Chapter 639 The difference between glory and now

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  Chapter 639: The difference between glory and now.
  I didn’t know that the little prince I loved most had been sold. A group of high-level officials who shocked all walks of life in Caledo gathered at a mountain villa by the sea, wondering who the speaker of the parliament was. The tendons are wrong.

  It's only been a month since the last meeting, and now it's here again. The House of Lords is really regarded as a decision-making body, and the senators can't make the final decision on state affairs.

  The most embarrassing person was Haemon. He came here with his father's former coach Agthel. He saw big shots passing by, but he was an unknown soldier who had just retired from the navy. He was simply an embarrassment to the family.

  It was still the embarrassment of a young man of Agathel's stature. He smiled and said,
  "Do you know how embarrassing it is now? At that time, your father searched for your whereabouts all over the world. In the end, he went back and forth to Caledon, but he joined the most despised navy. I We are all ashamed of Creon."

  "Isn't it too long to wait for the dragon armor? Let's practice it on the sea first." Haemon defended in a low voice. He dared to confront his father at home, but he was so angry that he didn't dare to say a word here.

  Randy, Edgar, Woodrow, Assanil, Wycliffe, Ronin, Kael'thas...

  more than a dozen of the most powerful people in Caledor sat at the long table to communicate, and those who had just entered The outstanding cronies of the villa were all left to guard the door, and only he, an unsuitable young man, entered.

  Agathel pulled up the chair next to the Speaker of Parliament and said to Haemon, who was in a daze and didn't know what to do next.
  "Don't be stupid. Find a chair and sit next to you until you can speak."

  Seeing Agathel I sat down, and the sound of everyone's communication gradually stopped. I looked at the only vacant seat. After waiting for three minutes, and after the Val Church representative still didn't take the seat, Randy said that the meeting had begun.

  The veteran didn't exchange too many greetings. The attendees were all Caledor's core personnel. Since Imric dared to tell the news about Eight Peaks Mountain, he naturally didn't worry about conveying it to the parliament.

  After detailing a series of events in the Eight Peaks Mountain, Dragon Horn, and Dragon Bone Wasteland, Randy stated the theme of the meeting,

  "We are seriously short of manpower. Should humans be included in the army?"

  The originally excited long table fell into silence. They understood the solution to this matter. Since the population of Caledor was not enough to support the minimum requirements for a military fortress, let humans enter.

  Expeditions to badlands also require a large number of troops. In terms of logistical supplies, the gadgets given by the palace are simply not enough to support them. Moreover, the local magic environment is harsh, making it difficult to use magic to transport large amounts of supplies, and professional logistics personnel are required.

  The elves would definitely not do this, so it would only fall on humans. However, the distance from the coast to the Eight Peaks Mountains and the unobstructed natural environment of the Badlands determine that the logistics force must have protective measures. In the final analysis, it is the number of people insufficient.

  Seeing that no one spoke, Randy explained some cases,
  "Our method of ruling mankind is still based on the theory of the colonies before the Great Secession. At a minimum, we provide armed forces, have some self-protection capabilities, and treat them as labor. In essence, they are no different from talking animals." Different. Imrik had previously proposed a policy to optimize education, but it stopped at primary general education. There was no Asul who wanted to teach a group of monkeys to learn knowledge. Most of the grassroots autonomous institutions were handled by students, and the higher-ups could not hear the voice of humans at all. ."

  Assaniel, who used to be a veteran adjutant, had little contact with the humans in Qingyan Port, and said doubtfully,

  "Isn't this enough? Give the monkeys food and clothing, and provide a stable living environment. All they need to pay is labor. It's thousands of times better to be in my hometown in the old world. In my opinion, recruiting a human army is not a problem. Don't those cowards in Itaien like to secretly raise human gladiators as tools for entertainment? Isn't that not a problem at all? It is impossible for them to resist."

