Chapter 472 The Shadow of the Dragon Prince

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  Chapter 472 The Shadow of the Dragon Prince
  bowed in the dark shadow in the court and slowly explained what happened in the military factory yesterday. His hoarse and low tone made it difficult to tell his age,

  "Juan agreed to Elvis' invitation as a giant Viper's armorer."

  As the person being reported, Imric said he knew it. He had intentionally revealed Juan's information to the little slippery Elvis. Otherwise, given the level of confidentiality of this Vaal priest, who was nicknamed the madman, Impossible to be known.

  But looking at the dark figure in front of him who was still bowing, his face covered with a piece of black cloth, and his body wrapped in Softbank armor, he couldn't help but say,

  "Phyllis, I just sent you to learn how to collect intelligence and concealment techniques from the Shadow King. No matter how he behaves, he has become like the rats of Nagaryth. This is very unkind to Caledor, and I am very unhappy." The

  black shadow was exposed by the words and could not maintain his cold figure, so he could only pull down his mask. The black cloth revealed an unusually delicate and pretty face, with a few disobedient silver hair scattered in front of her forehead.

  With her small nose, thin lips, and clear red eyes, she looks like a young girl, but a tear mole in the corner of her eye adds a bit of charm to this girl.

  Phyllis explained, her tone became extremely normal this time, and her voice was as clear as the cry of a nightingale,
  "Ahem, Your Highness, I tried to carry out the mission as normal before, but the target of the mission thought that I was your maid. I don’t believe there is an eradication agency. In order to ensure the intensity of execution, I have no choice but to learn the style of the Nagaryth people." After finishing speaking, there was a look of embarrassment in her eyes.

  As a noble woman loyal to the dragon tamer family, she He has been serving Imric for as long as he can remember.

  The operation to save Minasnir that year resulted in the death of a large number of Imrik's noble attendants, and only a few survived.

  But why, I only stayed in Nagaris for a few years, and when I returned to Caledor, I heard that Imrik and Adira were getting married.

  We said we only like dragons, but why did we marry an elf? The key is, I haven't even held hands with him!

  No, it seemed that he had held hands with me, but that was when he was twelve years old, and he was only eight years old at the time...

  But as a straight man, Imric didn't even think about it, thinking that Felice's eyes were complaining that he didn't have a clear distinction. Her duty, she said casually,
  "Our style of doing things is to come to see whoever is unhappy, and beat him until he is satisfied."

  She raised her head and recalled, "I still remember one hundred and sixty years ago, when there were two Yitai Well, that brat actually dared to spread slanderous remarks about Caledo. You took a group of us and rushed directly to his manor and beat him up with his bodyguards."

  Felice blushed at these words and frowned. After a moment, he looked a little embarrassed,
  "It was because I was ignorant at the time, and in the end I bothered the prince to resolve the dispute for us."

  But Imrik just snorted, "Come on, the old man even beat their head of the family later. After a meal, it was said that the Dragon Prince Caledor came to the door, and he actually dared to let the guards stop him. He simply didn't take the dragon palace seriously." "But

  that meal was really comfortable. I like these Lothors. The benefactor looked dissatisfied, but did not dare to say anything. I still remember the look in the tavern owner's eyes, which is really embarrassing." As he

  spoke, Imrik picked up the wine glass and took a sip, shouting happily.

  Phyllis's heart was petrified when she saw this situation. According to the relevant information she collected during this period, if a man doesn't shy away from telling something that looks like a heroic deed, but is actually just a hooligan's scandal, it's probably just... Treat you like a brother.

  After all, which prince would talk about rushing to the door and beating people like a gangster, especially a person like Imric who cares about his image.

  It's over...

  An invisible teardrop appeared on Phyllis's cheek. My Dragon Prince has changed. He is no longer the cold and arrogant person before, but has become like the greasy image of his fathers.

  But the appearance of a person interrupted Phyllis' inner little theater.

