Chapter 384 The Champion Warrior’s Considerations

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  Chapter 384: The Champion Warrior’s Considerations
  The frenzy of the rat men began to recede, leaving behind corpses all over the ground and figures escaping in confusion in the dark night.

  When the advance team arrived at the southern Great Forest Sea, they were warmly welcomed by the Skaven.

  The champion warrior Masno watched the rats fleeing into the jungle, and then put the blue fury into the scabbard. The sweltering environment of Lustria made it difficult for him to use it. The holy ice aura that could cause freezing damage barely stopped the rats from moving. Go slower.

  He raised his foot and trampled a rat that was still twitching to death. Broken flesh and bones could be heard from under his boots. Masno ignored the stinking environment and walked to the Pattu Newin Claw troops who were still repairing.

  These people drawn from various armies did not live up to the expectations of the palace. Except for not participating in the great holy war, they were present in every battle carried out in Caledor in the past few years.

  Masnot patted the slightly restrained Oliveira and put a strong palm on his shoulder,
  "Do a good job. You need an action to prove your worth, and this time is the best opportunity."

  " Yes, Lord Masno!" Oliveira was quite excited to receive this compliment. The Dragon Halberd Guard has always had a competitive relationship with them. Although the positioning of the two sides is not the same, as a unit formed at the same time, it usually means Xanadu believes that the prince pays more attention to the halberd-bearing troops, and the Claws of Pathuniin need a victory to make the prince focus here.

  Masno nodded, patted Oliveira's shoulder twice more, showing that he was very optimistic about the young man, and then walked towards Rascoul who was still counting the casualties.

  Raskol, who had an acquaintance with Masno, stopped his action and stood up straight to wait for the review. Beside him, the Kislev soldiers who were sitting on the ground to rest also immediately stood up and maintained the same posture as him. posture.

  Only strength is the best reason to convince people. The champion warrior in front of him, who stopped a large number of rats alone, is simply like Esun's messenger in the mortal world. Ice has become his weapon, displaying the power of the gods.

  "You're doing well, keep up the good work." Masno encouraged the soldiers for a moment. Although his original intention was to use these Kislev ladies as human shields, he didn't expect that Caledo's daring to fight and charge would lead to this. Things were a bit reversed. The heavily armored assault force - the Claws of Patunyuin continued their usual approach, choosing to rush directly into the enemy army, tearing a gap and advancing quickly.

  But these Kislev soldiers were holding on with shields and attacking step by step.

  But the results didn't change much, I just need to pay more attention next time.

  Raskol was not as excited as Oliveira, but accepted the instruction with a serious face.


  While cleaning the battlefield, skinks with gorgeous feather crests have walked from the landing ship to the beach. They are not skink sacrifices, but as guides who lead the advance team to the Sky City. Three experienced souls Lizard leader.

  "Hiss~ Elf, your fighting power is very good. I believe that we can find the snake god prophet next." The leader of the skink praised the performance of these hot-blooded warriors, and then continued, "There is still a long way to go before the Sky City
  . The distance, hiss~, I don't recommend following the previous plan."

  "The rats will definitely set up a large number of ambushes along the way, hiss~."

  "What are you going to do?" Masno asked the question to the leader of the Skinks, Most of Asul's knowledge of Lustria came from Dusk Fortress.

  It is quite difficult to know the shape of the coastline. If you want to reach the Sky City accurately, it is best to listen to the ideas of these lizard people. "Hiss~, I know there is a secret road to the Sky City, but it will take longer than originally planned, and there are a lot of swamps and poisonous insects." The leader of the Skinks asked the question to Masno, respectfully The God Lord has stated that he wants to help these elf babies. If this is the case, then it will not be a big problem for them to walk on some hidden roads.

  Masno thought for a moment and motioned to Judith, who was directing the logistics troops to move supplies. There were only two dragon princes on this trip. The champion warrior had great confidence in his military capabilities, but he still needed to hear more necessary opinions. .

  Repeating the words of the leader of the skinks, Masnot asked Bruni,

  "I don't want to reach the Sky City through this road. Since the rat people knew the news that we were coming here before, then these places also It may not be safe."

  As he spoke, Masnow glanced at the several skink leaders who were still examining the corpses of the rats, and continued,

  "And you should also know the situation of the lizardmen. I don't think they have any Ability to send troops to maintain those hidden paths, these places may have been occupied by rats."

  Judith thought for a moment, this is indeed very possible, after all, the situation of the lizard people has been figured out during this period of time There are a lot of things to understand. As long as there is no guidance from the Slann Demon Priest, if you rely solely on the Skink Sacrifice to interpret the giant toad, you may not even be able to understand the truly important goal.

  Coupled with the fact that the Slann Demon Priest likes to take naps and does not speak human words, it is possible that the City in the Sky has not investigated these hidden roads at all.

  As a soldier, Judith did not want to speculate whether the place had been occupied, but if he went as planned, he might be attacked by the rats on a larger scale.

  "I don't think it would be a good thing to take this secret road, but if we act on the expected path, we may fall into the enemy's encirclement." Judith will consider speaking out and showing his suggestion, "
  We It is difficult to stay here for too long. The prince needs to attack Druch in the north. The nearest stronghold is the Dusk Fortress, but with their military capabilities..."

  Judith did not finish the sentence, but just shrugged. He is not very optimistic about the overseas fortress whose population is gradually decreasing.

  As a transit point on the maritime trade route with Cathay and an outpost to guard against Antarctic Chaos, the Dusk Fortress was originally a very prosperous place. However, due to unknown reasons, the population gradually decreased, and the structure fell into disrepair. Various facilities have been reduced to a less important intelligence collection location and fleet parking area.

  Looking at the several Skink leaders who used obsidian daggers to give the rats hiding under the corpses a final blow, Masno touched his chin with his hand and observed for a moment. He was not willing to believe these cold-blooded species because of some prejudices and the third The reality of the situation comes up when they meet once.

  But now it seems that there are not many choices. Who can let his group of people not even have the most basic road map for their actions, and they can only let these cold-blooded people lead the way.

  Sighing, Masnuo made his attitude clear to his comrades,

  "Okay, let me see if these cold-blooded ones are reliable."

  (End of Chapter)

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