Chapter 34 Adila’s Prayer

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  Chapter 34 Aidila's Prayer
  In the large square of Tal Kaled, three thousand fully armed soldiers are standing here. Several ancient dragon flags with different symbols follow the strong winds of the Dragon's Back Mountains all year round. Swaying.

  The silver-white armor glowed under the sun, and most of the shoulder armor, girdle, and shield were painted in Caledor's traditional red and green colors.

  The weapons in their hands were all carefully crafted by the Vaal priests. Although they were not enchanted, they were still far sharper than ordinary weapons. Three giant dragons were circling in the sky, waiting to go to the battlefield with their partners.

  Years of training have made the soldiers' bodies and wills as tough as iron. Just waiting for the prince's order, they will go to the battlefield and win honors.

  Imric stood on the stage holding the Star Lance, and behind him was Minas Nir. One man and one dragon were ready, and they could fight side by side at any time, but the Dragon Prince planned to announce something here.

  He took a few steps forward, while the soldiers in the square were waiting for the prince's first declaration of war.

  "Children of Caledor, since I succeeded to the throne, I have upheld the long-cherished wish of the late kings and tried my best to make Caledor glorious again. Your support for the Dragon Tamer family makes me firmly believe that this long-cherished wish will surely come true." Spear

  and The sound of the shield hitting the ground began to echo around the training ground. He waved his hand to stop them because he wanted to announce something.

  "As Prince Caledor, I announce the establishment of a knight troop. This troop will serve as a reserve force for the Dragon Prince. Anyone who performs well on the battlefield will be selected, and those who are not suitable for cavalry combat will also be selected. Be promoted to a knight."

  Imrik has been thinking about this for a long time. Ulthuan's long-term class solidification has resulted in a large number of talents not being reused. The Dragon Prince, as a military noble who has been trained since childhood, has impeccable combat effectiveness. .

  But the number of people is too small, which is not conducive to future development, and because the families are closely connected, it is easy to form a monopoly. What they need is multi-level military talents. Whether they are grassroots officers or generals leading the army, it is good to promote them from civilians. ideas.

  This matter was also the result of consultation with Randy. Although the breaking of class monopoly would have counterproductive effects, this matter was only in terms of military status and had not yet risen to the social level.

  There are not many cases of obtaining noble status through military merit in Ulthuan. With the support of Minas Nir and Randy, the resistance will be much smaller.

  And these people will not have fiefs, they will only improve their treatment according to their level, and their butt will determine their head. Imrik has never thought of establishing a democratic parliamentary system to limit his power. As long as the gun is in hand, Caledor and even Ulthuan must listen to me.

  The words of the Dragon Prince caused a stir for a while. If people from various kingdoms in Ulthuan were asked to talk about their dreams, the Avalonians would want to stay in the court of the Eternal Queen forever, and the Sulforians would say they wanted to become a magic swordsman. , the Cosqueans wanted to be a captain, Etaine might be a poet or a navigator, but the Caledonians had only one answer, and that was to become a dragon prince with a dragon companion.

  Looking feverishly at Imric on the stage and the giant dragon behind him, and then looking up at the three giant dragons soaring in the sky, the soldiers felt an unprecedented excitement in their silent hearts. He raised his spear or sword high and shouted fervently.

  "Imrik! Imrik!"

  He jumped on Minas Nir, raised the Star Lance high, looked at the frenzied crowd in front of him, and shouted with them.

  "Today, under the gaze of the late king, the Caledonians will seize the glory they deserve, the place where lances pierce and the place where glory is displayed." Let Minas Nir set off, and he planned to take the

  dragon first. Tyron Locke, the remaining people will arrive in a few days. Before support arrives, Tyron Locke's people will have to work hard on their own.


  White Peak, one of the pearls of Tyranloch, is rich in pure white and regular marble. Mines of various sizes are located near the Anulli Mountains. It is the center of the construction industry in the entire western part of Ulthuan. Today, But he was troubled by monsters.

  Every noble of Tyranloc is proud to own a silver chariot. Only those nobles who cannot afford to buy or maintain a chariot will choose to ride a war horse or fight on foot.

  And this also led to Prince Eldraine personally going to the War Council to seek support in the Twilight Tide. The proud chariot troops are difficult to control in the rugged mountainous areas. Even the best chariot drivers in Tyran Loch will lower their proud heads when facing the natural chasm of the Annulli Mountains.

  In a stronghold built in a mine, Princess Adira was holding a spear to resist the various incoming monsters. She had been fighting from early morning to the afternoon, but the wave of monsters still showed no signs of stopping.

  In the morning, two manticores rushed down from the mountain. If it weren't for the desperate resistance of his men, this stronghold would have been breached.

  She had only five hundred soldiers, two hundred of whom were brought from Anlock, and the other three hundred were militiamen recruited from nearby mines.

  Gritting his teeth and piercing the neck of a white lion with a spear, the city gate will be breached immediately. There are still a large number of wounded people under his command. Without support, this stronghold will be destroyed.

  There are a large number of mines in White Peak, which is close to the Annulian Mountains, and Tyranlock does not have the temple of two gods like Caledor, which can suppress part of the chaos corrosion, which results in the chaotic energy being more intense. .

  Throwing the white lion off the city wall, Princess Adira did her best to inspire the surrounding soldiers. "Hold on, support will be here soon."

  This lie was not only deceiving his soldiers, but also deceiving himself.

  Imrik, who was flying with the Dragon Prince, noticed the stronghold. Densely packed corpses were piled outside, forming a flesh-and-blood city wall.

  He frowned and looked at the number of Warcraft. Are these Warcraft sent out in full force, regardless of reproduction? With this number of casualties, there will be no large-scale Warcraft invasion in Ulthuan for at least ten years.

  Let Minas Nir speed up. No matter what, if you die in the hands of these monsters, there will be no honor at all, and you will even be laughed at. This is not the fate of a warrior.

  As the number of monsters jumping from the flesh-and-blood city wall into the stronghold continued to increase, Adira felt that her despair was deepening, and she had already asked for help from the surroundings yesterday.

  But the princes with abundant troops all said in unison that they were unable to support this remote location and they needed to defend Bai Feng.

  Then she understood that those princes wanted to give up her inheritance rights so that they could compete for the position of Prince Tyronlok after her father's death.

  In despair, I could only helplessly pray to the gods of faith, "Ms. Lilith, please respond to the wishes of your humble believers and save us abandoned people." But in imagination,

  Lilith's silvery white power did not appear. , instead, a violent roar suddenly appeared above the head, followed by a burst of purple-red breath with scorching temperature, gradually burning the flesh and blood city wall outside the stronghold.

  Looking up, she found a blue shining star dragon that only appeared in legends, flapping its huge wings and constantly breathing dragon breath at the monsters. The person sitting on it, Adila knew, was The newly crowned Prince Caledor.

  "But why did he appear here?"

  Before Adira could continue to think about this problem, three giant dragons followed, and their violent breaths began to attack the monsters. Although the breaths of the Fierce Sun Dragon and Silver Moon Dragon did not The Yao Xing Dragon was fierce, but it was still not something that these monsters could withstand. Soon, a blank area appeared between the stronghold and the group of monsters.

  He raised the Star Lance and placed it at the same level as Minas Nir's head. This time, it couldn't be used as a pendant, at least it had to be strung out.

  (End of chapter)

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