Chapter 453 The Coming Butcher

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  Chapter 453: The Coming Butcher

  "I think it's not enough for Minas Nir."

  Considering the combat effectiveness of both sides, Imric believed that the prototype of this jade unicorn would definitely not be able to defeat Lao Mi.

  "I'm asking you whether this jade unicorn looks good, not whether it can be beaten." "

  I don't think so. Except for Mortellius, Barrett, and Kukulza, no other types of creatures can appear in our house. "

  Ignoring Imric's objections, Adira decided to buy this gadget. The child must know the diversity of the world's creatures and not always be thinking about the dragon.

  In addition, she also bought a lot of similar jade carvings. As long as she found them pleasing to the eye, she would buy them all, almost emptying one third of the shop.

  After feeling satisfied, it was time to check out. She glanced at Imric, who was assessing the combat power of these mythical beasts, and Adira felt that he still couldn't let him hold it.

  "No. 9 Coulson Street, please deliver your things here."

  "It's my pleasure, madam."

  The boss immediately wrote down the address. He was originally prepared to bargain, but he didn't expect these two elves to be so generous. All included without even asking.

  Do you have to come here next time, Etain? Only dogs can get rid of it.

  Forget it, don’t worry about this prodigal bitch, let Motellius kick them all to pieces when the time comes, I’ll see what she says.

  Imrik felt secretly cruel in his heart. As long as he didn't want to see it, no one would let him see these jade carvings.

  "I will put them in a glass platform and strictly prohibit Mortellius from getting close."

  Adira, who had already guessed Imric's thoughts, showed her master's momentum. She has also ridden Mortellius. , As for my husband’s other three mounts, even if I want to ride them, I have to have this kind of courage.

  There is no need to think about Minas Nir at all. Kukulza only listens to her husband's words. Only the naive Barrett has some possibility.

  "By the way, why did you ask Magnus for half-gryphon eggs? These little guys are a bit difficult to take care of, and we don't lack cavalry." Adira thought of the five half-gryphon eggs she received some time ago. She didn't want to There are a bunch of guys in the country who ride monsters.

  "You even gave the gryphon eggs to Iris, why would you want to get a half-gryphon."

  Imrik thought for a while and whispered, "You also know the situation of the elven war horses. Facing large-scale The enemy was still a little weak. I heard that Edgar was almost decapitated by a rat troll last time. It was a bit difficult to rely on a lance alone."

  But in the blink of an eye, he laughed at Adira who believed it was true, "Just looking for fun. Yes, I also asked Tehenhoin to find some giant-horned cold lizards for me to see if I can form a team of giant-horned cold lizard knights." After snorting coldly, Adila walked to an open-air cold drink shop and

  greeted The waiter comes.

  After smoothing her long skirt and sitting down, she asked her husband what he wanted to drink.

  "Although I would like a cup of Dragon's Breath Vodka, I'm afraid we don't have such a thing here, so let's have a cup of black tea." "A cup of

  rose cold drink and a cup of black tea."

  Adila slowly explained the need to the waiter and turned to look at Imrik looked at his surroundings.

  Noticing his wife's eyes, Imrik, who was waiting for the black tea, asked curiously,

  "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

  "No, this is good." Adira took up the long hair scattered around her ears with her hands. Fa, I feel like this kind of time is really rare.

  After the waiter quickly brought the drinks, a pair of uninvited guests came to the next table.

  The dwarf with a very loud voice immediately called the waiter over, "Two glasses of lemon cold drink, the largest one, and some ice cubes." The

  tall man, who could barely sit down in two chairs, immediately refuted this opinion and said to the waiter,
  "Damn it, I can't. If you don’t want to drink lemon juice, give me a glass of mango juice.”

  “Are you looking for a fight? Lemon juice tastes much better than mango juice.”

  The dwarf glared, trying to decide which one tastes better, lemon juice or mango juice. A debate.

  "Come on, you are the only one who likes to drink lemon juice. Waiter, please replace both glasses with mango juice." The

  waiter waited calmly for the two of them to finish their debate. During this time, they had become accustomed to the appearance of this pair of street gangsters. As soon as the afternoon arrives, the two brothers will run out of the tavern to have a cold drink and rest for a while. After the tavern is replenished, they will continue to fight all night long.

  Seeing this, Imrik secretly thought it was interesting, called another waiter over, and whispered, "Give the two people next to you black tea, the kind in a bucket, without ice." The waiter was a little doubtful and took the responsibility

  . When the city's security guards saw the two drunkards, they all chose to walk around. If they did this, it seemed that the end would not be good.

  "I'm their friend, you do as I say."

  "Okay, sir."

  While the two brothers, tall and short, continued to argue, two big men came over carrying wooden buckets, and the leading waiter asked them to put them on the table. , with a smile on his face, he said,

  "This is what the gentleman next to you invited two of you."

  Agrim stopped talking, and looked in the direction pointed by the waiter with his rosy face due to drinking too much, and could only see A figure from behind, and an elf woman watching a play.

  The dwarf did not see through the disguise of magic, and Damian had no talent for magic, so he thought the figure behind him was someone he knew and was here to watch a joke.

  "Someone wants to see the joke between the two of us and brings a female companion. What should I say?" Agrim looked at Damian with evil intentions. He will return to the old world in a few days. Since Thorgrin and Imric Together we will ensure that there will be no fighting between dwarves and elves.

  During this period of time, you have to convince these pointed ears, so that you can have bragging rights after you return. We respect the High King's order and if we don't do anything to these pointed ears, then we will drink them all down.

  Damian stood up and hugged the two barrels, showing what to do with his actions.

  The barrel dropped heavily, causing Adira to frown.

  "My friend, you are so careless, you actually dare to use black tea to deal with two warriors who are only interested in wine." Damian sneered at the elf who was still lowering his head to taste the black tea, and planned to drag him directly into the tavern, wait for a while There is also someone to pay the bill.

  "Oh? That's really a pity. After all, I have black tea in my hand. How about sitting down and having a drink."

  Under Agrim's puzzled gaze, Damian's originally ferocious face became calm and honest. I actually found two chairs pushed together and sat down.

  "Hey, what's the matter with you? Are you still afraid of these pointed ears?"

  Damian took off the spoon next to the barrel, slowly poured a spoonful of black tea into his mouth, and couldn't help but sigh that it was really delicious.

  "Okay, Agrim, since we're about to leave, let's sit down and have a drink. Speaking of which, I haven't had a drink with you yet." Imrik continued without deliberately lowering his voice, "But my task today is to go shopping with my wife, so I can only have tea instead."

  After realizing that the person in front of him was Imrik, Agrim also shrugged and chose to sit down. Mrik had no contact.

  But he also knew that Imric had solved a lot of troubles for himself, and the butcher who had not yet turned into a long-bearded butcher was not so stubborn. The state of the world would inevitably make the connection between the two parties closer than before.

  Kaderin can also make some profits from Erengrad's sea route. In addition to the secret letter Thorgreen sent before, it is better to try not to mention the entries in the Book of Hatred.

  (End of chapter)

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