Chapter 501 Three Choices

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  Chapter 501 Three Choices
  "What are you going to do with the river patrol team in Haikou?"

  Mazov raised the first doubt. If there are hundreds of brothers waiting for survival under his command, even a villain will be cautious from the bottom of his heart.

  Ulysses didn't bother to laugh. Maybe many people took these river patrol teams seriously, but for soldiers who had been fighting in the New World for a long time, it was completely easy to control them.

  The fact that Mrs. Kisli is not good at naval battles has no effect on them at all. When fighting Druzi, they even had the experience of joining the Black Ark.

  "They will understand how shameful it is to interfere with the just needs of veterans."

  Although Mazov feels very good about this plan, as long as a complete smuggling chain can be formed, Kislev's size can completely eat these three More than a thousand soldiers.

  But now, it seems like he has become the same as before. After he was discharged from the army, he was attracted by gangsters and colluded with them to commit the crimes he hated before.

  "I don't deny this plan, but I will only contact Mr. Oliveira. Rascal...he needs time."

  Ulysses was stunned by these words, but soon an angry look appeared on his face. Thinking that Mazov was placing his hope on Raskol and asking the Dragon Prince to intervene in this matter, the wine bottle in his hand was crushed by his power, "Haven't you figured it out yet? We are just a group of retired mercenaries. The previous employment contract I have made it very clear that I will not have anything to do with Caledor after it is over!" "

  Then why do you still want Raskol's connections in Caledor, and even asked me to ask for help from Mr. Oliveira? In the end, you are just I’m here to satisfy your desires under the guise of testing the authorities. Don’t think I don’t know that the last time the Light of Dazz fought in Krakalond and besieged the Dread Knight Courtyard, some of the loot was not handed over as promised!” Mazov lost his good temper, and at a speed that no one could see clearly, he pulled out the pistol in his waist and pointed it at Ulysses' head.

  "Did I drink too much in Erengrad, so that a skinny monkey like you dared to run wild in the territory of Misha Eagle!"

  Ulysses did not panic and acted extremely calm, but his eyes were deep. A hidden trace of fear remained, and Raskol and Mazov, nicknamed philosophers and villains among the mercenaries, remained.

  The latter is not only cruel to the enemy, but also to himself. As the adjutant of the philosopher with absolutely ruthless chaos, with clear plans and wild actions, this is the Eagle of Misha.

  "You really disappoint me. Since the Eagle of Misha is unwilling to do it, the Light of Daz will handle it on its own. I want Raskel to see that when he returns to Kislev, he won't even have a place to stay." You look pitiful."

  The finger on the trigger gradually pressed down. Mazov's only eye was fixed on Ulysses. If he dared to say one more word, a bullet would ruthlessly pass through the eye socket. .

  The intimidated Ulysses chose to leave, leaving only the Misha Eagle sergeants who remained silent.

  The scar-faced veteran first broke the silence: "It is not an option to continue like this. Sooner or later, the gold leaf coins in our hands will be exhausted. Before, because they did not expect this situation, many people chose the salary settlement method to send it back every year. In the end When I returned to Kislev, I actually only had one year's salary and the loot captured by Krakalond." "

  Although the legion has always distributed the logistics officers according to needs to be responsible for life, this has caused dissatisfaction among some people, thinking that the handover The money is a bit too much."

  Mazov glanced at him and knew that he was one of the people who sent money back every year. His status as a non-commissioned officer made his salary higher, but after such a long party, he would eventually run out of money.

  "So what do you think? Just do like Ulysses and others, grab a piece of dock and become a gangster, let Rascalto's connections smuggle materials and sell them, and then make loan sharks to make ends meet. Think about how you got into the mercenary army , Alexandremon! You were driven to the recruiting point with a knife because you couldn't repay the loan shark for your mother's medical treatment!" After roaring, Mazov's reminder had some effect, Misha Eagle has One thing in common is that most of them are people who cannot survive, and many of them are because of gangs.

  The scar-faced veteran sighed, who would want to do gangster work if there was no other way? Normal gangsters are still worried about the encirclement and suppression by the city defense army, but retired veterans can definitely fight a tough battle with the city defense army.

  This is a good choice, but not suitable for Misha's Eagle.

  Taking a few deep breaths, Mazov also stopped being angry. Now he has three choices in his hands. Oliveira sent an intermediary letter some time ago. The Church of Ulric wants to hire the Misha Eagle for a short period of time to go to Duncanwald Forest to eliminate wild beasts. People, the conditions promised are very excellent.

  If the performance this time meets expectations, they can come again every once in a while. In other words, they will become the foreign legion of the empire for their livelihood.

  The second option is the invitation letter sent by Agrim. As a single mercenary, he will go to the Northern World Edge Mountains to assist the dwarves in regaining Gunbad Peak. The gold promised by the High King is much richer than that of the Ulric Church, and does not bring any There are political overtones.

  But Mazov did not intend to accept these two employment contracts. After all, Misha Eagle had been fighting for many years, and the youngest was almost thirty years old. It would be difficult to start a family if he continued to fight.

  And the mission that emerged in him would never leave Kislev.

  "I will go to the Caledo Embassy tomorrow to see if I can get some help."

  Mazov's words attracted a lot of eyebrows. Everyone generally believed that Caledo's sharp and decisive style of doing things must be strictly in accordance with the contract. Both parties no longer exist. dispute.

  Moreover, the identity of the mercenaries has also changed, allowing an elven kingdom to interfere in Kislev. Although they do not understand the consequences, many people feel that it is best not to go to the embassy to seek help before the desperate situation.

  "Do you have a better way? I previously applied to the Commerce Bureau to establish a chamber of commerce. The person in charge actually refused on the grounds that I was caught fighting when I was seventeen years old. They thought that I would use force to interfere with the normal market order, so I recommended I am a son of a bitch for joining the Chamber of Commerce established by the Ereng Leboye family."

  This was really a reason to find trouble, everyone thought.

  Amidst a burst of curses, everyone knew that such waiting would not lead to any results. Although everyone had received literacy education, waiting in the military camp all the time had caused some brain deterioration.

  As long as the chief says anything, that's what it is. Since Mazov thinks the embassy has a chance, let's try it first. If it doesn't work, then consider some more radical methods.

  The soft-hearted Pypulkin who begged the Tsarina to understand was probably dead, and no one dared to imagine that the authorities would suddenly change their minds.

  (End of chapter)

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