Chapter 422 Concerns

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  Chapter 422 Concerns
  "We want to know something about Imrik, especially his mental condition." Edgar did not hide it, staring directly at Mishan, hoping that he could give a definite answer.

  Hearing this question, Mishan squinted his eyes and thought for a moment. The people in this room were all diehard loyalists of the prince, so there was no problem in terms of loyalty.

  As a guard who has been stationed at Hesiota for a long time, he certainly knows what happened to the prince, but it doesn't seem good to say it directly. After all, this matter looks extremely weird no matter how you look at it.

  But he can't be too perfunctory. He can only think for a moment and say some words to calm people's hearts. "The prince's mental condition is mainly due to the entrustment of an ancient saint to explain to him the threat of rat people to this world." "We all know that

  . This kind of divine revelation does not mean that everything is a good thing. It often puts a serious mental burden on the favored ones. Since the colony has just been established, it is inconvenient for the prince to leave, so he chose to let Masnot lead the advance team to the Sky City. Assist the lizardmen to contain the ratmen's offensive first, and only when the time is right, will they go south to conquer it themselves." After a few

  fudges, in order to increase the reliability of these words, Mishan continued: "You must have guessed that this ancient sage is Who is it? It’s Sotek. As for your mental state of concern, as long as the ratmen in Lustria are eliminated, all problems will be solved." After finishing speaking, Yoneyama leaned on his chair and waited for the reactions of others present

  . , it is impossible for him to say anything about Sotek's prophecy. Only four people in Caledor know about it. The first is the person involved, Imric, the second is Masnow, the third is Davian, and the last one is It's me as a guard.

  Theoretically, Adila, who is the closest person to Imric, is extremely vague about this matter. Although Mishan knows that the prince does not want his wife to worry, this is not a warning.

  Before you figure out what impact this prophecy will have, it's best not to say it, otherwise once these dragon princes have concerns, it may have a big impact on their next actions.

  There was some confusion on Edgar's old face. To be honest, he didn't believe what Mishan said. Although it sounded reasonable, why would an ancient saint choose elves to eliminate the ratmen? Although most of the previous Caledor princes were not gods. Chosen, but generally loyal followers of Vaal.

  If you analyze Mishan from the perspective of rational logic, there seems to be no problem, but if it involves Asul's belief, this seems to be a bit interesting.

  After all, the belief in the Dragon Father of Caledor is gradually rising now. Although there is no clear religious organization established, most people think that Minas Nir is the symbol of the Dragon Father in the mortal world, and Imri Ke is the person of his choice, there is no reason for him to be chosen by a giant snake.

  "It's a bit hard for me to imagine the authenticity of this matter. Why Sotek would choose Imric. Caledor has never had formal communication with the lizard people, and this is even more true for the Sotek sect that worships blood sacrifice." Edgar expressed his doubts. If this could be explained clearly, then there would be nothing to worry about for Imrik. All he had to do was kill the ratmen. Although the Dragon Prince had never done this before, it was important for fighting. Extremely proficient, there is no reason to fail.

  Mishan shook his head slowly and said: "I only accompanied the prince to Hesiota as a guard. I don't know much about the specific situation, but I think since Druchi has people who believe in Asuryan, maybe the ancient saint can also Choosing to favor an Asur, for things like faith, one can only think about it through revelation, and revelation cannot be explained by logic."

  A sentence with some theological significance was said, which made the people present put down some worries. .

  Seeing that the Dragon Prince present was more relaxed, Mishan planned to pursue the victory and define the matter, "And this is not a bad thing. At least we know that Sotek still has some influence on the mortal world. He only has an attitude towards rats and chaos. It's enough for us to help. The prince is just a little stressed now, and he should be fine later." "Well, I hope this is true as you said." Edgar sighed, if Trevicorn can still do it here Using his uncle's identity to question Imrik based on family ties and family ties, but if people like him asked in person, it might cause some misunderstandings and make people criticize the dragon prince for having objections to the dragon lord's decision.

  "Violet, where did we discuss just now?"

  The Dragon Prince, as the record officer, reminded the somewhat forgetful Edgar, "How to deal with the sudden appearance of ratmen from behind who attack through tunnels." "

  Then continue, about We should leave more gaps in the formation to facilitate the cavalry to intersperse and fight..."

  The meeting lasted until early in the morning. Bruni looked at the sleepy and somewhat distracted Mishan next to him, and couldn't help but push him with his hand, "Let's go. Well, the meeting is over, let's go out and have a drink to refresh ourselves."

  The two of them walked out of the meeting room. Mishan looked at the group of Dragon Princes who were still discussing in the door with lingering fear. He turned to look at Bruni side by side and said: "You guys are all in meetings. In this way, even the arrangement of a team must be carefully calculated to this extent. When I was responsible for guarding the dragon halberd before, it felt like I was just standing there waiting for the enemy to charge, and then kill them back." Bruni chuckled for a moment, and said

  about A comrade who has been with him through life and death many times, his attitude is quite gentle, "The situation in Caledor does not allow us to make any mistakes. You have never seen the war council during the period of Prince Mikhail, otherwise you will definitely not think that this is such a cumbersome thing." At that time, the Dragon Prince even had to consider the angle of the charge and when to stop and turn to support the infantry. This time was measured in minutes." "But this situation is much better now. The dragon is here

  . Gradually awakening, the temperature of the Vaal Anvil volcano is gradually increasing, and the army, both in quality and quantity, can compare to the Titris era." The

  Dragon Prince did not go to the residence for a drink with Mishan as he had just said, but instead came to the Mage Group Where he was, he signaled someone to use magic to create a soundproof barrier. His eyes were no longer as easy-going as before, but full of seriousness.

  "What happened to the prince? Masno and Davian must know about it, but if you have confidentiality regulations, just pretend that I haven't asked." Mishan sighed, knowing that

  Bruni must I will ask about this matter. What I said just now is easy to deceive people who don't know, but since I have asked about it, I can't prevaricate.

  "We need to be prepared. After the war is over, the prince may go to Itaza for a period of time, and it is hard to say what will happen during the period." (End of Chapter


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