Chapter 331 War Song Proposal Words

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  Chapter 331 Battle Hymn ≈ Proposal
  "Adilla, hurry up and go to the palace to persuade the prince. He is fighting with Prince Trevicorn again."

  Flora, who had recently married Edtellis, ran into the training ground anxiously. , regardless of the training soldiers, immediately came to Adila and explained what happened.

  Adira also covered her forehead, which was surprisingly similar to Imrik's action, followed by a similar sigh.

  Two days ago, Trevicorn, who has a very high status in Caledor, came to Tal Anlock, and Eldra, who had fought with him many times, also hosted a banquet. At the beginning, Eddie La just sat by and listened to the two veterans bragging about their past war experiences.

  But unexpectedly, the topic involved her, and Trevicorn's eyes became more and more strange. Just because he answered a few strange questions, who would have thought that the Dragon Prince would ask a princess during the banquet how many children she planned to have. If a child is born, how will he be educated?

  At that time, Adila didn't even think about it. The more, the better. The education method was to train on the chariot and learn cultural knowledge in her free time.

  Who knew that these words made Trevicorn make an immediate decision, saying that the Dragon Court wanted to deepen its relationship with Tyran Loch, and the most direct way was to marry. My nephew Imric is not young anymore, and you are also of age to be married. , they also have a good impression of each other, so get married this month and don’t waste time getting engaged.

  The result was very obvious. Aizhuo, who loved his daughter very much, asked the guards to bring the sword over on the spot and had a fight with the Dragon Prince in the banquet hall. If the person involved, Aidila, hadn't stopped him, they would have probably fought all day long.

  This matter has been going on for several days, and there is still no clue. Adila is also tired of the probing nobles and chooses to run to the military camp to find a quiet place.

  Flora also sighed when she saw Adira sitting on the stone with no ladylike temperament at all. This matter is indeed difficult to handle. One is the ruler of the kingdom and the other is the heir.

  Although it is possible to inherit the kingdom by having more children, judging from the situation of the dragon tamer family, it is difficult for the dragon prince of Caledor to agree to let Imrik's children bear the title of the Belkerk family. Surname.

  It is also difficult for Tyron Locke to accept a person who is from the Belkerk family in name but is actually a dragon tamer family as a prince.

  But this is not the most difficult thing. Frona, who felt the beauty of love, held Adira's shoulders and said with persuasion,

  "I think the Dragon Prince will definitely not have a political marriage for you, otherwise you can just find someone." The daughter of a Caledorian noble can handle this matter. You don't agree now. It must be because he didn't come to propose in person." "What are you

  talking about? What kind of proposal? I don't like that person who only talks. A stinky person, come together with him, no, even before we get together, you can smell the smell of bad mouth."

  Adira blushed at these words, and quickly shook off Flora's hand, He ran to the corner pavilion as if he was sulking.

  At this time, at the gate of Tal Anlock, there was already a team communicating with the gate guards.

  After successfully entering, he immediately ran towards the palace made of pure white marble. The rapid sound of horse hooves made people look at him, but after seeing the Caledor Fire Dragon flag, he felt that it was normal. He had seen it a lot in the past two years. Yes, these dragon princes are like this, they are very anxious about everything they do.

  The people who came here were Imrik and Edtelis who accompanied him.

  After Edteris asked about Adira's location, Imric told him to go around with Eldra while he went to find Adira.

  He had no intention of watching this city, known as the Pearl of Ulthuan, and rushed towards the military camp. As for the so-called Tyranlock army rules, I'm sorry, the Dragon Prince never knew about such things.

  So a man rode Motelius and rushed into the prince's military camp. The soldier in charge of the checkpoint immediately asked who it was that dared to trespass into an important military area.

  But when he heard the name of the Dragon Lord of Caledor, he could only put down his spear. After all, he was a soldier under Adira. Calculating this, Imric might be the leader in the future, so he chose to let him go.

