Chapter 398 Big Event

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  Chapter 398:
  Spring has passed and autumn has come, and it will be another three years.

  Since the spread of the colony in Ulthuan, a large number of fearless adventurers have come to Lustria.

  The newly appointed war lord Tyrion also cast curious eyes here. After exchanging letters with the Dragon Prince for a period of time, a naval fleet was arranged here, often joining forces with the Caledor Royal Navy fleet heading north. exercise.

  This move attracted the attention of many people. Aislin, known as the Ocean Lord, had placed a heavyweight order with Vaal Anvil and wanted to purchase a long-range strike battleship.

  Navies from the three kingdoms often stay along the coast of Naggaroth, hoping to gain something.

  But these do not have much to do with the colony that has been named Qingyan Port, because the throne of the Eternal Queen is already anchored in the port.

  The maid and the Avalon sisters threw flowers from the basket, and waves of elegant notes sounded from the orchestra. Under the gaze of everyone, the Eternal Queen, surrounded by divine light, slowly entered everyone's eyes.

  As the leader of the welcoming team, Davian came to the Queen, knelt down on one knee, kissed her hands and saluted, "Welcome to Qingyan Port, Your Majesty the Eternal Queen, I welcome you on behalf of the Dragon Prince." "Get up,

  Da Mr. Wei An." Alarielle retracted her right hand, indicating that Davian would lead the way.

  As the two walked side by side, the queen smiled and responded to the cheering crowd around her, and asked Davian curiously, "Where is Imric, has he gone north to fight with Druzi again?" The prince was asked where he was

  . Davian didn't think much about it, and immediately told his location, "The prince and his wife are at Hesiota. The news of your arrival here is a bit sudden. You should be back here in the afternoon." After a moment

  , The dragon halberd guards, who were the dragon prince's honor guard, began to isolate the crowd to prevent assassins from getting involved.

  Although the Flame Knights have been formed, their arrogance and arrogance are even greater than before. It is impossible for them to serve as an honor guard.

  Alarielle thought about it for a while. The main purpose of this trip was to meet the champion warrior who had been away for a long time, and then to see the situation of this newly built city.

  She did not agree with the construction of colonies. The Battle of Fennuvar Plains caused several non-major cities in Ulthuan to be reduced to ruins. The best way was to invest manpower in reconstruction.

  But considering the importance Imric placed on population, this was impossible. After all, he would not leave the people of Caledor to other kingdoms to govern.

  "Take me to see the city first, and then arrange the banquet and so on." The Queen gave the instruction to Davian.

  Davian nodded to express his understanding, then ordered someone to move the carriage over and asked the Queen to sit on it.

  Caledor's situation in Ulthuan has improved greatly in recent years, and his attitude towards handling some things is better than before.

  Greeting the Eternal Queen with the Prince's own escort is one of them.

  "Of course, this is what it should be." Davian mounted his horse and began to escort the Queen on her tour.

  Then he thought of something and said, "I don't know how long you plan to stay. This is not the prince's idea, just my personal curiosity." Davian didn't want the queen to

  stay in Qingyan City Port for too long, because This means that the upcoming war southward may be extended for some time.

  The prince's current physical condition is somewhat difficult to suppress, and he often needs to go to Hesiota to suppress his restless blood lust with the help of the power of the Southern Star Pyramid.

  The best option is for the prince and queen to sleep for two days and then go straight to the southern forest sea.

  Alarielle did not expect that Davian would ask such a question. In her impression, the Dragon Prince on the horse was a very interesting person, and he should not care about how long he stayed.

  "I have something to deal with, and this matter requires your prince's participation." Alarielle explained.

  Davian frowned, but soon understood, looking at Alarielle with a slightly surprised look. The prince was really awesome. He had to give birth to at least three children, and he had to inherit the kingdom separately. This was to unify Ulthuan by sleeping.

  Alarielle raised her eyebrows and asked, "Isn't it possible that your prince was avoiding me? Knowing that I was coming, he went to Hesiota specifically." "

  Of course not, I will have someone report this to him. Please wait patiently for a moment."

  In the distant Hesiota, a figure was sitting cross-legged on the pyramid of stars in the southern sky.

  It is not accurate to say that it is a human figure. The forked dragon horns and tail, the tall flesh covered with black scales, completely resemble a dragon man.

  The stars gradually returned to their positions, and the energy of the earth's veins gradually disappeared, returning to the earth with a scarlet aura.

  A pair of scarlet snake eyes that were completely different from the previous blue eyes suddenly opened. Imric stood up slowly and looked at the distant sky.

  The war between snakes and rats has reached a fever pitch. Tehenhoyin found the fifth sacrifice, again with the help of the unknowing Lao Mi.

  The strangeness on his body gradually faded away, as if it had never happened.

  Jumping straight from the top of the South Sky Star Pyramid that is hundreds of meters high, without relying on any external force, just relying on the control of the air flow and body, he came to the platform where Master Ma was used to staying.

  First, he touched Master Ma's round belly out of habit, and then said, "Open a portal and send me to Qingyan Port."

  Master Ma hit Imrik's arm with the cobra staff to signal the elf kid to be more honest.

  Although it did not go out to fight during this period, it was always disturbed by the elves, so it could only choose to think about Sotek's prophecy day and night.

  And the final conclusion...

  Mazdamudi shook his head secretly in his mind, thinking that this was completely conjecture, how could Sotigo be this elf kid.

  So a white light sent it away, and he lowered his head to consider the depth of it.

  Imrik, who was sent back to Qingyan City by Master Ma, shook his shoulders, tidied his robes, nodded to the guards around the obelisk to indicate his return, and then walked towards the banquet hall.

  Caledor has signed a practical military alliance with Hesiota, and has experienced many joint operations with the Legion of the Sun.

  Qingyan City has undoubtedly established a firm foothold in the New World, existing as an industrial and agricultural city, and also has a military transit role.

  After a day of hard training, Imrik originally wanted to find a place to eat, have a glass of wine to relax his mood, and then go shopping with the queen.

  But unexpectedly, as soon as he returned to the city, he was taken away by Lila Ze, who had been waiting for a long time, and was then taken to the manor.

  The queen in cool clothes was leaning on the bed, her fair skin exposed, her alluring fragrance filling her nostrils, and her alluring figure, making Imrik swallow a gulp of saliva.

  "Give me a gift, okay?" Alarielle walked up to her lover and caressed the familiar face with her hand.

  "Of course." Imrik, who understood the situation, refused. When the queen exclaimed, he pushed her on the bed, planning to spend the whole night applauding for love (end of chapter


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