Chapter 575 Blade Lord

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  Chapter 575: Blade Lord
  Oliveira opened the wooden box and found a large sword with barb serrations in the middle placed on red silk. Unique magic ripples flowed from the hilt to the tip, shining on the sword body. The light refracted into his eyes, and his vision became a little dazed.

  There were only three things in the wooden box. Compared with the big sword and the scabbard, Oliveira was more concerned about the golden dragon wing badge on the top.

  He looked up at Imric in disbelief, his tone full of self-doubt and uncertainty,
  "Prince, are you sure you want to give me this medal? This, this is..."

  "Well, this is for You have received the best award of honor. Keep working hard. I have high expectations for you. By the way, come to my residence at four o'clock in the afternoon. You have a task." He patted Oliveira who was in doubt about his life

  . shoulder, thrust the sword into his arms, and Imrik strode away with a hearty laugh.

  Many years ago, I would have doubted whether Asul had an absolutely loyal soul, but there seemed to be some trace of the ancient past in him.

  Watching Imrik leave, Oliveira reached out several times to touch the golden dragon wing badge, but was unable to do so several times.

  This is an honor that a commoner can never obtain. Gold is the exclusive color of Caledor's royal family. Usually only the most outstanding Dragon Prince can receive this award, but now he is just a rural noble... "Do

  n't It's a waste of time, this is the prince's reward for you, you have no right to refuse." Creon's cold voice brought Oliveira back to her senses, she took a deep breath and did not touch the badge immediately.

  He took the wooden box with both hands, thanked the captain of the guard, and signaled to leave first.

  He was going to discuss it with his old boss. Although he did not doubt whether the prince's kindness was ulterior motives, the reward was too sudden and hard to believe. It was no exaggeration to say that as long as the Dragon Wings badge did not disappear, his family's will receive special attention from the palace.

  After gently knocking on the door and receiving the agreed instructions, Oliveira walked in and looked at Masnot, who was still flipping through the books.

  But Masno still didn't raise his head and continued to read this book with the mysterious legend of Kislev.

  The secret guardians are indeed very interesting. A group of old women who stay in the forest and associate with wild beasts will come to rescue the enemies who harm the motherland in times of crisis. They are the protectors of the oppressed. It is said that every place with shadows will has its existence.

  In order to enhance the credibility, several scrawled simple figures were depicted on the book, with a huge figure with a bone-white deer head, and antlers like dry tree trunks winding toward the sky.

  More like beastmen than guardians of civilization.

  He felt very ridiculous, as expected, there would always be mysterious speculations about wizards in the land of ignorance.

  If there really are guardians, why are there no traces of the Great Holy War and the Vampire War?

  "What brings you, a busy man, to come to me specifically? You know, I don't have any power now. I'm just a mascot."

  Regarding Masno's self-deprecation, Oliveira also smiled knowingly. To be honest, Caledo The champion warrior is indeed a bit of a mascot, and most of the time he is wiping the dragon lord's butt.

  Now that the prince has arrived, the decision-making power on many things is not controlled by Masnow.

  "The prince just rewarded me."

  "Isn't this a good thing? With the prince's habits, he will definitely give you a good weapon. I never expected that you can actually use that rag. After persisting for so long, it’s really hard for a rat to have to cut off a few pieces of flesh before he dies.”

  Masino’s casual perfunctory did not surprise Oliveira. Based on his understanding of champion warriors, in non-war conditions, he is Ka The humorist with less Ledo.

  "But the prince also gave me something."

  Oliveira placed the wooden box on the table, took out the golden dragon wings, and held them carefully in his hands, as if he was afraid of being crushed if he exerted force.


  Masnuo looked up, rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, "Turn over the back and take a look. There are inscriptions on the back of this kind of dragon-wing badge, which is the palace's appreciation of its achievements. We usually use this As a title."

  Opening the back, Oliveira couldn't understand the inscription on it, so he could only rely on his knowledge of language to vaguely spell, "Eternal, unchanging, solidified..."

  Masnot closed the book and prepared for the next time. Think again about the Hidden Guardian.

  The inscription should be written in court language or ancient elven language. It is also necessary to find a teacher to guide the soldiers in learning court language to avoid making a fool of themselves in some sacrificial occasions. Not wanting to see Oliveira guessing the meaning of the inscription again, Masno spread his hands and said,

  "Show me."

