Chapter 466 The best sponsor

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  Chapter 466 The Best Sponsor

  The next day, with the preliminary plan in hand, Elvis planned to make the final remedy and knocked on the office where his wife was.

  After explaining the reason for the incident, he put on an innocent face, hoping that his wife would understand that this was definitely not something he wanted to do.

  But Adila just said softly,

  Elvis looked blank. He never expected that his wife who cared so much about him would become like this.

  "There will be no war in the country during this period, and the prince's study is almost full of young people's invitations to war. You are not young anymore. It's time to go out and see the world."

  Adila Sitting on his chair, he casually issued an eviction order,
  "The start-up funds for the Knights have been allocated. Since you are here, you will go to the Finance Department later."

  Elvis, who was kicked out, came to the Finance Department and asked the elf in charge The little girl made a smiley face and said,
  "I'm here to receive a fund. The code is knt-01."

  The little girl also made a smiley face and began to look through the file that was just sent yesterday, and took it out to prove it to Elvis. After printing, take out a bank check with the fire dragon emblem.

  "Come on."

  Elvis took a look at the check, his heartbeat immediately tightened, his breathing became heavy, and his pupils dilated unconsciously.

  One thousand five hundred gold leaf coins!

  Just enough to charter a ship to Marienburg, is this the initial capital of the Knights?

  I can only ask if I made a mistake. This amount of money is not enough to maintain a militia organization, let alone the Knights.

  "Is this a mistake? There should be one or two zeros added, right?"

  The little girl turned around and checked the account book, and found that there was no problem. She could only say, "This check was written by His Highness himself, although I don't know why he I had a smile on my face when I wrote it, but I think I am very optimistic about your mission."

  Out of respect, Elvis didn't want to scold the prince, so he could only take the money and leave.

  Funding is actually not a big problem. If it doesn't work, you can still ask for some from the family. With Althea's sponsorship, you can at least get a lot of money from Fengxiao City.

  But the prince's attitude...

  Holding the check, Elvis understood that the prince intended to test his organizational ability, otherwise he could prepare everything in one sentence.

  If this kind of test is the premise, it would be a bit troublesome to ask for funds from the family, not to mention the Vaal Anvil, and the equipment might be defective.

  Just having people, money and equipment is not enough.

  Who should I ask for sponsorship? You can't ask people from China. They will definitely not give much support...

  Standing at the entrance of the palace, Elvis felt that he was stuck at a crossroads in life. There was a stable road with an end in sight. The other is an unknown area full of dangers but also endless opportunities.

  After long thought and the curious eyes of many people, he finally came up with a solution. This sponsor was not only rich, but also definitely influential enough.

  Suddenly he gritted his teeth, turned over, mounted his horse, and ran towards the outside of the city.

  Since the prince said that this knighthood is based on Sotek's faith, how could he not find the snake god prophet to exchange teachings and also get some funds.

  After galloping all the way to the hidden obelisk outside the city, Elvis asked the Skink Priest in charge to teleport him to Chakua.

  These words made the Skink Priest a little confused. He could only say,

  "Hi~, Chakua's giant spiritual network is still being rebuilt. If you want to teleport there, you must get the consent of the Snake God Prophet." "Is there no way

  ? Can we go directly to the Rainbow Bridge in Hethiota?"

  "The Rainbow Bridge can only be opened under the magic of Lord Slann. Lord God is now located in Itaza." The Skink Priest was a little confused, what happened to this elf kid? I'm thinking of going to Chakua. "Okay, can you contact the Snake God Prophet?"

  "Hey~, wait a minute."

  The Skink Priest manipulated the instrument with his slender fingers. In Elvis' unintelligible eyes, rainbow-colored streaks appeared. Symbols emerge from square instruments.

  After the energy reaches a threshold, a rainbow-colored projection of the Snake God Prophet appears.

  The snake god prophet stuck out his long, forked tongue. He still knew the elf in front of him,

  "Elvis, what's going on, Elvis?"

  "Snake god prophet, His Royal Highness ordered me to build an elf with Sotek's faith as its core. Knights of the Order. I still have some questions about Sotekou, and I want to come to Chakua to ask you for advice in person." There

  was a hint of confusion in Tehenhoyin's eyes, although Sotekog has nominally entered Caledor. belief system, but in recent years, apart from the occasional chanting by those standing around the altar, there has not even been a priest.

  And what is the Knights? Do the elves have such a thing?
  Although he was puzzled, since it was about Sotek's faith, the snake god prophet still agreed to the request,

  "I will release the coordinate point, and you can come over now."

  Before he finished speaking, a rainbow light appeared in Egypt. Ervis disappeared with a scream.

  Elvis, who was transported to Chakua by the teleportation magic, opened his eyes and felt that he had been asleep for a long time. He was about to curse a few words for why it happened so suddenly.

  But the huge mouth that covered his entire field of vision made him crawl backwards.

  The owner of the big mouth seemed to be very amused by this action, and closed his mouth that was originally wide open, and stood there laughing with his short hands supporting his belly.

  "Pakar, this elf kid is not food." The voice of the snake god prophet made Elvis calm down a lot, and he finally remembered that he was in a safe area.

  The scolded giant lizard rolled its head, seeming a little embarrassed.

  This made Elvis a little surprised. He had never seen such humanized movements on a lizard man. Even the most lively skink lizards were not so agile.

  "Pakal, a newborn monitor lizard, was born with the mark of Sotek and is smarter than all of us." The snake god prophet walked over slowly. He and Pakal were the only ones in the wide stone hall. Two people.

  "Sorry, I didn't expect this monitor lizard to be particularly lively." Elvis noticed the curiosity in Pakal's eyes, as if he was looking at every corner of his body.

  "No need to be like this, even I was a little surprised at the beginning."

  Tehenhoyin said a few words casually, and then went straight to the topic, "What is the Knights?"

  Feelings You don't even know what the Knights are. , just sent me here? This really has the characteristics of a lizard man.

  After complaining in his mind for a moment, Elvis explained,
  "The Knights are a military organization formed on the premise of a common belief. Members need to strictly abide by the precepts of the Knights and strengthen their faith..."

  Hearing the word faith, Terheng Huo Yin's red spirit crown stood up, interrupting the elf boy's chattering.

  "Sotek, only Sotek is the savior. Since your knights have Sotek as the core, you must understand the meaning of the twin-tailed comet." "This is why I came to you."

  El Weiss nodded, intending to listen to Sotek's teachings here.

  The young man who didn't know the seriousness of the matter was still waiting. Next to him, Pakar, the giant lizard who had lived with the snake god prophet for several years, had already ran out quickly, intending to avoid the next missionary.

  Tehenhoin grinned and began the first round of preaching,
  "Lustria was invaded by evil rodents. In the dim sky, a twin-tailed comet pierced the night sky, bringing destruction and rebirth..."

  (End of chapter)

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