Chapter 269 The pride of the Tsar?

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  Chapter 269 The pride of the Tsar?
  As the sky was gradually shrouded in darkness, and the shrill wind blew from the World's Edge Mountains, the two finally arrived at the coalition's garrison, so they stopped joking and returned to their original serious state.

  "The Pious One."

  "The Dragon Prince."

  From time to time, someone lowered their head to salute the two of them along the way. Everyone knew why they had to retreat. While they were frightened by it, they were also deeply grateful. If it weren't for the Pious One and the Dragon Prince, After the population is cut off, the number of possible casualties will far increase.

  Magnus nodded to those who saluted, and Imrik didn't react much, but no one thought it was strange. After all, the Caledonians were just like their prince, and they usually looked like They are extremely arrogant and very reliable in fighting. Most of the work of cutting off the left wing is done by them, which makes the imperial soldiers recognize this elven kingdom a little more.

  Under the guidance of a knight, the two came to the command post and found that just as expected, they heard a roar like an angry bear from a distance, "Can Magnus come back? If he Unfortunately, if he is killed in battle, then a new coalition commander needs to be elected and attack Chaos immediately."

  Davian in the command post frowned when he heard this. What does this tsar mean? If Magnus is unfortunately killed in battle, Does that also mean that the prince died there? Regardless of whether this is true or not, he cannot tolerate the implicit insult to the prince in a human monkey's words.

  He bluntly said to the Tsar, "If you want the coalition forces to attack Chaos, then you can go as a vanguard. Even if Magnus and the prince are not here, you are not qualified to command the coalition forces, let alone Caledor." It will match the movements of a monkey hiding in the city."

  A monkey hiding in the city? Tsar Alex was stunned by these words, but he immediately realized that this elf was saying that he would only hide in the city of Kislev.

  Anger welled up in the Tsar's heart, but he knew that this was not the place for the attack. No one here would tolerate the temper of the tribal Khan. He looked coldly at the elf holding his chest, "When Chaos invades, Kislev will always
  be As the front line, Queen Khan Lidrosang saved the old world many times. Where were you elves at that time?" It can be

  seen that Alex is very proud of being a blood descendant of Queen Khan. But he seemed to have chosen the wrong person to show his arrogance to.

  But these words directly made Davian laugh. He took a few steps towards the Tsar, looked straight into the cold eyes, and said word by word, "His Royal Highness the Dragon Tamer established the Great Empire six thousand years ago. At the time of the whirlpool, Gospodar was still mating with the wild horses on the steppe. Our barbarian witches will never be able to compare with His Highness the Dragon Tamer who saved the world, not to mention you miserable descendants who are still waiting for support." Just before the Tsar

  . When he was about to stretch his right hand on the table to his waist, Davian had already pressed it down and fixed it firmly on the table. The huge force that came from it made Alex's face flash. Cold sweat, this change caused the situation in the command post to begin to change.

  The High King did not move. He also disliked these Kislev ladies. Many supplies that should have flowed into the World's Edge Mountains ended up in the hands of those Boyes. The Tsar's tone made the dwarves even more unhappy. It seemed that there was a pointy-eared teacher who taught him a lesson. Not a bad thing either.

  Although Gavin wanted to stop him, he saw that none of the supreme leaders of the Millennium Alliance made any move. Before Magnus returned, the people of the empire respected the opinion of the High King. The war of the Three Emperors brought mutual suspicion. , making them rather believe in the dwarves. This caused Katrin and Teclis to raise their staffs at the same time. Even if the archmage had some objections to this colleague of Saffrey who specialized in combat spells, it was not something that a Kislev barbarian witch could interfere with. of.

  The outcome is also obvious. The frost witch, who is known as the strongest since the Khan Queen Lidrosang, has no power to fight back when facing the future supreme mage. The wind of magic that obeys the words is instantly drained, and the raised staff turns into Decoration.

  Davian, who was holding the Tsar's arm, tilted his body towards the barbarian, stopped only twenty or thirty centimeters away, and looked into the Tsar's eyes. The murderous intent in his words was undisguised, "Don't make any unnecessary moves
  . , let alone try to provoke Caledor. The coalition can still win even without you people. If you dare to make any hidden insults to the prince, the Dragon Kingdom will crush Kislev like an insect. To pieces."

  After saying that, Davian raised his hand and walked back, but Alex's palm was already red, and he began to suck in a few breaths of cold air. This dragon prince has the ability to talk big, but This is by no means a reason for him to insult Kislev.

  "So, you are planning to take action against my Dragon Prince?" A voice came from outside the door, bringing with it endless killing intent. Imric listened to the internal exchange outside and stopped the attempt. Magnus, who prevents the escalation of conflicts, and these Kislev ladies really should be beaten. If they fight honestly and make contributions, then it is understandable to gain support, but meddling in their own business is a bit unruly. When it comes to In terms of command, the High King or Gavin undoubtedly took precedence over him.

  The Dragon Prince walked directly in front of the Tsar without making any movement, but the flames mixed with the breath of endless chill had already wrapped him up. The Tsar began to feel that his limbs became abnormally cold, and his blood began to coagulate. He felt like falling in the warm command room. Into the ice cave.

  Seeing that he didn't reply, Imrik said bluntly, "Cowards don't deserve to be here. You should just follow the coalition forces and eat the carrion left by Chaos."

  Katrin next to her suppressed her fear and walked over. , she had inquired about some things about the Dragon Prince before, and told her father to try not to cause conflicts with Caledo, but she did not expect that she would end up like this because of her careless words.

  "Your Excellency, the Dragon Prince, this is not the time for the conflict between the order races. It will only benefit Chaos. I apologize for my father's rude words. Now that you and Your Excellency Magnus are back, I believe we can find a way to resolve the crisis." , the Kislev army will cooperate with the next military operation."

  As she spoke, the Frost Witch had already pulled the Tsar's body that was comparable to a giant bear back. Obviously she did not want or did not dare to cause conflicts here, and the coalition forces If she lost, she could prepare for a second counterattack, but Kislev would be destroyed immediately, and she couldn't bet on this possibility.

  After the Tsar retreated to the rear, Imric motioned for the remaining people to move forward and began to figure out how to deal with the mobile fortress.

  (End of chapter)

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