Chapter 376 Preparation of the advance team

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  Chapter 376 The advance team prepared
  to leave the prince's office. Masno chose to go straight to the command post. People kept saluting him along the way. The civilians carrying supplies also took the initiative to move out of the way. Those who knew his identity as a champion warrior The important soldiers stood there with their heads held high, waiting for the review.

  As a dragon prince who considers himself to be relatively open-minded, Masnuo still lets people continue working instead of staying where he is and looking up at his own glory.

  Residential houses, wood processing plants, blacksmith shops, material storage warehouses... a series of necessary facilities that needed to be constructed in the early days of colonization were all carried out in an orderly manner under Masnot's arrangements.

  Although Adira has officially become the lady of the kingdom, when it comes to obeying orders, most Caledonians are still willing to listen to the words of the champion warrior.

  Masnot came directly to the command post and asked the messenger to contact several people to come here.

  Not long after, the burly barbarian, the dragon prince in armor, the blind priest of Vaal, and the great sword hero who had not appeared for a long time - the Claw of Patunyuen, arrived here.

  After seeing the arrival of the personnel, Masino also went straight to the point and gave the order,

  "We need to organize an advance team to go to the Great Forest Sea in southern Lustria to support the Sotigo sect in the war against the Pestilen clan. Let's talk about it. What do you think?"

  Damian, who was standing at the front, relaxed his shoulders and ignored that the elf in front of him was the so-called champion warrior. He walked to a particularly large chair and lay down, and said nonchalantly, "
  I don't have any opinion, isn't it? Killing rats? Killing them is as easy as crushing bedbugs."

  Regarding Damian's rather useless opinions, Masnow chose to ignore it. If you are strong enough, you can probably rush from the north to the south of Lustria, but War cannot be decided by one person. The reproductive capacity of rats has already determined that the ratio of losses to war is an extremely ineffective thing.

  Turning to look at Judith, who was the mercenary commander,

  "I need mercenaries to go to the southern Great Forest Sea. This advance team must understand what the capabilities of the Pestilen clan are."

  Judith nodded and said: He certainly understood the meaning of Masno's words. This operation would be mainly composed of mercenaries and supplemented by the Caledorian army.

  It is difficult for the proud cavalry to fight in the dense rain forest, and the dragon troops may not be dispatched. Then the Kislev mercenaries can be used as human shields to solve the targets of military operations.

  The Dragon Prince had never thought that these Kislev soldiers had a value with their compatriots. Maybe some friendships would be generated during this period, but in the face of more important military operations, these are things that can be discarded.

  Judith thought for a moment and asked a question,

  "Kislev soldiers may have difficulty adapting to the tropical climate in southern Lustria. Soldiers who have been stationed in the Dragon's Back Mountains for a long time are used to the sweltering heat, coupled with the protection of magic equipment. , will not lose its combat effectiveness in the southern forest sea. What I said is right, Oliveira."

  As he spoke, Judith looked at the sword hero next to him. The Battle of the Plains killed the Lord of the Black Tower who fell from the back of the black dragon. Although it was a bit of a fluke, he still received the title of nobility, and in just one year, he was promoted to one of the senior officers of the Claws of Pathunuin.

  Oliveira, who was slightly restrained, said that this was indeed the case, and then stayed where he was to wait for instructions from the two dragon princes. The blind priest Coster curled his lips with disdain,

  "It is already a great honor to let some human monkeys wear the equipment made by the Val blacksmith. I have never understood Bruni's thoughts. Although the sword is a defective product, It's still better than the weapons in the hands of most soldiers. Why did he make a special trip to the Vaal Anvil to hand the weapons to a Kislev monkey."

  As a priest representing theocratic authority, he often does not need to pay attention to the impact of policies. I really dislike these human monkeys. If it weren't for the prince's order, the Vaal Church would not have specially built equipment for the Kislev barbarians.

  "But this matter is an order from the prince, and it is very important. I need to figure out the affairs of the Sotigo sect without affecting the security of the colony as much as possible!" Masnot sternly refuted Coster's idea, clenching his fists and beating The table emphasizes the need for this.

  The priest was definitely unwilling to get some items that could maintain a comfortable environment, but this was no reason to disobey the order. He then continued, "I need to make
  all the preparations in five days, and the Val Church also needs to allocate some People will make the supplies."

  After Scott nodded with difficulty, Masnow looked back at Judith and asked,

  "Tell me some recommended candidates. This time I plan to take 3,000 people to southern Lustria. , among which the number of Kislev mercenaries must reach at least two-thirds." "

  A detachment of 600 people called Elk Hunters. Most of them were born hunters and have some expertise in using repeating crossbows; Misha's The 800-man detachment of the Eagle is characterized by being good at attacking tough battles; and the 500-man detachment of the Snow Mastiff has good endurance and perseverance." The personnel recommended by Judith explained that although Masnot had the army after the prince left He and Bruni are mainly responsible for the control of the Caledor native army and the Kislev mercenaries.

  After Bruni returned to the Horn of the Sun sequence, another dragon prince worked with him. No one knew these Kislev soldiers better than him.

  It can be seen that Judith's answer satisfied Masnow. The vacancy of one hundred people is actually a place that can be used as logistics soldiers. Although the number of one hundred people is very small, the magic Black technology can always bring surprises to people.

  "Very good, you can find another hundred soldiers responsible for logistics. I don't care if the food they make is edible, but at least they must be able to protect the safety of the supplies and themselves, especially the former." "Of course." After finishing


  , Masno looked at the topographic map that the prince brought back from Hesiota. It was obvious that the forked river flowing from the City of Mist was difficult to travel, and from a straight-line distance, the distance between the City of Mist and the City of Sky was No shorter than Chapeiuto.

  He did not want to teleport to Slanwupec or Itaza through the Lizardman's Rainbow Bridge. He now needed the guidance of several guides to lead the advance team from the sunken Chapeiuto to the Sky City.

  Although the champion warrior had no basis, his intuition told him that the rats of Pestilun were fighting fiercely with the red-crowned skinks of the Sotek sect, and an army attacking from the rear might have a big impact on the battle. impact, providing great help.

  "Be prepared, we will set off on time in five days."

  (End of Chapter)

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