Chapter 513 "Snake Nest" attacks

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  Chapter 513 "Snake's Nest" Attack

  War is a continuation of politics, and from a certain perspective it is.

  The amount of energy required to conduct a war is countless, and the problem can only be solved after paying a heavy price. However, politics only requires reasonable planning and coercion to get what you put in the war.

  The Patriot generals who were studying in Caledo may still have this idea. After all, they are all Kisli ladies. Even if the Tsarist court and the Orthodox Church find it difficult to meet the reasonable needs of the mercenaries, there is always room for negotiation.

  But facing the vampires, he only wanted to say one thing... Fuck your mother's politics, I will pluck the wings of these vampire bastards and feed them to the chaos barbarians.

  On the cleared No. 4 Street in Erengrad, artillery from both sides were constantly calibrating their ballistic trajectories to unleash the flames of war on the enemy. A total of sixty artillery pieces were thrown into this narrow street, and the 100-meter-wide road was filled with debris. The passage of stone and rubble, only a kilometer long, was like a chasm, neutralizing any offensive from both sides.


  Cannons, muskets, bows and arrows, repeating crossbows, slings, long as they can be found at hand, all the projectile weapons are being fired towards the streets.

  Plokin, who commanded the tsarist army, did not dare to let his elite soldiers attack with artillery. He knew the power of these large-caliber gunpowder weapons, and he could not let the soldiers advance around the dilapidated houses where the scorched earth policy was implemented. These seemingly harmless weapons There must be a lot of explosives in the ruins.

  He and his subordinates who obeyed the female tsar were familiar with the fighting methods of the Patriot Army, but this did not mean that others were familiar with it. At least in the case where he only submitted to the female tsar as a mercenary, many people doubted whether this behavior Too much delay.

  After all...the people on the other side of the street are just mortals, lacking the help of gods and magic. Supported only by gunpowder and human will to fight, Midnight's Sons can tear them apart without any pressure.

  Standing on the top of the onion tower of the church, Prokin looked with keen eyes at the flaming eagle flag of the Patriot Army blown by the wind at the port. The eagle patrols the earth in the sky, and the flames will melt the ice and snow and bring about rebirth.

  "He is stalling for time...Placing his hope on Caledor..."

  "Lord Plokin~, what should we do next..." A gorgeous-looking vampire came from the stairs waving a silk fan, and said: The blood stains haven't dried yet.

  Perhaps the winter blood of these believers of the Four Righteous Gods provides a unique experience for the blood descendants who originated from Lahmia.

  "Let the necromancer resurrect the skeletons and warriors and use them as cannon fodder to fill the cannon muzzles. The bloodthirsty ghosts and horror beasts you raised will go to the seaport to intercept the foreign ships." Prokin said the countermeasures. The dead are not afraid of consumption. , and the ordnance of living people will eventually be exhausted. The Patriot Army does not have its own ordnance production chain, and every time it fires a bullet, it will lose one bullet.

  "This is really a good tactic..." The female vampire covered most of her face with a fan. Lahmian blood descendants are not good at military command. Compared with such recklessness, they prefer to use tactics and temptation to control people.

  At least she believed that as long as she came into contact with Rascal, she would definitely succumb to Lamia's evil charm, instead of delaying it out of caution.

  "If you were half as talented in military command as you are in strategizing, you wouldn't have been driven from Nehekhara to the Silver Spear Peak." Prokin's eyes began to look threatening, emphasizing, "Remember, don't let

  you Our mistress Jacqueline brought that pet into the battlefield. Even if Caledor knew that we had a zombie dragon in our hands, without conclusive evidence, we could only send giant horned vipers to help the Patriot Army defend the port."

  His A cold light appeared in his eyes, and he stared closely at the leader of the Lahmian Maid Group who was still nonchalant, "But once the zombie dragon appears on the battlefield, the Dragon Prince of Caledor will be able to let any force in the country enter Kislev without any worries." , I don’t think you can withstand the anger of His Highness."

  Plokin knows the importance of dragons to Caledor. The sinking of Krakaronde is the best example. The city of destruction is an extremely important strategy. Place.

  As the hub connecting north and south Nagaros, as long as Asur is occupied, the war against Druchi is basically declared half-win. However, because of the strong hatred for the Scourge of Hell and their hatred for corrupting the dragon eggs, this city There is not a single survivor.

  As for the zombie dragon..., if the first one appears, it can be inferred that there will be a second one, or even countless ones...

  "I understand... I wish you a pleasant war experience." The vampire still maintained an indifferent attitude, stuck. Ledo? How much strength can they have when they are far away from the old world and come to Kislev? Even if the Queen Czarina is killed by the Dragon Prince, the Lahmian blood descendants can still stay safely at the Silver Spear Peak and control the situation of the world.


  On the route of the Claw Sea, the giant horned viper's snake nest is in a little bit of trouble. Many ships flying the flag of the Kislev Bear are approaching them. The sound of magic spreading is particularly loud, and more than once People at sea can hear it, and maybe even the chaotic barbarians next door in the Norsca Ice and Snow Mountains can hear it clearly.