  Creon carried a bag of things and walked to the pavilion with firm steps. He looked at the two young men with some curiosity. One was laughing, and the other was whispering something inaudible with a sad face.

  "Phyllis, why are you free to stay here? I have a shift tonight. Do you want a drink?"

  But these words made Phyllis even more desperate. It turned out that in Uncle Creon's eyes, she was already someone she could drink with. Well, I'm only two hundred..., no, I'm only one hundred and fifty years old.

  Reluctantly making a smile, Phyllis responded,

  "No, Uncle Creon, I have a mission tonight."

  Just when Creon was about to say forget it, Imric stopped thinking about it. Laughing and wondering, "I remember you should have time in the evening, right?"

  "Work overtime, work overtime." He

  is not only a good buddy, but also a good employee. Imrik mentally praised this kind of person who volunteered to work overtime, and turned to ask Creon, "How is the situation?"

  Knowing that he was reporting the situation, Creon did not have the smile on his face just now, and said seriously,
  "Oh Erzeya's work of recruiting manpower went smoothly. In three days, 623 people were recruited, most of whom were Kisli ladies aged 20 to 30, and some imperial people." "Giant

  . The remuneration promised by Viper is very high, and there are some hidden benefits." "

  But I don't understand. How can they have the money to maintain such a high military expenditure when domestic families are prohibited from giving funds."

  Imri Ke clicked on the table and explained to the captain of the guard, "Snake God Prophet, Elvis has found a big backer. Not to mention these 600 people, even if it were doubled ten times, it would still be a small number for the prophet." "Indications.

  " They have stopped recruiting. If too many young adults are recruited from Qingyan Port, it will affect the social economy."

  Creon nodded to express his understanding. He actually helped the daughter of the former chief Agathel a lot, otherwise it would just be government approval. It will take a lot of time.

  Although the prince stopped each family from giving too much support, the hidden influence cannot be eliminated. Old Hallandur even went to the Var Anvil himself, intending to take advantage of the giant viper's poor military backup.

  Phyllis, who was originally looking depressed, came to her senses when she heard this, with a hint of sadness in her eyes,
  "I think they need a little extra support. These young people are important pillars of the future kingdom, and there can be no mistakes. "

  Obviously she was thinking of what happened to her companions more than ten years ago. The original group of hundreds of nobles centered on Imrik had turned into a handful of people. This scene must not be allowed to happen again.

  Imrik looked dumbfounded, thinking that he was throwing them into hell for a trial, even though the origin was a bit of a trial road like Master Baator.

  But the situation is completely different. The number of elves is just this, and the number of dragon princes is even rarer. Master Baator has inheritance and territorial issues. The Holy Grail Trial is the result of the integration of theocracy and politics, but Caledo does not need to be like this.

  "Don't worry, I have found a nanny for them. What they lack is not strength, but experience."

  Hearing Imrik explain this, the two of them felt relieved. Now that the serious business is over, they have to say Say something else.

  Phyllis rolled her smart eyes and asked,
  "I heard that a good tavern has opened in the city. Do you want to try it?"

  As a moral person, Creon wanted to refuse, but Imric had already swallowed his saliva.

  It shouldn't matter if you drink a little, because because of Adira's pregnancy, drinks such as spirits are almost extinct in the palace.

  Moreover, this is a good brother who I grew up with, so there is no reason to refuse such an invitation.

  After hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but poke his head and asked,

  "How many?"

  Phyllis, who knew the codes well, knew that this was asking how many people there were, and whispered,

  These words made Imrik's head stretch out again. Give a few, and then ask,

  "How many?"

  "Eight." This is asking what time it starts.

  "Hidden?" Imrik asked for cover.


  Phyllis crossed her hands on her abdomen, pretending to be a lady, "Move?"

  After getting a satisfactory answer, Imric leaned back in his chair, "Do it."

  Only Creon, who didn't understand the situation, looked confused. , I can only say that these young people really know how to play.

  (End of chapter)

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