  Flora, who was staying in the pavilion to persuade Adira to quickly set the wedding date, noticed the movement not far away. After all, the golden and white Caledor armor was quite iconic, and coupled with the habit of looking at people with its nostrils, No need to think about it, it's Imric.

  So she reminded Princess Adira, who had already discovered Imric's arrival, clenched her fists and cheered,
  "Come on, don't let any conflicts arise over this matter. Look, the Dragon Prince is here."

  After that , Finally, he walked out of the pavilion, bowed his head and saluted Imrik, and walked behind the grass not far away, intending to closely monitor the progress of this matter.

  Imrik also nodded to this teammate who was obviously an assister, got off his horse and walked to the pavilion.

  Then I saw Adila's slightly evasive eyes. It seemed that my uncle had made a big fuss here, and actually let Adila run into the military camp to hide. "You, why are you here?" Adila's tone was a little panicked. With the decisive character of this foul-mouthed prince, he must have come to propose marriage.

  But what is the occasion now? Two people are in a military camp, still wearing full-body armor. This is not what they expected, on a cliff by the sea, feeling the hazy moonlight, surrounded by blooming flowers, listening to the waves crashing on the rocks. Echoing, making a sacred vow is completely different.

  Even when proposing in the military camp, Adila thought about this scene. It should be a critical moment. After the two of them worked together to defeat the enemy, the ambiguous atmosphere could not be concealed. In the end, Xu was in a place where blood was used as flowers. Make a sacred vow.

  At this time, Imric looked at Adira with a strange look on his face. He blushed and turned pale, his eyes were shy and angry at the same time. What on earth was going on? Could it be that he came at the wrong time?
  But there was a vague feeling that something was wrong, so she said with concern,
  "What's wrong with you? Are you sick? Do you need me to find you an Aisha priest to check it out."

  After hearing this, Adira's expression immediately changed. What's going on, the foul-mouthed prince actually cares about people so directly.

  But it didn't seem annoying, "I'm fine, it's just that I haven't seen you for a long time..."

  But Imric looked at her shy look, why was he charging on the chariot with the one he saw before? Women are different, but this way, it seems pretty good.

  "You should know why I'm here, right?"


  Adira responded in a low voice. Even a heroic female warrior on the battlefield would still feel heart palpitations when facing love.

  After hearing this, Imrik did not hesitate and took out an exquisite box from his arms. Inside was an exquisite emerald ring. It was definitely the best thing he could get his hands on.

  After some consideration, he knelt down on one knee and said very seriously,
  "My admiration for you is like the star iron tip of the star lance. Even the strongest city wall can't stop me from finding you." "Chang said

  . The Yao Xing Dragon is the most beautiful creature in this world, but in my eyes, it is not one ten thousandth as good as yours..." "

  The strong wind of the Dragon's Back Mountains..."

  Adila also reacted at this time. Is there such a proposal? He uses the Star Lance, which has killed countless enemies, as a metaphor for his steadfastness, and compares it with the Shining Star Dragon. Is this a war song or a proposal? Should I say he is worthy of being the Prince of Caledor?

  I finally know why Flora ignored Edtelis for a week last time. Apart from being able to sing dragon-calling songs, this group of people probably have no talent for poetry at all.

  So he interrupted Imric's chatter angrily, sat on the chair and stretched out his hand, motioning to put the ring on himself.

  Imric didn't hesitate when he saw this situation. He immediately held Adira's hand and slowly put it on her ring finger.

  "My love..."

  Just when Imric was about to recite a few more words, which he had been pondering on along the way, and the proposal that Edtellis was planning next to him, he saw Adira letting himself sit on the chair next to him. superior.

  Prince Long, who rarely gave in, chose to obey the order. Sitting on the rattan chair next to him, he felt a beautiful figure with a delicate fragrance rushing into his arms.

  "I'm so worried about you. Do you know how worried that letter made me? The more you say it's okay, the more scared I am..."

  The choking and crying tone made Imric, who had always been tough, soften his mind. , patting Adila's back gently, comforting,

  "It's okay, I just traveled for a while, isn't this a surprise for you when I come back."

  (End of Chapter)

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