Chapter 208 Route Problem

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  Chapter 208 Route Problem
  Bancroft, a merchant nobleman from Marienburg, began to breathe a little fast. He had never been in close contact with a giant dragon. After coming to Ulthuan, he only saw these huge creatures flying in the sky. In his impression, those griffins carefully raised by the elector were already the overlords of the sky, but the Glory Star Dragon in front of him spread its wings and covered most of the field of vision, but he changed this idea. He felt Being oppressed at a certain level of life, even if the giant dragon didn't express any hostility, it still felt deeply fearful.

  "But this is a good thing for the old world. The stronger the dragon, the more confident it will be in resisting the invasion of Chaos." After thinking about it in his mind

  , Bancroft stepped forward and saluted the Dragon Prince, "His Royal Highness the Dragon Prince , if possible, please lead the army to Marienburg tomorrow. The Sea of ​​Claws has become very chaotic under the invasion of Norsca. We cannot reach Erengrad directly and need to go to Kisri from the empire. Husband, we will get you there as soon as possible."

  This matter is the idea of ​​the great lord of Westland. As a person who is accustomed to maximizing interests, the great lord wants to use these asul to eliminate some political opponents, especially those of Wei. The Nord Territory, which the Sturt Territory declares casually, as long as it cooperates with the actual situation of the Chaos invasion, and West leads some hands and feet, can wipe out these electors who are mixed with the Norscan barbarians. If it weren't for Chaos, The invasion situation was so urgent that he even wanted Assur to wipe out the Elector family in Reikland.

  Bancroft knew this situation, but did not recognize it. His most urgent thing now was to let Imric take people to the old world, and then transfer to Marienburg by boat from the Reik River to the Tower. This is the safest way to reach Kislev via the canal route led by Labek.

  These words made Imrik think about it. The current situation of the empire is very bad. If he takes the land route from Marienburg, he must go along the Nordland and from Middenland to Kislev. It is estimated that the Great Holy War After all the fighting, Caledor is still helping the empire to wipe out the beasts and greenskins in Zarkon Forest. But now the Nordland is also invaded by a large group of Norscans. If you leave from here, it will take a lot of time. Help the Empire pay off these Chaos Cultists.

  Going from the Reik River to Kislev is a good choice, but there are many problems along the way. The first is to guard key nodes at each level. Even if those people do not dare to conflict with Kaldor, as long as they are in Tzeentch If time is deliberately delayed under the control of elements, the time to reach Kislev will be extended indefinitely.

  When the time comes, he will start a fire and chop to death all those who block the road. Such actions will affect the relationship between the two countries and the speed of support for the war.

  "I have to think about this matter. I don't know the situation in the Empire, but I still know how serious the political struggle and Chaos infiltration in mankind are. Caledor will support it in its own way, rather than being swayed by the Empire's ideas. "

  Imrik's tone was very calm, but the meaning of his words was not concealed too much. Bancroft felt a little chill in his heart. He did not agree with the great lord's approach, but he still needed to abide by it. He just wanted to explain. Just when his idea seemed reasonable, he felt several murderous intentions coming from different directions.

  Dragon Lord Champion Masnow's hand has been placed on the hilt of the sword. He heard the meaning of the prince's words. These humans want to use Caledor's hand to deal with some political enemies. If Bancroft has more Say an inappropriate word and you will die here on the spot.

  Not all humans have the same noble qualities and reliable strength as Mishan, Iron Wolf, and Damian. In Masno's heart, he still thinks that these humans are no different from monkeys.

  "Of course, I don't want to interfere with His Highness the Prince's actions, I just make some humble suggestions." Bancroft, who was deeply panicked, quickly explained.

  "So why are you still here, instead of taking the time to prepare some supplies to support the empire? Are you waiting for Caledor to treat the Westland as a vassal and solve all your problems?" Imrik's expression was not as good as the first time. They were so friendly when they met. These nobles who are proficient in business and politics always want to maximize their interests, and their calculations are all based on the Dragon Palace.

  "Yes, yes, when you think it is appropriate, please pass the order to the embassy in Westland, and I will take my leave first." Bancroft bowed quickly to apologize, and then took three steps back before daring to turn around. leave. "The intentions of these despicable businessmen are always so dirty." When Bancroft retreated and turned around, Masnow expressed his contempt for him without any secret, and then reported some situations to Imrik, "Prince , after we informed the outside world that we would support the Old World, many people from other kingdoms wanted to go with us, mostly the Tyranlocks." "How many

  people are there in total?" Imric was not surprised by this situation. His prestige in Ulthuan has reached an extremely high level. Even if he says something casually, some people will think about it for a long time. This was the case with yesterday's trade agreement with the Cabernet Sauvignon Chamber of Commerce.

  "There are about two thousand people in total. They expressed their willingness to obey your orders and do not need the palace to bear the expenses and responsibilities." Masnow handed Imrik a report sheet with detailed personnel distribution data.

  He took the report sheet and looked at it. Most of them were Tyron Locke and Saffrian people, as well as some adventurous Cosqui and Charis people. Under Tyrion's call, most of them were Following Teclis, there are only a few silver-helmeted knights, and almost none in Avalon, Yris and Erion. Avalon is still undergoing post-war reconstruction, and Yris has too small a population and this war. The energy output of Esota Maha's guide stone is too much, which requires a large number of manpower to defend against the chaos demons that may appear in the country. As for the grooms of Elion, they are still looking for horses to fill the vacancies in the grassland.

  "Okay, let them know Caledor's military discipline in the past two days, and then divide the arms according to each person's specialties, and set up a separate sequence for them to support the Old World Volunteer Army." The so-called Caledo military discipline, that is You have to do whatever your superiors ask you to do, especially the Dragon Lord's orders. Once you violate military discipline, it's not as simple as just moving rocks in the Dragon's Back Mountains.

  After arranging this matter, Imric thought of something and asked, "When will the dragon ship fleet that Fenubar promised be delivered?"

  This dragon ship fleet is one of the prices for relieving the siege of Lothern. Under his own urging, the Phoenix Royal Court stated that it was seizing the time to divide the personnel, but considering the efficiency of the Immortal Seeds, they still had to ask.

  "The Minister of the Navy is still sorting out the lost fleet, and it may take a lot of time." "

  Ask him to send me the fleet to Lothern Military Port within this week, and ensure that there are no problems with the fleet, otherwise I will personally Go to the Phoenix Court and talk to him."


  This fleet is what Imric relies on if he does not plan to march from the empire. He plans to go directly from the Sea of ​​Claws to Erengrad, relying on Amarna , dragons, and Vaal's Wrath are direct cross-dimensional attacks on those Norscan dragon boats that are still engaged in gang-hopping operations, and there is no need to get involved in the empire's troubles.

  (End of chapter)

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