  Oliveira, who had his badge taken away, looked aggrieved. Why was his old boss so rude? Aren't you afraid that this precious item, which is only half a finger thick, will be damaged?

  Masnuo swore a few words, "How can a golden dragon wing become like this? How can he conquer the world with him in the future?" Then he looked at the badge, and his eyes immediately shrank, looking very surprised.

  "Why, does the meaning of this inscription not work?" Oliveira questioned a little, then lowered his head and sighed, "Oh, I am still a loser." "No,

  this is too good. Do you know Mr. Randy? What is his title?"

  Oliveira recalled the deeds of the previous champion warrior and said with some confusion,
  "The Executioner Butcher?"

  "Yes, that was the title he got after killing a Hargansi Executioner Champion. My title is The Scourge of the Betrayer and the Avengers were obtained by killing Julian Poison Blade, and you..." Masno hesitated a little, and couldn't help but look at Oliveira and the badge in his hand, seeming to be in doubt. It feels like the difference is too big.

  "What is it? My old boss, please stop telling me."

  "Fearless Blade."

  "This, this..." Oliveira also fell into doubt. This must be a title given to a non-commissioned officer, not a military officer. A hero who has been famous for a long time?

  Masnuo also sighed with emotion. He didn't expect that the prince would value this guy so much. Such an inscription could be arranged. If other dragon princes knew about it, I'm afraid the dragon palace would send a long team to start fighting with Ollie the next day. Vera has more military exploits.

  Fearlessness praises his character, and the sharp edge shows that he is unstoppable. With both meanings, it is an honor that is extremely difficult to obtain.

  "I'm a little envious of your title, but you have to remember one thing."

  Oliveira regained her composure, "Say."

  "Although the prince gave you the badge, as a civilian born into a military noble, There is no matching flag, the reputation has been given to you, but you need to fight for the matching power. This is a great expectation, and it is also a great pressure. Do you understand what I mean? How to get worthy of this title Your identity is what you will do next."

  "Blade Lord..."

  Masno snapped his fingers, "Yes, Blade Lord, Caledor did not have this title before, but in your case, I It seems that I have seen a little possibility. The prince has given you a unique promotion channel, without having to compete with the dragon prince, to build an army without dragons."

  "This is really an exorbitant expectation." Oliveira was a little bitter. There were only a few Blade Lords in Ulthuan, and all of them were people with excellent martial arts and command. Legend has it that they just blew a whistle, and the enemy was already dead. Landed.

  He couldn't even imagine this kind of strength, not to mention that he could only be a captain of a thousand men at most, and he had no experience in commanding large-scale battles at all.

  As if he had guessed what his men were thinking, Masnuo also rarely comforted him,

  "Don't worry too much. The strength of those blade lords is actually not bad. As soon as the whistle blows, their heads fall to the ground, and the sword blades they look at Qi Ming is all made by bad poets. With your ability to kill the Blade Lord, it is actually not inferior. There is no need to consider other aspects, but command experience requires actual combat training. There is currently no place in the country suitable for you to practice. , you know."

  Masno's expression was a little subtle. He really didn't expect the prince to have such high expectations for the Great Swordsman. When the Pattu Newin's Claw was originally established, it was positioned to do dirty work, but it actually happened. A nice character.

  Oliveira immediately understood that the only place where there was a possibility of fighting now was Anaheim. If he wanted to gain a reputation that matched that of the Fearless Blade, he seemed to have no choice but to go there.

  His expression also began to become subtle. He felt that this was a collusion between the prince and the champion warrior to drive him to Nagaroth. Now he had more reason to follow his old boss.

  "Understood, when the Giant Horned Viper doesn't need me, I will go to Nagaroth immediately." "

  Well, very good, this is the Oliveira in my impression." Masno was quite satisfied, if Having a Blade Lord under you can relieve a lot of pressure.

  He rolled his eyes and focused on the wooden box, "Show me the sword. If it's a piece of junk to fool you, I'll change it for you right away. Don't be around during the next truce. Stay here, giant horned viper, I will give you a private lesson."

  (End of this chapter)

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