Chapter 474 Two plans

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  Chapter 474 Two Plans
  While the four bastards were drinking in the Qingyan Port Tavern, an envelope had been sent to Nagaroth in the north.

  In the woodland with a little bit of ice and snow, the messenger responsible for delivering letters to the soldiers carried his luggage and personally delivered these messages from far away to the people who needed them.

  Oliveira, who was holding a lunch box to eat, was a little envious. After all, he had not received a letter from Wind Howling City for a long time. He mainly thought that this kind of concern would make him miss him and prevent him from maintaining his best condition on the battlefield.

  Seeing the joy on the faces of his comrades, checking the letters from home in the light, he sighed,
  "After fighting this battle, I will take a leave to go home and see my son. In the blink of an eye, it has been almost six years. I really He is an unfit father."

  "Captain Oliveira, I have your letter."

  The messenger's words surprised him, but he still stopped holding the meal and took the simple letter.

  "Thank you."

  After the messenger continued his duties and left, Oliveira lowered his head and glanced. The sender was Nemo of Tal Kaled.

  Nameless person? How could anyone be called this name?

  When he walked to a corner, he knelt down and opened the envelope, and saw familiar handwriting. Oliveira was very familiar with this handwriting.

  There is no mistake, this is the prince's handwriting, he has seen it countless times on his noble canonization book.

  "To the fearless Oliveira,
  I believe you should be able to guess who I am, so you don't need to say too much. I hope that after the Battle of Krakaronde, you will temporarily break away from the claws of Pathunuin for a while and join A newly established order of knights.

  They are composed of the best young people in Caledor. I believe that they need someone to guide them to avoid making irreparable mistakes when operating in the old world, and I also firmly believe that 伱He is the right person."

  The words were brief, but contained a lot of information, and Oliveira frowned.

  When he communicated with some dragon princes before, he heard that a knighthood had been formed in the country. His original guess was that it was used to gild young nobles.

  It's just like the silver-helmeted knight, something that looks good but is useless, but that doesn't seem to be what the prince means.

  Out of confusion, Oliveira chose to find the old champion warrior Masno with doubts, and brought a box of lunch with him.

  After obtaining permission, he entered the central camp and saw Masnuo holding an iron box in his left hand and a spoon in his right hand. He was eating unconsciously, but his eyes were fixed on various military intelligence analyzes on the table.

  Noticing Oliveira's entry, Masino raised his head, with a smile on his stern face. This soldier, who was not born as a commoner, had won a lot of honors. He had followed him all the way since the Battle of Fennoir Plains, and he was considered a confidant.

  "What would make you take the initiative to find me?"

  Oliveira handed the letter to Masno. It is best to understand this kind of military dispatch task, otherwise the person who carries it out will only be the unlucky one in the end.

  After receiving the letter, Masnot took a few glances and understood his subordinates' doubts. He explained,
  "Although I don't know about this matter, I still agree with the prince's idea. The giant horned viper needs an experienced person to supervise it." Action, but this person cannot be too outstanding in terms of honor, otherwise they will lose their autonomy, such as old antiques like us."

  After making a joke, Oliveira also relaxed a little. Champion warriors sometimes seem too friendly. And, but this is one of the reasons why soldiers respect him.

  But some confusion still existed. He asked,

  "But I'm afraid my strength is not enough to ensure that they survive the crisis."

  Masnot motioned Oliveira to sit down first, "You don't need to worry about this. They need it. It's just someone who can help him make up his mind. After all, the members of this knighthood are all young people. Except for Elvis, who has some battlefield experience, most of the others have only dealt with the Druzi pirates." Ollie got the answer

  . Vera no longer hesitated. Since both the prince and the champion warrior thought so, there was nothing to worry about. Even if the military duties were put on hold, they would definitely be compensated in other ways later.

  "I understand."

  Davian suddenly opened the tent and walked in. He saw two people holding lunch boxes and smiled, "I am not disturbing the candlelight dinner for you two, am I?" "Davian Your Excellency An." Oliveira stood up and prepared to give a military salute, but was quickly stopped by Davian.

  "How many times have I told you Oliveira, your status is already a noble, and your position is also a high-ranking officer. There is no need to salute us dragon princes on any occasion."

  Oliveira shook his head, noncommittal about this matter, For some dragon princes who are more open-minded, this is indeed feasible. But some stubborn people don't think so, and firmly believe that even if a commoner becomes a noble, he is still a commoner, which is essentially different from his noble blood.

  The prince sometimes deliberately emphasized that the dragon tamer family was no different from other people. He really didn't understand whether the so-called nobility came from blood or arrogance.

  Davian found a chair at random, sat down, and began to explain the progress during this period,

  "The Shadow King has successfully attracted the Druchi reinforcements from Hagrid Grave, and Tyrion led the dragon ship fleet to blockade Ka Londekar, Prince Eldraine's chariot troops are ready, and Eltharion is also ready to fight with the dragon." "

  What's the situation in the underground sea?" Masno stopped eating and hesitated to launch a general attack. The reason is the underground sea of ​​Krakaronde. In the past few years, under the leadership of the Shadow King, a shipyard was destroyed.

  But the Shadow King only knows one of the tributary routes. If he wants to kill all the Druzi in Krakalunda, he must completely cut off their escape route.

  "Actually, it's a bit bad." Taking out a recently made map of the tributaries of the underground sea, Davian explained,

  "The outlet of a major tributary of the underground sea is located south of Haig Grave. Our current military strength is difficult to Arrive here."

  He twisted his body. As a staff officer, he continued to explain to the commander-in-chief, waiting for the final decision to be made.

  "Currently we have two methods. The first is to raid Krakalond and reach the underground as quickly as possible. The entrance to the sea."

  "This is unrealistic. We cannot afford such losses." Masnow shook his head slowly. One of the reasons why Krakaronde has not been defeated is the large amount of long-range projection firepower on the city wall.

  Even if a storm would break the city, the army would have to reach the entrance to the underground sea before the Hell Calamity Family ran away, which would lead to a large number of casualties.

  Davian, who received the reply, also knew that this plan was unreliable, so he explained the second point,

  "I contacted Lord Mazdamudi, hoping that he could personally block the underground sea. Lord Slan said that this matter is in line with his To understand the big plan, killing all Drucci is a part of it."

  "What's the price?" Masno knew that if it was so simple, Davian would not go out of his way to make a trip, and even proposed two plans .

  Davian used magic to create an illusory projection, and the area centered on Kakrakaronde collapsed downwards, and seawater poured in towards it, forming a lake.

  "The terrain around Krakarlond will be severely modified, most likely turning into a giant lake that is uninhabitable."

  "This seems to be a good idea." Masnow agreed with this plan. The land of Nagaroth was not intended to be used for living, so it sank.

  As for how many druzis inside will die? Regarding this issue, he is more willing to find slaves who are still useful. Caledo has only one attitude towards Drucci, which is to kill them all.

  Davian grinned and revealed a cruel smile,

  "Then make final preparations. I can't wait to see all these Druchi die in this cold land." "Why not.

  " Although Masno's His expression looked very peaceful, but the bloodlust in his eyes was exactly the same as Davian's.

  Listening to the exchange between the two officers, Oliveira knew that this battle was probably much simpler than imagined. I heard that Davian always had a trump card that he did not use. He hoped that this would not kill all the high-value targets. Light.

  Otherwise, where should I find the merit medal?

  (End of chapter)

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