Chapter 507: Preparations from all parties

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  Chapter 507: All parties were prepared to
  look at the books piled up in the room. Most of the notebooks were already spread out on the desk and written in. Judith felt a little relieved that at least Rascal was studying attentively.

  But soon an angry expression appeared on his face, "You are an idiot. When I broke in just now, I had 10,000 ways to kill you, but you didn't even fire a gun. Have you even forgotten your combat training? Tell me, how to deal with the Druchi Assassin!"

  Rascoul thought for a long time, recalling the experience that Bruni taught on the Island of Young Dragon Bay nearly ten years ago, his face became more and more weird as he said the answer, "If you are wearing armor, then Just rush in and hack to death. These Druchi trash will fall down as soon as they hit you. If you don't have any armor, just dodge a poisonous arrow first, then rush in and hack to death. These Druchi assassins have no crossbows. , they are just a bunch of rubbish. Don't fight with them, be faster and more ruthless." "

  Then what did you do? You actually hid by the wall and waited. If the assassin had explosives and poisonous mist potions in his hands, you would be right here. Waiting to die?!"

  If he said he believed in Tal Kaled's security, he seemed to be refuting the commander's words.

  If he said he didn't believe it, he seemed to suspect that the city where the palace was located was not in good public order, so Rascal chose the most direct method.

  "This is my mistake. Next time you break in, I promise to hack you to death." The

  two people in front of the door nodded happily. This is a bit Caledonian. Assassination? That's sissy behavior. Real warriors chop their enemies into pieces.

  Judith took a few steps forward and scolded loudly, "It can be seen that the comfortable life has made you forget what fighting is. Now, put on your equipment and follow me!"

  Huh? Slan's shocked voice appeared in Raskel's heart. How come he still needs to engage in combat training after retiring? And it seems that two dragon princes are going into battle. Isn't this fatal?

  "Is my order not clear enough?"


  The retired noncommissioned officer immediately put on the full-body protective gear placed in the closet. He held a sword and pistol on his armed belt, held up a large shield, and followed the two men out of the room.

  Walking on the street, the city defense troops patrolling at night originally wanted to ask about the situation and why there were still people who wanted to go to the training ground in the middle of the night. After seeing the two dragon princes leading them, they immediately asked if they needed war horses to facilitate the movement.

  After politely refusing, three people appeared in the empty training ground. Judith pulled out a long sword from her waist and scolded Rascal, who was still confused about the situation,

  "Your study plan has changed. Every night you take out two We will conduct combat training for an hour, the location is here, and the sparring partners are not fixed."

  Rascal's eyes widened, what was going on, because he was very good, but he didn't even need to participate in the academy's swordsmanship training.

  Just when he was thinking about it, Judith yelled at him, "Pick up your sword, raise your shield, and attack me!"


  the three people left the study, Imric felt a little uncomfortable. It was too safe. The fact that the mercenaries were divided into three factions was not expected before. I have to say that some people did hold back for a long time. Ulysses and Plokin both took office after their captains died in Naggaroth. .

  As a result, not only did the Tsarina turn into a vampire beyond everyone's expectations, but the two people may not cooperate. After all, one has turned into a gangster group, and the other is a vampire knight.

  Thinking for a moment about the power he could have to intervene in the old world, he quickly thought of a group of brats fighting beastmen in the forest.

  "Elvis...forget it, let them go."

  ... In the dark Duncan Wald Forest, Elvis squatted down and inspected the tiny traces in the soil, a unique magic The breath remains here.

  Gently rubbing the soil with his fingers, a picture quickly appeared in his mind. A dozen asrai with green leaf spears withstood the attack of the great horned beast, providing cover for the woodland archers behind them. A woman's palm in the central protective area emitted a shimmering light, and the forest squirmed under its magic, with roots These invading dark creatures must be trapped and killed.

  "Lauren Loren Forest..." After whispering in his heart, he stood up and waved to everyone to move on. The originally expected plan was for the White Wolf Knights of Middenheim, the Cheetah Knights of Kronborg, and the Giant Horned Vipers to land in Nordland to clear the Duncanwald Forest from three directions.

  The complexity of this forest far exceeds the elves' expectations. Since entering, they have encountered forest goblins, beastmen, undead creatures, necromancers, and fleeing bandits. Now that Aslay has been added, the situation has become more complicated.

  The thousand-man army walked silently on the muddy land. The tall and dense forest was not as dense as Lustria's, but it was more oppressive. Through the gaps in the forest, it seemed that countless pairs of eyes could be seen.

  Elvis, who was riding a giant-horned cold lizard, was at the front, and beside him was Pakal, who was carrying an extra-large minigun.

  Just when he was carefully checking whether the source of the smell that entered his nose was the herd of carrion-hungry beasts he was following, an inexplicable feeling suddenly emerged. His consciousness was withdrawn from his mind, and his body became frivolous and swaying.

  A hoarse voice that had only been heard once came from the sky that turned into blood mist.

  "Elvis, find the weak giant bear, you need to provide help..." "

  I understand."

  Feeling the familiar aura, Pakal turned his head, stared at Elvis and said, "God has you." What revelation?"

  Elvis, who had just finished his divine enlightenment state, shook his head, indicating that now is not the time to explain, even if he is looking for the giant bear, he has to finish the things here.

  The Giant Horned Viper is not a purely religious knighthood. If they break their promise to the Ulric Church, it will have a lot of impact.

  After walking for a long time, Knight Urick, who was riding a war horse and wearing heavy plate armor and wolf skin, stepped forward and reminded in a low voice, "

  Ahead is the intersection of Ironwood Creek, which is a place where these beastmen often hang out. What to do?" Get ready for battle."

  Elvis didn't need to be reminded by the white wolf knight accompanying him. Elvis could already smell a foul smell, and the giant-horned cold lizard beneath him began to stir, twitching its long-horned nose to identify the warm-blooded enemy. Where is located.

  There was a faint gurgling sound of the stream, and Elvis, who had sharp eyes, saw several broken bones and body tissue that looked like human hair on the river bank.

  "Sure enough, as long as you actively enter the ambush, these brainless beasts will definitely attack." After a moment of mental analysis, he pulled out the obsidian sword behind him and shouted, "Get ready to fight!" In his

  voice When the news first came out, a large group of beastmen with stinking skin surrounded by flies had already rushed out of the jungle, carrying old and rusty weapons, and under the leadership of the Warhorn Beast, attacked the vulnerable flanks of the elves.

  But the one who stayed on the flank was Oliveira. His experience of fighting rats in Lustria made him extremely familiar with counter-ambush warfare. When the beastmen just ran out, he had already ordered the shielded soldiers to prepare for the enemy and carry flamethrowers. The personnel of the machine are looking for a suitable location to attack.

  As for the arrangement, Oliveira has already rushed towards the beastman. As long as he is not afraid of death, the enemy will die.

  (End of chapter)

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