Chapter 349 Chapter 349 For our revenge!

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  Chapter 349 Chapter 349 For our revenge!
  The wedding was going on, and immediately after Tyrion entered the palace to attend the banquet, Eltharion also came to Imric.

  The cold watchman also showed a rare smile at this time, and greeted the entourage to transport the gifts to the designated location.

  "Happy wedding."

  Elsharion, who was not good at responding, sent his blessing. It was obvious that he wanted to express his feelings to the best of his ability, but it was difficult to say it with his tight face.

  On the other hand, Imrik thought it was okay. After all, wasn't it the same for the first time the two met? He patted his shoulder and said with emotion, "
  You must also experience this in the future. After all, your father I really can't hold off my age anymore."

  Elsharion, who was teased, didn't pay attention. He looked at the crowd behind him and chose to enter the palace first. He wanted to discuss the expansion of the army with Imric during this trip. Although the previous armaments The agreement is sufficient for consumption, but cannot sustain large-scale enrollment expansion.

  Just after the watcher left, an unexpected person entered with the words of the palace attendant,
  "His Royal Highness Aris from the family of Nagaryth Anar."

  Shadow King? Why did he come? Although the invitation was sent, it was only out of etiquette. He had never participated in such unnecessary events.

  Imrik thought for a moment in his mind, but now that he has come, he must have something to tell himself. It is nothing more than how to kill Druzi more quickly and effectively. Although Caledor's current focus is Lustria, but since the Shadow King wants to cause trouble for Drucci, he doesn't mind providing support.

  The Shadow King, who was wearing a black robe, entered the palace. The cold aura he exuded at that moment caused an isolation zone to form around him, and the Shadow Crown Hand wearing a mask next to him made the isolation zone even wider.

  "I have something to ask." The Shadow King got straight to the point and communicated with Imrik in the ancient Elvish language. It could be seen that he did not intend to stay here, but came to Caledor for some purposes.

  Imric nodded. Although the appearance of the Shadow King was a bit untimely, since he was willing to come to Caledor in person, he couldn't let him wait. Every second wasted, there would be another Druzi in the world. Bastard.

  So he ordered Elvis,

  "You greet the guests for me. I have something to discuss with His Majesty the Shadow King."

  Elvis was a little sluggish. He was just a young man and had not even entered the battle order of the Dragon Prince. How could he? He was qualified to greet the prince on his behalf, but seeing the backs of the three people walking away, he could only accept this task.

  Who makes himself the prince's confidant? Elvis felt complacent in his heart.

  When they came to the palace, there was a small secret room protected by soundproof magic. There was no drink to greet them. Imric asked directly,
  "I think you are here to find the answer to that question."

  The Shadow King nodded and let the Shadow Crown hand hold the door. Waiting outside, he then said,
  "You know something about Malekith."

  "A lot, a lot, but I need to make sure that no third party will know about this conversation."

  The Shadow King frowned his slender eyebrows, After this period of speculation, he vaguely thought about the Elf God System, and Imrik's words undoubtedly proved this guess,

  "I have blocked all gazes on my body. The relationship between Lilith and me is not ordinary." Gods and Chosen Ones."

  After receiving the Shadow King's assurance, Imric also explained clearly what happened in the past. Ask Aris to choose the power of Lilith or revenge against Druzi, even if it were 10,000 times, he would choose the latter without hesitation. There is no need to play some intelligence exchange games like Teclis.

  After Imric finished speaking, the small secret room fell into silence. The Shadow King's face gradually became twisted and ferocious, and the hatred and murderous intention accumulated for thousands of years gradually filled the air.

  So Malekith's betrayal was just a trial given to him by Asuryan. Everything that happened was necessary for this trial, grandfather, father, mother, brother, Nagaryth...

  everything , all those who died, all the Nagaryth elves who died due to betrayal are the victims of this trial.

  Aris Anar felt so angry for the first time in his life. Yes, even when his family was tortured to death by Malekith, he was not so angry, because this was something that could be avoided. As long as Malekith If he stayed in the holy fire for a few more seconds, or if the Phoenix Guard pushed him back, everything could have been avoided.

  The elves are still the most powerful race in the world, and Nagaryth still leads the direction of the elves. They will not become a wasteland, and they can reunite with their families in the underworld.

  The Shadow King raised his head, looked at Imric with his bloodshot and red eyes, and said word by word,

  "Yes, this is a deception, a scam that has lasted for thousands of years, maybe Asuryan can save him once, but Malekith must die!"

  Imric did not persuade the Shadow King to calm down. Hatred was the pillar that supported him to survive until now, and whispered,
  "Yes, Malekith He must die, but the real crisis is still to come. I can't tell you what this crisis is, but Caledor must be prepared."

  Looking at the Shadow King's face that became gloomy because of these words, Imri Ke continued,
  "Caledor will unconditionally support Nagaryth's military operations, but my current target is not Nagaryth, because I haven't found a suitable way to solve the most critical problem yet." The Shadow King calmed down

  . Quite a bit, he wanted Imric to immediately take over the position of War Lord, give up the colonial plan of Lustria, and instead expedition to Naggaroth. Only the dead Druzi turned into fertilizer would be harmful to the world. Somewhat useful.

  He took a deep breath to calm down, and then said,
  "You mean Asuryan?"

  Sitting on the chair, Imrik also took a deep breath to calm down.

  Last time, the white-haired old bird let Malekith go. You must be prepared to attack Naggaroth again, otherwise it will most likely be in vain. If Asuryan turns around and throws him into the holy fire to be burned again, From the Witch King to the Phoenix King, I don't know what will happen when the time comes.

  Lustria's actions were based on this consideration, and a way to stop Asuryan from interfering in the mortal world was found from the relics of the ancient saints.

  "Yes, Malekith's matter cannot be solved by military force alone. I will find some ways to deal with Asuryan's intervention, so before that, you need to attack Druchi to keep their numbers In an easy-to-handle area, and attracting attention, it cannot interfere with my actions." The

  Shadow King considered for a moment, then put his hand on the table, looked at Imrik with his scarlet eyes, and his tone was full of murderous intent. ,
  "For our revenge!"

  Imrik also put his hand on the table and held the Shadow King's palm, his tone was equally firm and full of murderous intent,
  "For our revenge!"

  (End of this chapter)

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