Chapter 210 Letter

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  Chapter 210 Letter
  Lothern On the fleet heading to the old world, Imric stood alone on the bow of the dragon ship flagship with his arms crossed. Apart from the silly smile that appeared on his face from time to time, he looked like a brave warrior facing the huge waves.

  Davian, who was standing behind the prince, poked Masnuo with his elbow and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with the prince? I've never seen him behave like this. It's scary." Masnuo's eyes were also a little confused

  . After all, if this kind of silly expression appeared on Mishan or Damian, it would be very normal, but on Imrik, he was a little scared. He covered his mouth with his hands and said, "I don't know, the prince has been like this since morning." , Did you pick up some artifact?"

  This thought made the two of them nod at the same time. The prince's expression only appeared when he got the Gun of Valor last time, and it was exactly the same as now.

  "Where did he go yesterday?" Agthel came up with a different idea.

  Masnuo, who was among the three, crossed his chest and thought for a while. He seemed to have thought of something. He immediately turned around and put his hands on the shoulders of Agthel and Davian. He hooked his waist and said, "The prince was stopped by Lila Ze yesterday." , saying that he has something to go to Avalon."

  The other two people suddenly had expressions that I understand, and then they pushed Masno away with frustrated faces, and they came to the corner of the deck together.

  The uncle and nephew began to calculate the losses, and Agthel asked Davian, "How much did you buy?" "

  Five hundred gold leaves, my work at the White Tower of Hos was in vain." Davian sighed and raised his eyebrows. Five fingers, and then asked his uncle Agthel, "How much did you buy?"

  Agathel held out three fingers. Seeing this, Davian sighed again. He also knew that his uncle's private money had been stolen. The management was very strict, and these three hundred gold leaves were already a big loss. He patted Agthel's shoulder to express his comfort, "It's just three hundred gold leaves. We can make it back with extra money when we get to Kislev." ."

  But Agthel said with a sad face, "It's three thousand gold leaves. The money I secretly saved from the giant dragon gate salary is gone."

  Davian clearly expressed happiness when he heard this, as if The uncle was happier losing money than making money. "Let Ingersoth leave some for you then, so that no one will know that the generals of Windhowling City are about to go begging for food." The two were discussing whether

  Imric would talk to him first. Adira was also the gambling game where Alarielle had a substantial relationship. The star dragon Ingersoth secretly opened the handicap. Many playful dragon princes participated in it, and the leader was Agathel.

  What he bought was Adila, which was also the choice of most people. After all, the prince came into contact with Princess Tyrannroc first, and with his charging attitude, it stands to reason that he would have a substantive relationship with Adila first. As a result, I didn't expect my home to be robbed.

  "It's all Masnow's fault. He should take good care of Imric, otherwise we can't lose." Agthel gritted his teeth and looked at the champion warrior who was still guarding the prince. The money was enough for him. I’ve been heartbroken for half a month.

  "I think so. How about we work for him?" Davian couldn't help but nodded. The title of Champion Warrior not only brings honor, but also an improvement in salary. The salary from the palace alone is already a lot, not to mention Talking about those nobles or businessmen who intend to contact the Dragon Prince through champion warriors, even if Masnot is not interested in these, his family will still contact some people who do not have much influence.

  Davian rolled his eyes a few times, and then explained the plan in his uncle's ear with a wicked smile.

  "You're still a fool. Let Mishan be responsible for the prince's security. Let's take action tonight." Agthel patted his nephew on the shoulder. He had to trick Masino anyway, and he couldn't become a champion warrior. Just forget your roots and let him understand the "unity" between the dragon princes.

  At the other end, Elvis walked to the deck with a document. Although he didn't know what his uncle Agthel and cousin Davian were doing secretly, he still walked to Masno's Next to him, "Your Excellency Masino, I have a report from Itain to give to the prince."

  The seemingly normal exchange made Masino cover his face and said helplessly, "Elvis, I I am very familiar with your father. Although he has sacrificed for a long time, this will not affect the friendship between me and him. This is not a military camp, so there is no need to use the honorific title of Your Excellency." This young man makes all dragon princes feel a bit

  like He had a headache, and he strictly abided by the rules and regulations to the point of rigidity. As a herald, he had the right to meet the prince directly, but he still had to explain it to his guards first. "These are the rules. As a champion warrior, you should be respected. Everything I say and do represents the prince's face and attitude." Elvis still said the words rigidly. It can be seen that he is very proud of this method of communication. , not everyone can become the herald of the dragon lord before becoming the dragon prince.

  Speechlessly waving his hands, Masnuo motioned for him to get out of here. This kid looked nothing like his father. He probably spent too much time in a military camp during his childhood, and his daily life was very rigid.

  "Your Highness, there is a letter from the Archmage Teclis of Savre." Elvis didn't pay attention to Imrik's silly smile, and stretched out his hand to hand out the letter with the fire seal of the moon and stars.

  After coming back to his senses, Imric coughed twice. He still hadn't recovered from what happened yesterday, it was almost like a dream.

  He reached out and took the letter, but did not open it immediately. Instead, he observed it for a moment and soon frowned. This letter was a bit strange.

  Saveri's letters often have a unique magical atmosphere, and as the Chosen One, if Teclis wants to show the authenticity of the letter, he will definitely leave a faint mark of Lilith on it. This is to ensure that the letter reliability.

  Each kingdom has its own method to ensure that the documents passing through its hands often have a faint smell of sulfur. This is the unique authentication method of the Dragon Palace, but the letter sent by Tigris is just The mere use of fire paint to show that it was from his hand showed that the letter had no official character, not even the character of a chosen one.

  "It's interesting. It seems that this guy Tigris has discovered something."

  After guessing something in his mind, he motioned to Elvis to step back first, then walked to the edge of the deck and opened the letter. The handwriting on it was very neat and beautiful. , will not be inferior to professional calligraphy artists.

  Dear Dragon Prince,

  this trip to the old world together is not a coincidence. It may be the guidance of fate, or it may be some existence guiding the future of the mortal world. But there is no doubt that the Asul fleet has already moved towards the old world. I have no intention of interfering in the military command. I believe that the dragon lord knows how to win better than a mage who stays in the library all year round... But the scale of this chaos invasion is staggering. As a commander, he needs to deal with every person. Assur is responsible, and I believe that it takes everyone's efforts to get on the right track for Assur's fate.

  I would be honored if you would join me for a moment to discuss Assur's fate.

  Your loyal and humble servant

  After reading this letter in early 139, Imric activated the Flame of Obliteration on the Conqueror's armor to directly turn it into ashes. This letter The content of the letter is normal, just like a report from a subordinate to a superior, but there are not many hints in the letter.

  It seems that Tigris has discovered something. It should be the secret code he told the Shadow King at that time to let him find some clues in the White Tower of Hoth. Otherwise, with his stubborn character similar to Tyrion, it would be difficult to communicate with him in this tone. comminicate.

  This changed the Dragon Prince's view of Teclis slightly. Smart people often can investigate the essence of things clearly without paying too much attention. Although this can easily lead to more out-of-step ideas, it is precisely because of this that they can Solve problems more effectively.

  He cleared away the remaining ashes in his hand and looked at the herald Elvis who was waiting for his order, "Tell Tigris that I will have a good talk with him."

  (End of Chapter)

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