Chapter 460 Rules

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  Chapter 460 Rules
  "If your boss takes action, do you have the confidence to stop him?"

  Adila planned to tease Mugol. It was rare to find such an interesting big man, so he couldn't let it go easily.

  Mu Geer hesitated for a moment, thought for a moment, rubbed the back of his head and said naively,
  "I think you should be able to defeat the boss, and we will cheer you on."

  "What you said is indeed a fact." Mrik nodded in agreement, but what he got was a beating attack from Adila.

  "What are you talking about here?" Adila pretended to be coquettish. A large group of people were watching, and she actually said such a thing.

  Imrik, who was so disliked by his wife, had no choice but to stop joking and
  said, "Okay, pretend I didn't say anything."

  The ogre man, who didn't understand what state he was in, chose the most correct move and silently waited for the relationship between his elder brother and sister-in-law. The exchange is completed.

  After some rough and tumble with Adira, Imric recalled that there were still several ogres waiting to be dealt with.

  He turned to Elvish and started communicating with his wife, "Why don't you send them to the city garrison to stay for a while?"

  Who knew that Adila looked at it with disgust and said, "You just took the initiative to take them as your younger brothers. Why are you asking about me instead?"

  "How to deal with it is your business, but you must agree in advance that these ogres are not allowed to enter the palace." Why did

  this woman change her face in the blink of an eye? She had just treated these ogres The human demon seemed quite interested.

  Imrik, who couldn't understand, chose not to think about it anymore and said to Mugol,
  "Although I haven't decided what you want to do yet, but since you want me to take care of the food, you have to be ready for a fight. I won't Feed the idlers, especially those of you who are very good at eating."

  "We fought fiercely. The group of Tyrells were robbed by the black bean sprouts before, and I smashed the leader with the knife into a meat pie with my backhand."

  "The knife head you are talking about is a druchi with a golden patch on the helmet and a cape hanging on the back?"

  Mu Geer recalled for a while, and it seemed that it was extremely painful to think of a food. After all, who I can remember how much bread I have eaten in my life.

  "It seems that he also scratched my hand." After saying this, Mugol raised his arm, and a wound that seemed to have just healed was at the front.

  It looked like the wound was caused by a mercer knife, and it should be the leader of the Black Ark who was responsible for the robbery.

  After making a judgment on him in his mind, Imrik looked at this ogre's combat prowess in a different light. Although he thought he was a bad guy, 99% of the people in this world were the same in his eyes.

  "I didn't expect you to be able to kill a Druchi Black Ark leader. It can be regarded as a small contribution to this world. In this case, then come with me." Seeing a large group of humans watching

  , Imric scolded him unceremoniously to get out of the way and put Adira on Morterius' back, waving his hand for Mugol and his group to follow.

  Mugol, who was confused about the situation, chose to follow the steps of the new boss. As long as there was food to eat, it would be an ogre's paradise. Who cares where he would go later.

  The group of people met the curious eyes and walked slowly towards the palace outside the city. During this period, Mugere kept asking the boss's name and what he did, but he only got a subtle look.

  When he reached the spacious granite road outside the palace, Mugol finally realized what was going on. Even a fool knew what the palaces not far away symbolized.

  "Boss, I'm thinking that you must be a high-ranking official who can talk to Caledo, just like I was a big man when I was in the tribe." "Haha, you really have a smart head

  . If you weren't an ogre, you might already have a lot of money."

  The dragon halberd guards in charge noticed the huge shadow in the night, which was far larger than an ordinary person. A group of guards holding red halberds stood in Creon's Come under the leadership.


  Creon first went through the process in a formal way, and when he saw the two leaders, he quickly understood what was going on. Although his appearance has been disguised by magic, the gem on Mortellius's neck cannot deceive anyone. This dragon-shaped enchanted ruby ​​alone has been able to buy several large merchant ships. Even in the elf society that attaches great importance to mounts, only The prince is so heroic.

  "Creon, take these ogres to find a place to live, but not in the palace, and let them know what the rules are."

  These words made Creon look confused. Caledor's current composition structure is complex enough, including the palace. The local area is still the original elven residents, but Qingyan Port now has an incredible number of races.

  The refugees brought from Kislev by the Great Holy War, the slaves rescued by going north to Naggaros, the population bought by Arabi, if you include the lizardmen who don't appear often, it is simply a mixed place.

  But even in this case, there are actually a few ogres.

  But seeing that the prince had already walked away with his wife, he could only sigh. He didn't expect that one day he would have to deal with an ogre. This was really an unexpected thing.

  "It's over, it's over. Continue to stand guard and change shifts when the time comes." Creon waved his hand to signal the guards behind him to leave, and then looked at the excited ogre.

  After a moment, I could only feel confused. If an ogre could enter the Dragon Palace, everyone would laugh at him.

  But orders are orders after all, so I can only say with a cold face,

  "You guys, follow me."

  "Who are you? My boss just told you to arrange meals, but he didn't say that I want to listen to you." Mu. Gore was a bit tough and slightly misinterpreted the boss's meaning.

  Creon sneered for a while, good guys, these ogres can't even see the iconic golden dragon armor of the Flame Knight. Don't blame yourself for teasing them later.

  "It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that here, everyone except the prince and his wife must listen to me." "

  Isn't that why I, the boss, have to listen to you?"

  "You don't know his identity? Creon was a little strange, thinking that these ogres were just sneaking in here, but that didn't seem to be the case.

  "The boss must be a high official, otherwise he wouldn't be here." A younger brother vowed, this was the result of his observations along the way.

  Mugor nodded in agreement, crossed his arms and asked the golden bean sprout,

  "You have heard that my boss is a high official, what role do you play."

  Creon covered his forehead, unable to understand such an obvious equivalence. , I can only say that he is worthy of being an ogre.

  "Okay, your boss, Prince Caledor, is the owner of this palace, and the one to whom all dragon princes swear loyalty..." Unexpectedly, these words made Mugor immediately tremble and asked in disbelief

  . ,
  "What, my boss is the leader of Caledor, don't lie to me." "

  This is a fact, the lady next to me is the Prince of Caledor." "

  It's over, I just praised the female leader of Caledor. Beautiful, are you going to be fed to sharks later?”

  After Creon's in-depth explanation, Mugol understood that the bean sprout that had just been wrestling was the prince, and the next thing was for this golden bean sprout to find a place to live, and then figure out the rules.

  After knowing that nothing was wrong, Mu Geer was quite proud. He raised his head and looked around this beautiful area for a while, "
  Since my boss is a prince, then I, like you, are both big men under the boss. What qualifications do you have to teach me the rules."

  Creon, who had expected this situation, shrugged, raised the lapis lazuli hammer in his hand, and said provocatively,
  "How about you give it a try and see who teaches the other the rules."

  (End of Chapter)

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