Chapter 555 Martyrs

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  Chapter 555: The martyr's

  sword struck the long sword, making a clanging sound of metal colliding, and then pushed it away.

  The sharp blade cut through the vampire's pale skin, bulging blood vessels, and hard spine.

  A head fell at Rascal's feet, still maintaining his original smile.

  The effect of this blow was unbelievable to the general. If someone said that an opponent who had fought fiercely for hundreds of rounds without making any progress was suddenly decapitated by a slash, it would only be considered bragging.

  Prokin's head fell to the ground and opened its mouth. This was just a habitual action. Without the instigation of the vocal cords, it was impossible for the creature to speak.

  But as a vampire driven by the wind of magic, he always has a way to express what's on his mind.

  "Raskol, pay attention to Mazov, he may also become a martyr. We... shouldn't sacrifice so many."

  The vampire's voice was very hoarse, as if he had used up the last bit of energy in his life to explain his last words.

  He groped around in his arms with his arms, took out an iron box and handed it to the general, dispelling the wind of death from his body and restoring the long-dead body to its original appearance.

  This made Raskol feel sad. He looked at the head that he wanted to crush with his feet, and felt endless absurdity in his heart.

  The last stain on the Patriot Army was erased. Prokin, who had betrayed his brothers, and his men were all killed, and the high-ranking vampire knights became the general's trophies.

  Those mortal troops sent to the front line were loyal believers of the Tsar. Even if the Patriot Army gained the title of savior, they would still be suspicious of them.

  Prokin bought two years for the Patriot Army in the city of Kislev, instead of being sent to Prague to be consumed by Chaos as soon as he returned to his motherland.

  He was willing to become a despised traitor just because he wanted to make his country what he wanted.

  "My brother, you are a real hero." Raskol lowered his head and looked at the already stiff Plokin's head. He chose to bear the guilt to make the Patriot Army a force that could truly dominate Kislev, instead of Is a warlord who appears briefly.

  After losing the support of magic, the black mist gradually dispersed. Everyone onlookers saw that the general had killed the traitor, and the corpse and head lying on the ground were a glorious trophy.

  Rascal silently raised his right foot and stepped hard on Prokin's pale face. After a crisp explosion, the vampire knight, who was resented by countless people, turned into pieces scattered around.

  It would be a great insult to feel sorry for someone who has become enlightened.

  I don't know who started the first chant, chanting the names of the Patriot Army and the generals.

  "Long live the General! The Patriot Army will win!"

  The Flaming Eagle flag was raised so high for the first time. This remarkable result undoubtedly inspired the fighting spirit of all soldiers and launched an even more fierce attack on the enemy.

  As slogans rang out, Rascal looked up at the bloody bear flag on the central square. No matter what, the source of so many sacrifices was the Empress Catherine who took the initiative to embrace the kiss of blood. Since hatred cannot disappear on its own, Then let it continue forever until one side is completely destroyed.

  "Stop the advance!"

  The general's words had an effect. When they were still some distance away from the central square, the fanatical soldiers began to arrange their formations in an orderly manner.

  "Snake's Nest, target the end of Street No. 4, bombard with artillery and bombing with the bloody bear flag as the center. Repeat, bomb and bomb with the end of Street No. 4, with the giant bear flag as the center." The general's words were full of determination, and Prokin's self-sacrifice gave He was greatly shaken. Death is not terrible, but what is terrible is death that is not understood. And this secret will only be known to a few two people.

  "Snake Nest received it. The solar engine is being charged. It is expected to be launched in fifteen seconds. The cluster bombs are ready. Be careful to hide." As soon as the words

  fell, two sharp whistling sounds rose from behind. Technology plus elf magic, The power of this kind of artillery was unimaginable. When it flew over the heads of the human positions in an arc, the sound of shedding shells popped out.

  Hundreds of fist-sized explosives are centered on the mother bomb, forming a cone-shaped diffusion range. These specially improved little guys are only slightly more powerful individually than grenades, but their continuous covering explosions are enough to clean them up. Many miscellaneous soldiers.

  The explosion caused by the two cluster bombs lasts very short, but the concentrated explosion in a short period of time makes the sound extremely harsh. Most of the explosives will explode when they fall on the ground, but some are processed and will explode on the top of the lucky person's head.

  Even an undead creature would find it difficult to continue moving if its upper body was blown to pieces.

  Many creatures lurking in dark corners were blown out of sight. The blood knights waiting on the flanks to attack, the ghost engines with unknown objects, and the huge bloodthirsty manta wolves... were ordered by Plokin

  . , these units that pose a high threat to the formation are placed on the second line, waiting for the Patriot Army to consume most of their ammunition before launching an attack.

  But it is a pity that the commander who arranged this matter has died suddenly, and these deliberately arranged creatures will not end well.

  The Sun Engine targets the Nether Engine that threatens the most. The magic chariot that always emits evil power will corrode the souls of the living nearby, and finally turn them into puppets waiting for enslavement.

  But for the undead, this evil power is nourishment, which can nourish it and make it even more terrifying.

  These terrifying magic chariots are so rare that only the Nikolaich family owns many of them. They are the absolute core of the battlefield for vampires.

  The Patriot Army lacks effective counter-magic means, and the sacrifice threshold of the Blood Pyramid has not yet reached the standard.

  A bright beam of light with a diameter of several meters passed above the head of the position. Many people felt that their hair had been set on fire when it appeared. The hot shelling was not only frighteningly bright, but the high temperature it passed along the way was also a deadly weapon.

  The laser cannon directly hit a Nether Engine, and the magic shell did not effectively protect it. Under the power of the Ancient Saint's technology, it turned into a mass of nothingness, and not even ashes could remain.

  As a personal guard, the Tomb Guard did not end well either. The area covered by the aftermath of the Sun Engine turned into a sea of ​​fire.

  Priest Juan on the snake's nest rubbed his chin, and a magic device like an eyeball on his shoulder was rotating constantly, as if he was observing the battlefield situation for its owner.

  Seeing the champion warrior on the tower turn his gaze here, the priest bowed slightly to show respect.

  The church generally does not get involved in disputes over political ideas, especially the previous high priests, who are extremely shy about politics. Except for the prince's succession ceremony, it is almost impossible to see him in the palace.

  But the church is made up of people, so there will naturally be differences.

  Juan believed that it was impossible for the parliament to accept magical thermal weapons, so he could only set his sights on the champion warrior.

  Nagaros' resources are enough for him to complete many of his ideas, but in order to ensure that the human army can only serve as servants, many equipment must leave backdoors.

  A priest who is proficient in blacksmithing, engineering machinery, and is involved in magic is the focus of Masnow's attention this time.

  (End of chapter)

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