  Assanil's words aroused some recognition, and Wycliffe further explained,
  "Using as slave cannon fodder is also a value. With human fertility, even in this expedition Why should we include tens of thousands of people in the army after we have lost tens of thousands of people, and then they can be restored to their original state after decades of waiting?" Basically

  every Caledor Assur is resistant to the idea of ​​humans entering the army. There are only so many enemies in total. If a human kills one, it means he has to kill one less. Monkeys don't need military medals and glory. The most important thing is to act as a transport team to provide supplies to the army.

  "But what we want to recruit is not a few people from the Itaien Arena, nor tens of thousands of people as slaves, but an army of tens of thousands, or even a hundred thousand. This cannot be done with just gold leaf coins and a few words. Solved." Agthel refuted his uncle's words. Although he also looked down upon humans, it was mainly because of their stupidity and short-sightedness rather than questioning their abilities.

  There is no doubt that humans are an inferior race compared to elves, but precisely because their life span is too short, they can focus on one thing in a short period of time for ten or even decades. Asur also has this ability, but the population base of both sides is only It was decided that competing with quality and quantity was not an option.

  Both sides began to express their opinions. Agthel believed that it would be okay to allow humans to join the army. He would give up some of Asur's political interests and incorporate them into the country, and give them a flashy national identity, in exchange for a group of motivated soldiers.

  Wycliffe believes that humans are too inferior and disgusting to be around. They are not worthy of entering the national system of Caledor and should be used as livestock according to tradition.

  When the argument couldn't stop, Randy looked at Luo Ning who was picking his fingernails with a knife, knowing that he must have an idea,
  "Luo Ning, tell me what you think."

  Luo Ning put down the knife, not really caring about these facts. Don’t get involved in politics when doing research. If Randy’s order hadn’t been too tough, he wouldn’t have even left the Flame Tower door.

  But it is precisely because of this that we can look at it from an objective perspective.
  "The words of Agthel and Wycliffe have some truth, but they are a bit too one-sided. First of all, let's talk about the animal theory. It doesn't matter what the situation of the elves before the Great Schism was. Say more, we control the world, but now we live on islands, so humans are needed to fill the labor gap." "

  Imric was obviously dissatisfied with the limitations of sparse population and started the colonial era again, but the world has changed from before Different, we have too many enemies to deal with, and we seem a little weak. Improving the treatment of humans and allowing them to participate in the army is an inevitable thing." Just

  when Wycliffe was about to curse, Caledo can solve all problems, but he was Several people stared and motioned for him to shut up.

  "Letting them join the army will inevitably improve their political identity and make them understand that they are fighting for Caledor and voluntarily dedicating themselves to this idea. Of course, it is too early to say this. The most important thing is a sense of identity. They understand I am a subject under the rule of the dragon's palace, not an animal in a cage. The slave army is the most unreliable. Not only does it have low combat effectiveness, it is also necessary to always pay attention to the phenomenon of resistance." "How can we ensure the loyalty of these humans

  ? ?" Assanil asked, this is the core point.

  Luo Ning smiled helplessly. These people were really brain-washed by the war. They didn't doubt Imric's motives at all.

  "Guess why it took Imric ten years to tell him about the Dragon Horn? Isn't that right?" I want to ask the parliament to hand over the reform proposal to him to prevent the people from thinking that the prince is bent on taking human beings too seriously and forcibly improving his status regardless of public opinion. He will consider the matter of loyalty. What we have to consider is how to do it in a short time Establish a human army capable of sharing the pressure of expeditions, and regulate social public opinion."

  A few damn words came out of the mouths of the dragon princes, and they vaguely felt that something was wrong. However, because they were too surprised by the dragon horn incident, they did not think about Imrik's motives for a while, and they did not expect that he was actually used as a gun.

  But there is nothing we can do about it. Even if we know Imric's motives, we still have to accept it. Who makes the legendary dragon horn so important?

  Edgar gritted his teeth and raised his hands,
  "I agree with this proposal to let humans participate in the army."

  (End of Chapter)

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