Chapter 311 Archive

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  Chapter 311 Archive
  After turning Grek into a ball of rotten meat and getting his big rune, Imrik felt a familiar suction force emerging from the sea of ​​consciousness. This was the portal that opened after entering the demon god's death in the dark world. It looks like, and the source of this suction is in your own body.

  So I looked around and found that Melina was staying behind. She was not sure whether she could follow him. Even if she was sure, she would not take her with her. After all, she was focused on the future. On the mission of knowing, there is definitely no time to wander around in the darker world of the Middle Ages.

  To be on the safe side, Imric took off the spirit horse ring in his hand, walked to Melina and handed it to her, and said, "

  I'm going to be away for a while. You wait for me here first. I will abide by the agreement." I will take you to the foot of the golden tree."

  Melina took the ring and couldn't help but think of some things that Lao Mi accidentally mentioned. The faded person in front of her is the ruler of a kingdom. Maybe his kingdom needs his leadership. After all, , it’s not like he doesn’t even know his mission in life.

  Mu Mu, who sighed in his heart for a moment, nodded to show that he understood, and said, "I will wait for you at Airey Church, my friend."

  Imrik did not notice the change in Mu Mu's name, but just reminded the old rice in his body to be prepared. , if its body has not appeared after returning to the medieval world, it may be a bit troublesome. I really don’t want an old guy like a camera in my body to stare at it all the time, and it obviously doesn’t want to stay in the sea of ​​consciousness for a long time.

  After saying "take care" to each other, gray smoke appeared from Imric and disappeared at the junction, leaving only Melina caressing the spirit horse ring in her hand.


  Outside the city of Kislev, around the Caledor army station, Raskol stood at the checkpoint with bared teeth. Originally, as a mercenary, he was unable to hold this position, but Dragon Prince Zhu Dis's comments about him attracted the attention of many people, including Bruni, who served as a Kislev mercenary instructor. After receiving a two-day education in military principles, he, Mazov, and several others , were thrown outside for patrol together.

  The former infantry sergeant of the Third Army of Kislev twisted his sore shoulders and felt the familiar cold wind.

  This morning, there were a few people who were not convinced by Bruni's harsh training and his tone of treating people like bugs, so they made a request for actual training. The result was no suspense. Those people were knocked down by the Dragon Prince with his bare hands, while Raskol He also received special attention from the Dragon Prince and was thrown into the center of the field. Bang Bang was knocked over with two punches.

  Mazov, who was standing next to him, signaled that someone was coming. This was the outer checkpoint. These Caledor elves obviously wanted to see the level and reliability of these mercenaries, so they released many Kislev soldiers for strict investigation. Anyone suspicious.

  Raskol cheered up. Although he had been beaten a lot in the past two days, the treatment was really good. Food and everything were provided. The comfort of the accommodation camp was incomparable even to the Tsar's Guards. At first, they thought that these Caledor elves were mistaken. They were treated like mercenaries. Even if they ran around the city of Kislev, they could take away many of the Tsarist Guards. However, Only later did I realize that this was just an ordinary tent, and I realized that I was right.

  I can only sigh with emotion, these elves are really rich, and they give such good treatment to mercenaries.

  Years of experience in living in the wild allowed Raskol to clearly see the movement in the distance even at night. Looking in the direction Mazov pointed, he found a man wearing a brown hooded cloak walking over. No physical features whatsoever.

  This situation immediately attracted great attention. This was the first time he was performing a mission. As an ethical mercenary, he had to strictly follow the employer's requirements, so he asked a few people around him to prepare and move towards the suspicious person. People walked away.

  "Stop! This is Caledor's residence. No outsiders are allowed to enter." Raskol, who put his hand on the handle of the knife, stood two meters away from the mysterious man and stretched out his left hand to indicate that he was not allowed to come closer. , otherwise you will have to act according to the rules.

  The other four people also acted similarly to him, with wary expressions on their faces.

  But what was unexpected was that the mysterious man neither broke in nor took off his hood to identify himself. Instead, his shadow-shrouded mouth spoke extremely disdainful words.

  "Calledor? They are just a bunch of reckless men. Even the so-called Dragon Prince is just a big reckless man who ran to the old world with a group of stone heads under his men. I advise you to leave immediately, otherwise you will make me angry. , it’s not that easy to solve.”

  Raskol, who had no sense of belonging to Caledo, didn’t pay attention to the mysterious man’s words. Although Caledo’s actual situation was indeed like this, this man was obviously here to cause trouble. When he was about to continue his warning, he realized that the hooded man had already taken a step forward.

  Raskol, who strictly followed the order, immediately pulled out his sword and attacked those who trespassed on the military territory. If a warning was useless, then he would attack directly. This was the instruction of instructor Bruni.

  But a scabbard blocked the sword. The shell made of unknown animal skin was extremely tough. Even Raskol's heavy blow did not leave a mark on it. What followed closely was the scabbard's blow. It hit the soldier in the face, knocking him to the ground.

  Although the remaining four people felt that the captain was dealt with immediately, they were not afraid. They took out their swords and slashed at the mysterious hooded man. However, the scabbard was as accurate as a poisonous snake. It did not hurt his life, but it was enough to make him lose his ability. power.

  Several muffled sounds were heard, and only one person was left standing.

  Rascal, who was lying on the ground, felt that his head had been hit hard by a hammer. The pain in his mandible was very serious, and his brain became dizzy. Knowing that he and the others were no match for this mysterious hooded man, he immediately took it from his waist. A magic communication bomb was released and launched into the sky.

  A firework nicknamed the Flying Monkey appeared in the night sky, which immediately attracted the attention of the people at the checkpoint. They rushed to the signal launch site, but for Lascole at this moment, it was already too late, because The mysterious hooded man had already picked up the sword that fell to the ground, and it seemed that he wanted to kill everyone.

  The battle-experienced soldier reluctantly stood up and took a defensive posture. No matter how fast the Caledonians were, it would take at least a few minutes. How to survive these few minutes may be the biggest challenge in this life. difficult problem.

  "Oh, you didn't choose to escape, but challenged me. I have to say that you are brave." The mysterious man said casually, flicking the sword in his hand, and seemed not to be anxious about the communication bomb.

  "The son of Kislev never retreats!" Raskol gritted his teeth and began to tense up, always paying attention to the subtle movements of the mysterious man in front of him.

  (End of chapter)

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