Prince, who are you planning to send to fight?"

  There was really nothing he could do about these young people, and it seemed he still didn't understand. His own style of doing things,
  "The Juggernaut of Hoth and the Guard of Charis each launched five people to end our individual competition and team competition. The Flameborn Knight will not participate. The winner will be the candidate for tomorrow's competition. The others Caledo will be responsible for the project."

  The crowd dispersed in a hurry and began to discuss with their respective leaders who to send. This was vaguely like a championship showdown, and they must not lose the limelight.

  Surrounded by the glory-hungry sword masters, Teclis's face turned red. How could his fragile body withstand the urgent questioning of a group of macho men?

  "Teclis." Imric's call saved the Supreme Mage from his embarrassing state, and handed over the decision to the second-ranking magic swordsman Ogusg. Tigris thought about the people brought out by Alfonso. It's really unique.

  Thinking that the two big men were preparing to discuss the next countermeasures, the soldiers didn't pay much attention and instead aimed at Ogusge.

  The second-ranked Demon Swordsman was not an easy elf to get along with. He held his giant sword in front of him, supported it with both hands, and said coldly,

  "I want a spot, do you have any objections?!"

  In response to this shameless move, Sword Master Hess We all looked at each other in confusion. You are the one who has been designated as the next chief magic swordsman. You are an academic master with double majors in swordsmanship and magic. Why should you come to steal this limelight?

  On the other hand, on Oud's side, the crowd seems to be much more excited, and they can't wait to all come out to eat Aslay's flesh and blood.

  Odd thought for a while and felt that he couldn't get involved in this game with an attitude of making money. Imrik didn't seem to be prepared to use gold leaf coins as a supplement.

  But if Charis works hard enough and performs well this time, future cooperation will be smoother.

  He didn't think much about it. He named a few people first, and just to be on the safe side, he specifically found Edgar who was watching a show.

  "Hey, you old guy who can't afford to lose, I want to discuss something with you."

  Edgar tilted his head arrogantly, "Get out of here, I don't like your attitude."

  Odd didn't care and directly held Edgar back. He grabbed his shoulder, forcefully pulled him, and said in his ear,
  "I didn't bring anyone to take advantage of me this time. The people under my command all use rags. They are incomparable to the Sword Master of Hoth, let alone not martial arts." Aslay, you don't want to see your old friend not even qualified for a game."

  "I heard that Caledor has a policy of exchanging merit medals for equipment. When Mikhail was the war lord, I worked for him for so many years. After all, I have to balance things out." "You and

  Imrik Go ahead." Although Edgar somewhat agreed, he still felt it was inappropriate. This was a clear attempt to trick him.

  "He doesn't recognize what happened in the past. You have made a lot of limelight with the Dragon Prince in the past few years. This equipment makes me very envious. There are not many people in your family. There must be unused merit medals. But

  you Look at Jose, how long have you known him? We have fought against Druchi together since the riot on the Broken Coast five hundred years ago, and he still has the woodcutter’s ax in his hand. He is not willing to abandon his hometown and go to Lothern, so Following my old friend like this, I have been tinkering for hundreds of years, and my life is really miserable."

  "Fuck." Edgar cursed, where did you learn this miserable skill? You were quite tough before. A little help. Neither is needed.

  "Hurry up and tell me what you want. I'll ask Val's Anvil to send it over with magic as soon as possible. Don't expect my medals to give the five of you all the exquisite equipment." Odd chuckled, quite satisfied with this begging behavior

  . , if something cheats an old friend, it’s not a cheat, it’s called a gift.

  "Are the standards of the Flameborn knight's weapons okay?"

  "You are dreaming, that is lapis lazuli. Where can I find this precious material for you?" Edgar rolled his eyes, really treating the exquisite weapon as a big deal. It’s cabbage.

  "Then it's up to you. If not, let me talk to Randy. He killed the executioner in the championship showdown back then, but I was there to cover. Wycliffe can do it, and Woodrow can do it too." "You're like this

  . Are you planning to beg for food from the entire Caledor Noble Council?"

  After talking about this, Odd also stiffened up and said with his hands on his hips, "Yes, I just beg for food. What's wrong? Back then, the two brothers were said to be poor in both the East and the West, but my son was not You will die early, Imrik is up, and you have to help Charis no matter what."

  Edgar was shocked for a moment, you said it as if Caledor owed you.

  "Okay, okay, I'll try my best to arrange something good for you, find a few people to ask for some sponsorship, and help you exchange some good things for these old brothers." (End of Chapter


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