Chapter 359 The enthusiasm of the cooking soldiers

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  Chapter 359: The Enthusiasm of the Cooking Soldiers
  The camp building work that started at noon lasted for a long time and gradually stopped until the evening. The experienced engineers did not dismantle the Skoggi's wooden pile walls, but only re-erected wooden piles at some important locations. The tower serves as a warning point.

  The stench of burning corpses lingered for a long time, although some people suggested throwing these corpses to feed fish, or throwing them into the forest, using the power of nature to help Caledo solve this sanitary problem. But Imric felt that something was wrong. Throwing it into the sea might attract a large number of sea beasts. Although the cold lizards that existed in Lustria did not mind disposing of corpses, they were probably not too interested in living people.

  In the early stages of building the camp, safety comes first. Although the strong burnt smell is indeed nauseating and may affect your health, it is not a big problem. Go back and pray to the gods to ensure that there will be no impact.

  "It's time to eat! It's time to eat! You brats, come here quickly. The next group of people don't want to wait."

  Old Wading, the strong elf in charge of logistics and food, carried a big iron bucket and placed it on the wooden table. Then he saw the The Kislevian soldier who was hammering the wooden pile was indifferent to his words and immediately roared angrily,

  "Come here quickly! Do you want to try the power of my iron spoon?"

  But Old Wadin obviously forgot about himself It was speaking Elvish language, and even if these Kisli ladies wanted to learn it, they had no talent for this kind of writing that was like a heavenly book. They just raised their heads and glanced at Wadin, and then continued to insert the wooden stakes into the foundation.

  In the army, the first person not to be messed with is the person who manages the weapons, which in Caledor is the Val priest. The second person not to be messed with is the person in charge of food.

  Old Wadin was a little angry. Even the prince had to listen to my food arrangements in the military camp. How dare you Kislev barbarians ignore me?

  The strong man ignored his companion's argument that these barbarians had no sense of military discipline and could be used as livestock. He angrily walked up to a Kislevian soldier. He didn't care whether he could understand the Elvish language or not, and yelled, "You

  are You are not deaf. If you are physically disabled, go get it cured. But since I am responsible for your food, then come here!"

  Old Wading took the hammer away from the soldier's hand, took his shoulder and moved towards the place where the iron hammer was placed. He walked towards the wooden table with a barrel, and his thick arms made people wonder if he was really a cook in charge of food, rather than a warrior who killed the white lion with his bare hands.

  The other Kislev soldiers looked at each other in confusion. Of course they knew what the elf wanted to express, but Bruni's long-term training had made them remember a principle. They were not allowed to do anything else until the mission was completed.

  The leading centurion put down the hammer and wanted to explain the matter to Old Wattin. After working for a day, he must be hungry, but the mission was important and orders were the first priority of the soldiers.

  Old Wading, who dragged the soldier to the wooden table, took out a wooden bowl, filled the iron bucket with a full spoonful of seafood soup, and took out a large piece of ribba from the bag and handed it to the soldier together.

  But looking at the fearful expressions of the Kislev soldiers and the arms pressed to the sides, it was obvious that they did not dare to accept the food.

  This made the cooking soldier extremely angry. He couldn't help but want to hit the Kislev soldier on the head with an iron spoon. You are really an animal. You have to eat to have the strength to work. Are you just like cattle and horses? The prince shouted Just a few slogans and endless overtime work, and you still claim to be a wolf culture?
  The centurion blocked the angry attack of the cooks, trying to use sign language to explain that they could not rest until the task was completed.

  The sign language had some effect. The cook Old Wadin waved an elf who knew some Kislevian to come over, and then said, "

  Translate his words, and Old Wadin won't believe that they really volunteered to be cattle."

  Wearing clothes. The managers in white robes were obviously a little afraid of Old Vadin. After all, the reputation of the grumpy chef was very loud among the Caledorian army. After listening carefully to the centurion's words, he translated them in Elvish, "This is a mission

  . According to Instructor Bruni's instructions, we are not allowed to do anything else before completing the mission." The

  famous Dragon Prince was enough to make a large number of people give up the idea of ​​changing the Centurion, but Old Wadding didn't care.

  He just snorted coldly, isn't he that brat Bruni? I have been working in the cooking class for more than three hundred years, so when you see me, you have to call me Old Wadding politely, otherwise I guarantee that his next meal will be different. Live cow large intestine. Asking the manager to translate the words, Old Wading calmly crossed his arms and spoke with great confidence,

  "I don't care who you listened to before, but you have to listen to me at meal time. This belongs to the Caledorian army." Tradition, even if you come here from the cold and frozen land of the old world, you have to abide by this tradition."

  The centurion hesitated for a while, he was wondering who was greater, the dragon prince Bruni or the cook soldier Old Wading. Try the crater chain swing.

  Two people appeared from the different lights, interrupting the centurion's hesitation. They were Masnot and Bruni who were patrolling.

  "Eugene, bring your people here. Your mission has not been completed yet, but proper diet can ensure the progress of the mission." Bruni instructed the centurion who was no longer under his jurisdiction, and then paid attention to the iron barrel. food inside.

  It uses sea fish as the main ingredient, plus lobster, tomatoes and onions, and a lot of cheese. It looks extremely thick. I can't help but secretly nod my head to express my approval of this thing.

  Due to their keen senses and cultural traditions, elves are not very interested in such strong-flavored food. Most of the time, they eat vegetarian food and try to be as moderate as possible.

  But this eating habit has gradually changed with the advent of the maritime trade era. After all, if you have money, you should enjoy it more.

  Dragon Prince Bruni didn't want to mention the Lothern region that he looked down upon the most, but this food still deserves recognition. After all, Mrs. Kislev's favorite is this kind of rich-flavored food, and heavy manual labor also requires high-calorie food. To replenish physical strength.

  After the centurion turned around and brought his soldiers over, Bruni looked at Old Wadding and forced a smile. Even the Dragon Prince had to eat in the army. The only one who didn't have to worry about the thoughts of the cooking soldiers was in Caledo. There were only a few people, so of course he had to show some enthusiasm,

  "Old Wading, we will follow this food standard for them next, but alcoholic drinks are not allowed. Once these people drink, they will easily get into trouble."

  Old Wading was not angry . He waved his spoon to express his understanding, then took out two wooden bowls and asked the two dragon princes,

  "Have you two eaten? If you haven't eaten, let's get rid of it quickly. Old Wading can't bear to see anyone in the camp during the meal." Let's hang out here."

  Bruni was just about to say that he had eaten, but when he was about to leave, Masno pulled him towards the wooden table.

  The champion warrior responded to Old Wading with a smile, "I haven't tasted your cooking for a long time, let me see if it's unfamiliar."

  Masnot took the two wooden bowls, handed one to his comrades, and then grunted After swallowing the food in the bowl, he kept nodding his head to express his praise for Old Wadding's craftsmanship and that he wanted another piece.

  Bruni hesitated for a moment. From the corner of his eye, he saw the Kislev soldiers queuing up two meters away from him. He reluctantly took the wooden bowl.

  They have become champion warriors, but they are still the same as before.

  The two of them walked to the side and sat on the wooden piles silently watching the soldiers' excitement as they took the seafood soup and Da Lieba.

  The first day I came to Lustria was spent in this rather peaceful atmosphere.

  (End of chapter)

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