Chapter 616 The Nobility of Nehekhara

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  Chapter 616: The Nobility of Nehekhara
  "Arkhan... detected the figures of some elves, located on our left... um."

  The Tomb General, who was not very bright, spoke slowly about the possible threats on the left wing. , I don’t know whether he lived too long or forgot how to speak. The whole skeleton looked very dull.

  Arkhan remained calm and did not ask about the situation of the elves. Instead, he was concerned about this loyal subordinate who had followed him for thousands of years.

  "I know, I will adjust your thinking mode when you get back, Latin American Simon." The

  ancient man named Latin American Simon The tomb general pulled his body and drove his horse forward slowly. If it weren't for Arkhan's iconic purple-black high crown, he would have forgotten the name of his master.

  Wait, it seems that Arkhan is not my master. Shouldn't his most iconic thing be those jagged black teeth?

  The general fell into deep thought and planned to think about this issue for a hundred years.

  On the Nightmare War Horse riding side by side with the Winged Chariot, a man in cursed black armor suddenly laughed,
  "Lami Simon, I remember him. A small section of Sigma's great achievements was hammered to pieces by Gael Maraz. It's really It's hard for you to piece together the broken bones to make a skeleton." "

  He is a very good servant. What I appreciate most is his loyalty. It is worth spending energy to compensate. Servants should not abandon each other. "Arkhan's tone to Abrash was like an old friend. Not many people remember the glory of Nehekhara anymore. Except for the group of cerebral palsy kings who prostrate themselves in front of the Immortal Emperor's Palace and dream of conquering the world. The famous blood ancestor is the person with the most say.

  On a certain level, he and the blood ancestors were indeed old friends, whether they were using each other, scheming, or talking about the past.

  "Loyalty... a myth worthy of admiration." Abrash took out his sword, but he did not want to cut off Arkhan's head, but looked at his own scarlet eyes through the cold light of the sword.

  He silently spoke a Nehekhara proverb, and did not seem to care whether Arkhan answered, "The ruler of Khemri is born to be loyal. Nekaf, the herald of the Immortal Emperor, the disciple of Nagash Arkhan, who is Vashanesh?"

  Both of them knew Vashanesh's true identity. He was a branch of the Khemri royal family. After Nagash killed his relatives, he had become... The only remaining successor to Kamulikara.

  After receiving the baptism of inferior life elixir, Nagash recognized this tribesman and personally gave the blood ring that brought immortality to Vashanesh.

  "This is something worth thinking about. The Khemri royal family will always do things that are 'good' for the family. Settra dedicated his children to the gods, Nagash killed all his people, and with Vashanesh, we finally I have seen the consequences." Arkhan still dealt with Ablash with words. After Morukan was destroyed by the Blood Queen's ambition, the Blood Dragon Ancestor would not be loyal to anyone.

  He has a very clear understanding of this warrior. Since he cannot recruit him, he should not be his enemy. No one knows the true strength of Ablash now, so caution is a good choice.

  "It is undeniable that Manfred has never used the name of the son of Vashanesh. This may be a good thing for us. At least Nehekhara's nobility has not been insulted by inferior means." Abolash He also smiled, stopped observing the scarlet eyes, and put the sword back into its sheath.

  He had heard something about Manfred in the past. He was completely different from his brother Conrad. He was an out-and-out utilitarian. Sylvania, which originally lived a relatively stable life under Vlad's rule, experienced these two events. The brothers' torture has completely turned into hell on earth.

  Coupled with the action of offering the battle flag just now and using several long-dead elf warriors to disgust the enemy commander, Abolash knew that even if he had a duel with the dragon prince, as long as there was a chance, Manfr Red would never miss it.

  So the Blood Ancestor lost interest and returned to the place belonging to Nehekhara with the Blood Dragon Knight who was originally on the side of the vampire army. At least Arkhan, in addition to stubbornly abiding by Nagash's will, can also be regarded as a Nehekhara noble, completely different from the barbarians who came from the empire.

  "He is a jackal driven out of the desert, but so are we." Arkhan's tone was natural, but the soul fire in his eyes swayed slightly, perhaps expressing his true feelings.

  "But there are always people who dream of returning to the pyramid temple built of gold and marble, dominating everything in the desert and even the world. The servants' advice is like a clown, and the master's will is above all else." After finishing his words, Abolash rode his horse. Galloping forward, he had already seen the blazing sun battle flag made of strange materials.

  He had fought against the elves several times, and he did not think that Imric would die on the battlefield. If that was the case, he would take this opportunity to find the lizardman champion.

  This exchange with Arkhan is just a reminder of one thing: Don't forget the bottom line because of losing too many lives.

  Arkhan watched the nightmare horse trample the bodies of several Nehekhara skeletal warriors, and raised his staff without any trouble to revive them and continue marching.

  The Lich King, who has matured into a mature man, naturally knows the warning in Ablash's words. At least in this war, the opponent found by the Blood Dragon Ancestor will never be allowed to interfere even if his own side fails.

  "Arkhan, get it, the codex..."

  The voice coming from the black pyramid made Arkhan sigh in his heart. He could only pray that the lizard people were not as powerful as they thought, otherwise even if they got the Book of Nagash, they would have to fight with him next. A champion warrior famous in the ancient legends of various races is his enemy.

  The winged chariot floats in the air, and the magic fluctuations it spreads appear extremely illusory, which may be just like the owner's current mood.


  The lizardmen facing Nehekhara's shining army looked extremely calm, and the Sun Battle Flag was firmly held in the hands of a scarred veteran riding a tyrannosaurus.

  Under the body of the Tyrannosaurus is a whole team of Holy Infants. The brass-scale lizards blessed by Kotech exude a slightly warm temperature, and combined with the effect of the Burning Sun Battle Flag, the surrounding soldiers can still maintain a suitable body feel even if they are located in cold land. .

  The first row of absorbing warriors holding spears walked silently. Between the rows were the Ankylosaurus carrying the resurrection crystal and Hethiotar's signature sun engine.

  The body of the ancient Triceratops is still very eye-catching even among thousands of troops, especially the red-scaled beast carrying an extra-large siege weapon, which is much larger than its other compatriots.

  Ku Ga looked at the skeleton army in the distance without any trouble, even though there were dog-headed statues with the size of monster infantry mixed in among them, a black giant scorpion that could swallow hot-blooded species, an extra-large skeleton holding a giant bow, and a weird big cat made of black marble. , and two Titans who were specifically named.

  There is still no panic. Now, these skeletons are being used as preparations for marching into the Southland later.

  (End of chapter)

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