Chapter 510 Cold Determination

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  Chapter 510: Cold Determination
  The second shot rang out, and the soldier standing outside pulled the trigger of his long gun.

  Not too dense, but extremely deadly, the bullets passed through the wooden board and hit the body of the noble who was still sucking blood, tearing apart the outer silk robe as a human disguise, leaving black holes of different sizes in his body.

  The leading vampire was shot through the head, but relying on his inhuman body, he still managed to survive under the influence of Nico's curse.

  The vampires, who were not good at fighting the enemy's long-range firepower, did what they were best at, which was to turn into a black shadow and attack humans.

  As long as they rush into the enemy's position, these eminent figures with midnight guardians can tear apart the armor with their claws, drink the blood with their fangs, and slaughter the enemies in fear.

  When the claws were about to hit Raskol's chest, the vampire thought he would get a pair of eyes full of fear, but what he saw was only eyes full of sarcasm.

  Slow, too slow. Even any dragon prince would be faster than this speed.

  A cold blue arc of light suddenly appeared between the two of them, at an astonishing speed, just like the full moon showing its light behind the clouds blown away by the strong wind.

  A bloody arm fell to the ground, followed by a burst of gunfire.


  After the vampire corpse lay heavily on the ground, Rascal turned the gun and pointed it at the other vampires who were surprised by the sudden change in the situation, showing a bright smile.

  "Who is next...?"

  When several corpses were lying on the ground like wild dogs, Rascal, as the captain, chose to close the team.

  The corpses of these late-night dignitaries were still of some use, such as being hung on wooden poles to be paid homage by the people.

  He secretly nodded at the idea that suddenly appeared in his mind. He fought with Druzi for several years, not only learned the method of fighting elves, but also learned a lot of torture methods.

  At least you can't skin these vampires, otherwise who will know that these people are the noble Lord Midnight.

  After directing his soldiers to go to the central square to do some commemorative acts, Raskol looked at Mazov who had just merged into the street. Another team also had several dragged vampires behind them.

  But it was better than the way he handled it, these vampires were still alive.

  "It really surprises me that you actually knew how to save their lives. This is really not like the Mazov I know. I thought you would blow them to pieces and throw them into Hetman's manor, so that the noble man could rebuild them." Meet your compatriots."

  "Don't let anger take over your mind, Rascal, we need every piece of information to let these vampires live for a few more days." Mazov said calmly and motioned for his men to drag the vampires out.

  A female vampire bound by magic iron chains was dragged in front of the sergeant. Her delicate face was filled with fear, her palms were penetrated by iron nails, and blood flowed along the ground.

  The sergeant knelt down, pinched the vampire's chin with his hand, and looked at it with his eyes,

  "Isn't this a young lady from some family in Kislev City? Why, you have actually turned into a moth?"

  " Let me go, Raskol, Queen Khan promises that as long as you choose to surrender, Erengrad will return to your rule and gain endless life and power." The female vampire begged, this is a group of people who don't know what mercy is. Soldiers may not like torture, but they definitely like letting their enemies die. "Oh, this is really a good offer, you heard it." After Rascal emphasized, bursts of laughter came from the surroundings, and they all said that only the most despicable Chaos scum would accept this offer.

  "Unfortunately, I'm not satisfied with this condition. Why don't I make a condition?" "

  The power of the queen is infinite. As long as you can think of it, she can satisfy you." In order to survive a little bit, the vampire doesn't mind making excuses. The glory of the Mother of God.

  "Then I want her to die. Is this condition okay?" Rascal said a condition that was obviously meant to fool the vampire. After seeing his dim eyes, there was an expression of realization on his face, "It seems that she He doesn't intend to meet any of my demands. In this case, let me, a legal citizen of Kislev, fight for my legitimate interests. As for you..." "Haha, I believe

  Mazov knows how to make you talk. Garos and Druchi have learned a lot of torture techniques, which should have some effect on vampires." The vampire was dragged by

  iron chains to the interrogation room, and Mazov, who stood side by side with Raskol, said in a tone Somewhat bitterly,

  "It shouldn't be like this..."

  "Then what do you want me to do? Discuss our respective spheres of influence at the negotiation table with these moths who unscrupulously hunt for the blood of civilians at night, so that the children of the motherland can be Ruled by a group of dark creatures? We have become a group of softies, clinging to the last bit of pure land we think of, hoping to drive them away in the future." The sergeant's tone became more and more harsh, he never thought that he would be in this kind of situation when he returned. The soldiers who provided large sums of money for reconstruction were treated unfairly, and the only two remaining cities in the country fell to being ruled by vampires.

  Except for the area near the Caledor Embassy, ​​which is relatively peaceful, the rest of Erengrad has completely turned into a paradise for vampires, and the city of Kislev is even more unimaginable.

  "No... forget it, just follow your idea. We still have a lot to do." Mazov shook his head and did not express his doubts. The sergeant's temperament has changed. If he still had some concern for the world before, Well-intentioned, but after seeing the motherland become like this, seeking reasonable interests through the law for a month was ineffective.

  That kindness turned into cold determination.

  "When will the arms promised by Caledo arrive?" Raskol motioned to the scar-faced veteran who was responsible for handing over to Caledo.

  "In seven days, there will be two thousand muskets and thirty cannons, four thousand breastplates, five thousand swords, and some special equipment for dealing with vampires." "Very good,

  you should be familiar with the weapons that were seized before . "What's the situation with the winter icicles?"

  The scarred veteran was at a loss for words for a moment. He didn't expect that the captain would actually seize the Caledo trading ship that came to Erengrad. Most of these were originally used as supplies for the giant horned viper. .

  But the strangest thing was that the young embassy guard captain was saying not to move, but he was handing a musket to Misha Eagle.

  "Hilbot has agreed that the Winter Icicle will have you as its leader. Together with Misha's Eagle, we now have a total of 2,254 people." "

  That idiot Ulysses is still at Keith's Pier?"

  "Yes. Yes, he still insists that the Giant Bear Monastery can handle the matter, and all the people we sent to contact him were kicked out."

  A cruel smile appeared on Rascol's face. Since the etiquette was in place and he was unwilling to accept it, then It has to be dealt with in other ways.

  "Very well, tell the Light of Daz that ten days from the day after tomorrow, I will hold a traditional mercenary competition with Ulysses. The winner will gain leadership, and the loser...he won't want to know the answer. ."

  (End of chapter)

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