Chapter 478 The magical powers of both sides

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  Chapter 478: The magical powers of both sides

  were unexpected. When the executioners of the church killed a large number of slaves and directed the blood to flow into the cauldron of fire, the supposed divine revelation did not appear.

  This sight made the Druchi priest who had served Adaeus for many years couldn't help but tremble slightly.

  There were only two situations. First, Adaeus was not satisfied with this sacrifice, and secondly, he had given up on Druchi.

  The fear lord of the Hellscourge family watched with cold eyes as the precious slaves were killed. After hearing the priest say that this number was not enough, he asked the soldiers to escort more slaves from the dungeon.

  The liquid that turned into a bloody torrent surged from the ground and evaporated under the temperature of the central flame cauldron. Even after death, the blood still carried the painful wail of the owner's torture.

  Compared with the past, the sacrifices this time were more abundant, and the flame cauldron also vaguely appeared.

  But what greeted the priest was not the magma dragon inhabiting the obsidian peaks. Instead, with a wave of the shadow's arm, his soul had been taken away.

  The Fear Lord took a few steps back to avoid having his soul snatched away by the shadow's arm. He cursed in his heart, "Damn it, I knew that finding Ardaeus was not a wise choice!" Although

  Caledor never advocated the faith of Ardaeus, But Druchi still believed that these Asurs had respect for Zhi, and might secretly provide sacrifices for them.

  This situation undoubtedly aggravates this perception.

  After wasting many slaves, the Dread Lord chose to pin his hopes on the God of Bloody Hands. No one knows war better than Kane. As long as enough blood is shed, the only blessing will immediately fall on Druchi's bloodthirsty warriors. in the body.

  The blood cauldrons began to operate everywhere, not only the slaves, but also the Druzi who were unfortunate enough to be drawn. As long as the wizard liked it, no one could escape the fate of being thrown into the altar of Kane.

  Davian, who was observing the clouds with Ingersolls, noticed this abnormality and knew how to prepare for the next move.

  He kicked the dragon beneath him to signal it to stop looking at the scenery,

  "Ingersos, fly to the top of the Tower of Destruction, which is the center point of the energy of Krakalond's leyline." "

  Damn it, you. Why do you talk like that brat Imrik? Don't use that tone towards me. If you can't hit him, why can't I hit you?"

  Although he complained about the Dragon Prince's tone, Ingersoth still chose to obey. Instructions, the dragon prince provides the battle target, and the dragon executes it together. This has been a fighting tradition that has lasted for thousands of years.

  Not caring about Ruffian Dragon's words, Davian contacted Mazdamudi who was far away in Hesiota,

  "Master Ma, the mages of Caledor will provide you with a teleportation coordinate, hoping that you can block the underground sea in the future. "

  Hey~, I got it, Elf Boy Davian."

  There will be some delays in the portal, not only because it is located in Nagaroth, close to the northern wasteland, but also because of the tactical arrangement.

  "Iron Wolf, are you ready?"

  Iron Wolf in the mage group received the message and replied that he was ready to take action.

  He turned around and looked at the two men next to him, Hardaris and Darrit, who were locked up in the palace mage tower. They were already a little abnormal. They were dancing around calculating spell models, and they didn't look like royal mage at all. I rubbed my temples and felt a little headache.

  "I hope your spells are as useful as the preset model, otherwise I will have to take some time off later." "You

  are questioning the research capabilities of these two geniuses. Let me tell you, when the fixed-point coordinates are set to a known range , even if it’s the Witch King’s black tower, I can send it in for you.” Hadaris dismissed Iron Wolf’s suspicion and planned to cast a spell immediately to demonstrate the effect.

  Tie Lang sighed. Why didn't he realize at that time that the people who broke into the shelter together were all bulls, ghosts and snakes? He was more normal. He was only interested in women and wine, and most of the others had some abnormal hobbies.

  "Okay, okay, you two are indeed geniuses, but the current task is to send me into the city first to establish a coordinate network." "

  Look at it."

  After saying that, the two mages began to use the tools they have studied for many years. The spell left a mark on the iron wolf. The thin and silky torrent of spells bypassed the Hecate magic protective layer on the outer layer of Krakarond, and turned the iron wolf into a rainbow-colored ball without causing any alarm. halo.

  Ignoring any obstacles, Halo arrived behind the city gate. The iron wolf, which had once again condensed into a solid body, looked up at these bloodthirsty hydras and slowly opened his mouth to greet him, "Want
  a drink?"

  But countless people responded to him. of black arrows, and the breath of the war hydra.

  A flame shield suddenly lingered around Iron Wolf's body, and he sighed helplessly inside, why is it so difficult to find someone to drink with?
  Druchi's long-range firepower was blocked by this shield, but Iron Wolf did not make any move, not even a fireball spell, but just looked at these Druchi who did not know that the death order was about to come.

  White lights suddenly appeared from behind the artillery that was still bombarding Druchi. Two palace mages were leading the mage group to send troops to the city on a large scale.

  The three-dimensional coordinates provided by Davian in the air and the two-dimensional coordinates provided by Iron Wolf in the city were able to achieve the desired effect for this spell that took a lot of effort to research.

  And a great mage located in the White Tower of Hos is also silently paying attention to this war. He provided some research ideas. Under the operation of three talented players, it can be officially announced that Asul magic is about to enter a new era.

  Tens of thousands of soldiers were teleported to various parts of the city of Krakalond. Except for the most tightly protected Tower of Destruction, fierce fighting sounds began to occur in other places.

  After feeling that the teleportation network was established, Iron Wolf let go of the long sword stuck in the ground and looked at the war hydras around him who were afraid to approach because of the high temperature and flames. He shrugged in a very relaxed tone, as if greeting an old friend, "
  Although I really want to show off with you, but unfortunately there is a guy who is more suitable than me."

  Looking at the trainer who was still beating the hydra, he stepped on the ground that no one noticed, and a blood-red animal suddenly appeared on it. winged serpent symbol.

  "I believe this big guy will bring you some surprises. After all, you quite like beasts, don't you?"

  Pouring energy into the holy seal at his feet, Iron Wolf slowly walked towards the city gate, whistling along the way. The movements are so cool.

  When the war hydra was about to give chase, suddenly a huge foot appeared where the iron wolf had been standing, firmly holding down the crawling multi-headed beast, making it unable to move.

  The dark green scales were mixed with many blood lines, and radiant ripples lingered in them. With one force of the palm, several ugly necks of the multi-headed snake were crushed into minced flesh.

  What followed was a huge mouth, tearing off most of the hydra's body in one go.

  In the fearful eyes of countless Druzi, Kukulza raised his head and announced that Sotigo had set his sights here, and the only thing that would greet these sacrifices was death.

  (End of chapter)

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