Chapter 327 Minas Nil fighting in the ancestral grave

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  Chapter 327: The fight in the ancestral grave of Minas Nir.

  In early 2303 of the Imperial Calendar, the Caledorians, who had been stagnant in the old world for a long time, were about to return to Ulthuan. They set off from Marienburg and returned on a trade fleet.

  Along with them, there were more than a dozen Nun engineers and a lot of mechanical engineering knowledge.

  Before boarding the deck and setting off, the Dragon Prince on the dock patted Gavin on the shoulder. This young man in his forties was very good. He would probably be able to help Magnus develop the empire well in the future, but next time we meet I don’t know when it will be. Maybe when he comes to the empire next time, he will have gray hair, or he will enter the grave.

  "Goodbye, welcome to Ulthuan when you have time. Although the Dragonspine Mountains are not allowed to enter, Young Dragon Bay welcomes any race, except of course those who do not engage in trade, and those dirty Druzi and Chaos followers. "


  Gavin, who was in charge of seeing him off, nodded and ordered someone to bring a wooden box over. After opening it, there was a delicate carved handgun placed on expensive silk.

  "Your Excellency Imrik, the Liebowitz family cannot compare with the Dragon Palace in terms of wealth. They only have some inconspicuous little toys. This handgun named Thorn Rose is a gift to you. I hope that we will The friendship between us will last forever."

  Imrik took it out and played with it casually. To him, the gun was indeed just a toy, but this musket was really good, much more sophisticated than what he had seen in the empire during this period.

  "I'm very satisfied with this gift. I hope our friendship will last forever."

  After saying that, the two drank a glass of wine to express their respect for friendship and regret that they might never see each other again.

  One month later...

  At the port of Young Dragon Bay, under the puzzled eyes of the merchants coming and going, a large group of dragon princes were guarding a dock. Minas Nil had returned a month ago. Although his body was a little strange, there was nothing wrong with it. The question remains about the legendary Shining Star Dragon, and what follows closely is the news that Imrik is in the empire.

  All the dragon princes were waiting for the prince to come back and execute the two fools who were talking nonsense.

  Someone who can't use a lance is trying to become the Dragon Prince? A person who can't understand dragon language wants to be a dragon lord? People who don’t believe in Vaal still want to wear dragon armor?

  This was an insult to Caledor.

  At this time, Imric, who was exchanging arrogance with Lani, poked his head out. Even though they were several miles away, he could still see the dragon princes with murderous intentions on their faces. He couldn't help but cover his forehead. Next It’s just a lot of things to deal with.

  "It seems that my king is not very happy." The witch Lani who spoke was holding some needles and threads and playing with a Minas Nir doll that was almost completed. Presumably this thing should make the tough-tongued dragon happy for a long time. .

  "Indeed, I have already thought about what I will face next. The leisurely sea travel is over."

  After the ship docked, and after Imric landed in Caledor's land, Edtelis walked forward. After a few steps, he did not ask where the prince had been during this time, but immediately explained the situation,
  "Prince, Lethamil is on standby. Those two fools are under our control. Now please return to the palace immediately. We need to report to him." Everyone announces this, and anyone who attempts to provoke Caledor will have to accept the most severe punishment!"

  So, the dragon lord was framed by a group of dragon princes on the dragon, and even the rising dragon in Young Dragon Bay Before the commercial port had time to take a few glances, it hurriedly flew to Tal Khaled to deal with household chores that might have been left behind by the conquering king. As for Edtelis, who was sending Imric away, he saw Davian standing behind the two human girls, acting as a bodyguard, and his flattering tone.

  "Miss Lani, Miss Melina, please come over here. I know there is a good drink shop in Xiaolong Bay, which must be able to satisfy your elegant tastes." Davian, the

  Dragon Prince who works part-time as a magic swordsman, has already been impressed by Lani. Under the magic of the one-month-long dog-licking career, you may have to add the title of Knight of Kallia. After all, Lani is also a princess. It is not shabby to be her subordinate, so the prince also became a Knight of Kallia. .

  The bodyguard knocked away Edtelis who wanted to ask what was going on, and gave him a vicious look, saying that he should not stop him from doing dog-licking behavior. Princess Edila was blind before, so she is most suitable to be a prince. Madam’s, it’s definitely Miss Lani.

  Imrik, who was flying in the sky, asked the Silver Moon Dragon below him,
  "How is it in Minas Nir? Are you still chatting with the old guy in Wyrmrest Temple?" "

  Not sure, but I seem to I feel that the Wyrmrest Temple

  is shaking due to the battle." Oh, it seems that Lao Mi fought a battle with Eranos, and maybe he is still fighting now, just to spread the faith of the Dragon Father, and the symbol It had to be that huge skeleton, but Eranos would definitely not agree to take the skeleton out of Wyrmrest Temple.

  After thinking for a while, Imric sat on the dragon's saddle and said slowly,

  "Lighthamir, you can't be like Minas Nir, who rushes in because you're in a bad mood and doesn't have a partner at your age. You have to find a partner quickly to fight an old guy in the ancestral grave."

  Silver Moon Dragon rolled his eyes, turned his body a few times to express his dissatisfaction with this tone, and speeded up to reach Tal Kaled, only to find that I want to get rid of this nagging dragon lord as soon as possible.

  After returning to the palace, before Imric could sit on the Dragon Claw Throne, Old Hallandur had already led two people to the Dragon Prince. Although his behavior seemed very polite, he was probably just waiting for an order. He will cut off his head with his own hands.

  "Two people who claim to have the same blood as me, why don't you introduce yourself?"

  At the junction, his temper improved a lot. Imrik looked at the two very nervous people with interest. Indeed, they had something similar. The blood of a dragon tamer is somewhat unnatural. Even though it is very secret, he is still aware of it.

  It should be the flesh-and-blood transformation technology. In this way, it will be clear how Bilak obtained the Dream Spell. A group of Tzeentch elements have sneaked into Caledor and analyzed the Dream Spell in the Dragon Back Mountains.

  The appearance of Thasorel means that after killing himself, these two people became dragon princes and were able to enter the Wyrmrest Temple in name. They used Tzeentch's power to pass through the Hall of Dreams and obtain the underlying framework manuscript of the Maelstrom.

  All these traps have been laid down, but they have no effect at all. It can only be said that they are indeed Tzeentch elements who are destined to fail. Everything is calculated by the big blue bird.

  The older elf took a few steps forward and first bowed to his "fellow kinsman" on the Dragon Claw Throne.

  "I am Aubrey, and I am also a descendant of the Conquering King in Charis. If you look at the family relationship, From the looks of it, I should be a generation older than you. Since you are fine and Caledo has stabilized, I'd better go back to Charis to run the hunting ground." (End of Chapter


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