Chapter 544 The game between the dragon princes

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  Chapter 544 The Game between the Dragon Princes
  Oliveira left the Snake Nest with the Blood Dragon Brotherhood and was a little curious. She couldn't help but look at the two particularly clumsy cannons beside her.

  After learning that he was sent to the Patriot Army to briefly serve as fire support, he immediately lost interest. Juan tinkered with a lot of things, but it was very impractical for a traditional elf.

  Compared to gunpowder and magic, Oliveira would rather believe in the sword behind her.

  Waving goodbye to Dettlaff, he came to the location of the embassy and planned to report to his superiors. So far, he had not received any retirement statement. He was only allowed to temporarily put down his military duties in the name of a leave of absence.

  After knocking on the wooden door a few times, Oliveira easily saw Masino playing military chess with Creon. His past habits made him choose to stand next to him, but what he waited for was just the expressions of the two of them.

  "Just like I guessed, he must know the difference in status." Creon expressed his appreciation for Oliveira. After all, knowing that superiority and inferiority are necessary in the palace.

  But Masnow was noncommittal about this. The hierarchy did safeguard the interests of many people, but it also overshadowed many outstanding people.

  The idea of ​​Imrik and him was to allow the common people to have the power to fight against the nobles as soon as possible. For the elves, two hundred years actually passed in a flash. Caledor must be able to stimulate vitality, social status and interests. That's the biggest need.

  "Sit down first. You are now on leave and cannot abide by military rules at all times."

  But the aura of the two of you does not dare offend me. Holding back what she wanted to say, Oliveira put down her sword and sat on the sofa next to her, waiting quietly for the officer to finish the chess game.

  "So the Giant Horned Viper encountered something interesting. I hope it won't be some bloody plot. An elf prince or princess from distant Ulthuan fell in love with a human and was willing to wait for his death for a long life and guard this human. Lie in the coffin."

  Oliveira and Creon smiled at the same time. Masnot's words were a metaphor for some novelists in the empire. Who can stop such literary creations to gain attention.

  "In fact, no. In the past two years, we have been fighting jointly with various knights in the north of the empire. Most of the contacts with the Elector are done by Elvis." "Of course it is him, otherwise Althea

  will Facing a group of lustful monkey nobles, if Agtheel knew that his daughter was fantasized by a group of monkeys, Anaheim's generals might have to be replaced again." Creon glanced at Masno without leaving any trace, and it turned out that The current situation in Upper Caledo is also a bit complicated. After the expansion of the land area, some hidden problems have gradually emerged.

  According to tradition, the Natural Dragon Tamer family is the unquestionable leader, but the sparse palace makes it difficult for it to have direct control over various regions. In addition, all the family heads are warriors, so regional autonomy is mostly delegated to various council members. MP.

  There are only two places under the direct control of the prince now, the capital Tal Kaled and Qingyan Port. Tal Windhowling City is regularly governed by Harandur and Adonis in turns. Vaal Anvil is the home of the church.

  Caledor Sanctuary was rebuilt, and a power void emerged in occupied Anaheim.

  The military fortress near Lothern has Tal Khaled noble Assanil as its general, and it has not yet been determined who the overall leader of Anaheim is.

  As a noble from Windhowling City, Creon naturally hopes that Agathel or Edtelis will serve as the general. This not only means great power and honor, but the resources of Nagaros will also have priority in entering Windhowl. Xiaocheng.

  But the prince's vague intention is probably to let Masnuo form an army alone abroad in the name of a champion warrior, and completely decentralize military and political power.

  "This general's position is not easy to sit in..." Masnuo shook his head and sighed, the soldiers in his hands stagnating in mid-air.

  He knew Imrik's plan very well. In an absolutely urgent situation, such as the Witch King reorganizing Druzi, something controlled by the gods suddenly appeared, and an expeditionary force must go to the Badlands to retrieve the Dragon Horn.

  "Forget it, this kind of thing should be considered by the gentlemen of the Parliament. The status of the two of us is not enough to sit on that chair." Masnot stopped Creon's questioning, raised his sword, and the soldiers fell down, indicating that this The chess game was won.

  After losing the chess game, Creon reviewed the game in his mind for a while and found that every step was calculated. The first two soldiers that were eaten were intentionally sent out by Masnot as bait.

  "You played well. I can see that you are much calmer than before, and you are no longer so impatient when playing chess." "It's just a trivial change. Everyone knows that you like to use the queen to step forward to attract the attention of the knight."

  " I don't like the queen. It's too powerful and obscures the light of other chess pieces. Since the opponent is afraid of it, I don't mind using the queen as a bait." "It's a very good idea. This is indeed one of the meanings of the queen's existence. As the most important thing, I don't like the queen

  . The sharp sword went out to attract all the attention to ensure the safety of the king."

  Oliveira, who could not figure out what riddle the two dragon princes were playing, chose to remain silent. He did not think that the superior would be overly concerned about the fact that he had won. Elaborate more, the winner does not need to explain, and the loser has no right to ask. This is the normal state of Caledor.

  Stopping a discussion with Creon about the meaning of a champion warrior as queen, Masno began to give Oliveira his briefing.

  He received some vague information indicating that Lauren Loren Forest had been in contact with giant horned vipers. Combined with the prince's subsequent actions, it was necessary to understand the dynamics of these wood elves in the north of the empire.

  "Aenil..." Oliveira hesitated for a while, but still felt that he needed to explain, "That's what these elves call themselves. They are more in line with the elf society than imagined. When I was preparing for the work, I got to know Aspen. There are quite a few differences."

  Huh? These words surprised Masno and Creon. If Caledor's attitude towards Aslay was probably just a little higher than that of human monkeys, he would be taking advantage of the elven race.

  "To be more specific, I am somewhat interested in these colonists from six thousand years ago."

  Oliveira thought for a long time and finally said something that surprised him the most.

  "They are not wearing bark."

  Masno covered his face and felt a little embarrassed, but Creon couldn't help laughing. This prejudice is really serious, thinking that the wood elves are really barbaric monkeys wearing bark.

  "Their clothing retains a lot of Asur style. From my observation, it is more influenced by Avalon. The maid responsible for Princess Enil's security is a bit like the maid of the Eternal Queen." "Continue, so you

  met We have arrived at the princess of Enil."

  "Well, when we were encircling and suppressing the beastmen, we met Marest, the princess of Enil. When he was a descendant of Caledor, he made an impossible request, hoping that Caledor would send dragons to settle in Tor Litanel's Dragon Tower." "

  This is really a reasonable request." Masno and Cro Ryan looked at each other. If the princess faced the prince, her legs would be broken and thrown out before she finished speaking.

  There is not even a single giant dragon in the Phoenix Court Navy fleet. Enil, who has lived in the old world and has been independent for four thousand years, is still delusional about such a thing.

  Oliveira scratched her face and was a little confused, but she still gave her analysis, "I think this princess said this after knowing Elvis's identity. She felt that with the influence of the Hallandur family, Enough to bring a dragon in.”

  "Furthermore, she seems to have some strange ideas about Elvis, and invited her to Enil's palace as a guest."

  Creon was furious. Any strange ideas were simply because of the influence behind Elvis, so there is no doubt about it. said to Oliveira in a tone of voice.

  "Don't be too ridiculous to stop this from happening. The prince's marriage to Princess Tyronnock has already caused a dispute over bloodline theory. Elvis's lineage can be traced back to the founding of the country, and his ancestors were nobles who first fought against the dragon. The unquestionably pure dragon prince must not marry the descendants of some refugees."

  (End of this chapter)

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