Chapter 542 Three Directions

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  Chapter 542:
  Seven hundred knights in three directions...

  This number made Rascal frown. The number of imperial knights was actually much more than imagined, because it was selected through the promotion of the knights instead of Whether one can become a knight is determined by birth.

  Compared with Bretonnia's rules that determine the status of the kingdom's knights based on territory, the Imperial Knights are undoubtedly much more relaxed, and civilians also have access to promotion.

  In terms of combat effectiveness, on average, the Imperial Knights are on the same level as the Knights of the Kingdom of Bretonnia. At this time, everyone is still a mortal, and the comparison is about skills, strength and equipment, not some mysterious blessings.

  But if Bretonnia wants to compete with the Empire with the Holy Grail Knights, I am afraid that some religious knights will not show weakness. The inner ring knights with half-griffon mounts, divine blessings, and dwarf full-body plate armor will not necessarily lose. The Holy Grail, the Knights of Tar's Wrath, all half gryphon knights, is the best example.

  "The number of you is somewhat beyond my imagination, but it is enough." The general changed the subject and explained the strength in his hands, "I have 2,200 elite brother guards in my hands, and 16,000 can go to the battlefield. soldiers. In order to keep the recruits' fighting spirit, most of the former are dispersed in the corps in the form of small teams. There are only 400 people who can form an absolute elite. Mazov's commando team, Lermontov's heavy firepower team, and my Generals and guards."

  Humans turned their attention to the elves. The best result would be to kill an army of Dragon Princes and push them directly from the port to the city gate. The worst result would be that the Flameborn Knights would not be able to do their job, and Mas Nou stayed behind as a deterrent.

  "There are only three hundred people in Caledor, my guards, and the soldiers of the embassy." With

  this answer, Raskol remained calm. He knew that the elf must have some plans and did not want the flame knight to enter the battlefield too quickly, but he insisted on Despite his previous promise, he still acquiesced to this matter.

  At least the giant horned viper is working hard, and there are no mistakes in the responsible place.

  When it was the turn of the frank disclosure, Elvis was too embarrassed to continue to hide the power he held in his hands. Everyone thought that this newly established knights might lack the background, but only the Grand Master knew what the actual situation was.

  After all, the snake god prophet gave too much.

  "In addition to the one hundred knights and nine hundred retinues of the giant horned viper, there is also a group of giant lizard guards sleeping in the snake's nest, numbering forty." After the great mentor finished speaking, Gaguyar also

  said I would like to add, "There are also vampires who just joined the club yesterday. Their strength is also very good, hiss~."

  Vincent was a little confused about the situation. Standing on the left was the religious force of the lizard people. Although he was extremely interested in this mysterious race. Strange, but some basic concepts are still there. How can a vampire join the Sotek Cult?
  "Are the vampires you are talking about the same as those outside with fangs and bat wings?" If this is the case, Vincent needs to re-evaluate the lizard people and turn them into vampires? This world is really crazy.

  "That's right, hiss~." Geng Zhi made the Skink Priest nod in agreement, not paying attention to the increasingly cold aura of the Mor Knight. Maybe he didn't care about this temperament at all. There are too many lizard warriors with this kind of strength. .

  "Don't be excited, knight of the empire." Masnow raised his palm slightly, making Knight Morr pause. The black skull helmet turned around and stared at the elf.

  The damage caused by vampires to the empire far exceeds the imagination of other races. In addition to guarding the peace of the dead, the most important commandment of the Morr Knights may be to eliminate all blasphemous undead.

  "The Blood Serpent Brotherhood has entered the Sotek sect, which means that from a religious perspective, they need to obey Elvis, the person in charge of the old world designated by the snake god prophet, not to mention that Raskol is undoubtedly more powerful than you. There is reason to execute them."

  Creon sneered, "Masno, I find that you have become more and more merciful recently. If a monkey is messing around in front of you, your reaction is to stop it." "It's just

  a kind reminder, just a warning. Based on the current situation." Masnow put down his palm. The influence of the blue anger made him more powerful, but his mind became more kind. At least he was willing to stop some unwarranted disputes. "Let the people from the Blood Serpent Brotherhood come in. In a sense, these people are really lucky." The champion warrior waved his hand, indicating that Elvis should first ask Dettlaff not to wait outside. suspicion will only arouse greater distrust on both sides.

  A suitable fight will bring each other back to the brothers they once were.

  Dettlaff and Harland walked in. After hesitating for a long time, they chose to stand behind Elvis. It was Sotek who gave them a chance to be reborn. Faith has no borders, but believers do. They only hope that the sect will not compete with them. Conflict arose in the Patriot Army.

  After understanding the general situation, he handed over his fate to the general,

  "The Blood Serpent Brotherhood has one hundred and fifty people who are willing to obey your orders, but they lack suitable weapons. Although the equipment used in the past is excellent, it is no longer suitable for transformation." We become vampires."

  "The problem of weapons will be solved by the sect. There is a small forge on the Snake Nest, and Priest Juan can temporarily modify it. It should be able to cope with it for a while." "That's no problem, the Blood

  Snake Brotherhood is willing Accept all tasks, just like before."

  Rascal just nodded slightly at his words of loyalty. These brothers who turned into vampires still need to be observed for a long time. He thought a lot about the Blood Serpent Brotherhood, such as relying on Sotek to With his belief in the immortality of the undead, he became the ruler of the dark side of Kislev.

  But the task at hand is how to defeat the enemy, not thinking about human nature.

  The general pointed at the sand table and drew three arrows on it with a wooden stick. He pointed at the largest one first and said, "Street 4 must be controlled so that the port can be directly connected to the central square, and our military power can be directed towards Spread in all directions."

  "The Patriot Army will be in charge here. The First Army and the Second Army will all be engaged in the battle on Street 4 and advance to the central square regardless of casualties."

  He glanced at Masno, who was standing with his arms crossed, " Iron Wolf, I need his magic support. The direct trajectory of the artillery makes it difficult for the Patriot Army to clear out the enemies hiding in the dark." After receiving a nod of

  agreement, he continued to point to the arrow below, "The Giant Horned Viper needs to advance towards the civilian area. Try your best to find possible survivors. I don't care whether these buildings can survive, but effective forces must be allowed to enter the Patriot Army." "

  Oster Territory needs to stop the enemy on the right, and divide half of the knights to cover the flanks of Street 4. The Third Army will assist you in your mission."

  Elvis thought for a while and came up with an idea, "In fact, the Snake Nest has long-range strike capabilities. I have observed in advance that the right side of Street No. 4 is blocked by buildings. Let the field of vision be a little narrow. If you can get the snake nest close to the dock and blow up the buildings on the right side of the street, the ship-based artillery can provide support for you, and as long as you fight to your heart's content, the blood pyramid can also help resist the vampire's magic."

  The Snake Nest is close to the dock, which means that destroying the dock where it is located will be a huge expense, and rebuilding it will be a huge expense. It has only been ten years since the last large-scale reconstruction of the port. If it happens again, it will probably be a huge blow to the finances.

  But the general gritted his teeth and decided to do it. The country was about to die, and he was still thinking about financial problems. He later recruited 20,000 people to work as mercenaries for Caledo. As long as he got through this, there were many ways to rebuild.

  "Clear the artillery firing range as soon as possible. I need to know the specific coverage and strike capability. What is the threshold of help provided by the Blood Pyramid? This also requires clear data." (End of this chapter


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