  "Warning! This is Kislev's territorial waters. Caledor's warships are not allowed to enter. This is a serious provocation. Change course and leave immediately!"

  And Hervé, who was standing at the bow of the ship, close to the extra-large solar engine Si turned to look at the "Skinliz Priest" on the monitor's shoulder, with a serious tone in his voice,

  "Prince, what should I do?" Imric looked indifferent when asked, but it might be difficult for the Skink's face to show that. In this state, the rotating eyeballs turn upward, which looks a bit funny.

  "You are no longer my herald, and the giant horned viper does not belong to the military order of the palace. What do you ask me for? You can do
  whatever you want. Young people must be decisive. You have just torn down the tsar's palace. If you don't have two uncles, Are you against your grandfather? Your deceased aunt's uncle is still my uncle. Your mother's godfather seems to be the high priest. This relationship is really strong, not to mention Astrid, who has taken care of you since childhood..."

  " Got it." Elvis interrupted the prince for a rare moment, and did as he thought. He didn't have to worry about anything. Even if he killed the Tsarina himself, someone would handle it.

  Although it is indeed a bit nagging to express his attitude...

  Elvis raised a trumpet-shaped magic prop and shouted loudly, "I am Elvis Hallandure, the great mentor of the giant horned viper. I received it two days ago. According to the notification from General Raskol of the Kislev Patriot Army, the Assur ships coming to Erengrad are threatened, and their lives and property cannot be guaranteed. As a civil organization of Caledor in the old world, we have the obligation to safeguard The interests of Asul."

  The leader of the river patrol team responsible for the handover was silent for a moment, but soon responded, "The Patriot Army is an illegal organization established in Erengrad and is not recognized by the Tsarina and the Orthodox Church. , and their general is an ambitious warlord. In order to get Erengrad, he spread rumors about the legal queen." "

  So you didn't deny that the Asul ships were threatened. I don't care what organization this Patriot Army is. The purpose of the Giant Horned Viper is to protect Assur's interests, and your actions undoubtedly prove what General Lascoer said." Elvis came and bowed first, then followed up. It was not about

  beating Druzi or a rat. War notifications still need to be in place.

  Looking at the "Skink Priest" who had jumped to the main gun control platform, the Grand Master ordered loudly, "Fire!" "Roger,

  got it." The playful Imric didn't care about the brat's tone, and said The slender fingers pressed the jade slot, then rotated counterclockwise, aiming the muzzle at the wooden battleship intercepting the enemy.

  The energy extracted from the energy core poured into the solar engine. The power of this weapon was so great that there were no facilities at all in front, just high-temperature-resistant rocks.

  An orange-yellow light beam with a diameter of five meters suddenly erupted. After making a thumping sound, it hit the warship that was only thirty meters high on the opposite side. The place it touched first turned into nothingness, and then most of the ship's hull turned into a flaming coffin on the sea. .

  The sound of the main gun attracted everyone's attention. Without reminder, they knew that the naval battle had begun.

  Carrying the extra-large rotating machine gun, Pakal took the lead. He stood near the main gun and started shooting at the battleships lined up. The sound of the dense rain of gunfire was like the roar of a wasp magnified countless times. As he turned the gun body, one by one, A black hole the size of a millstone appeared in the enemy ship's hull.

  The two rows of artillery in the Snake Nest are also firing one after another. With the strong support of the Snake God Prophet, the battleship's combat effectiveness is extraordinary even by the standards of the Royal Navy.

  The river patrol boats with parallel attempts to intimidate were the first victims. The artillery fire hit the snake's nest, which was modeled on a small island, and only dropped some rocks. Due to the elevation problem, it was difficult for them to hit the enemy operating the artillery. .

  Kislev has never had a navy, and the role of the river patrol is only to drive away the small dragon boats from Norsk. These toy warships with giant bear flags may be the coming of the empire, and everyone can laugh at them for a while.

  Imrik, who was operating the main gun, was just shouting to show that this thing was powerful, when he suddenly felt something strange. He raised his funny head and looked at the cliff coast on the right, with a strange smile on his face.

  He poked his head out of the operation room and asked Elvis, who was directing Pakal's attack, to turn his attention and said,
  "Little slick Elvis, the vampire's flying unit is here. You don't have a dragon on this ship to do it for you." Air defense."

  But Elvis was not nervous and gave a mysterious smile.

  "It's just the right time. The snake nest is not only filled with crawling snakes, but also snakes with wings that fly." He

  gave the brat a thumbs up. , If all the young people in Caledor were like this, the prince would be much more comfortable in the future.

  "Here we come."

  As soon as he finished speaking, a dozen giant flying bats with a wingspan of eight meters flew towards the snake nest. There was also a Terror Beast with a vampire lord sitting on its head, and the shadows of a large group of midnight bats. It covered the sky and formed a black tide on the sea.

  In response, a door opened in the originally closed Pyramid of Sotek in the center of the battleship, and two giant feathered serpents with rainbow-colored scales flew out.

  As Tehenhoin's influence in the Snake-Rat Crusade, at least a group of giant beasts led by the Dinosaur Kukulza were influenced by Sotek and turned into beasts protected by Taebok and Sotek. .

  (End of chapter)

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