Chapter 2 Mess

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  Chapter 2: A Mess

  At night, the large study room is filled with all kinds of books, many of which are absolutely uncirculated. The most precious one is undoubtedly the most conspicuous one, the one with multiple layers of magic. Protected bookcase.

  It is a relic of one of the greatest heroes of Assur, the first dragon prince, Caledor Dragon Tamer. It contains many precious magic manuscripts, and even the original design drawings of the Maelstrom can be found in this bookcase. turn up.

  The White Tower of Hoth had many times wanted to place these precious manuscripts under their protection in the name of Assur's destiny, but the proud previous dragon lord did not allow those weak mages to access these symbols of Caledor's honor. of treasure.

  Regarding this matter, Imric could only say that the Long Aotian gang in Caledor were real Long Aotian. Apart from admiring the glory of their ancestors, what else could they do with these treasures.

  On the large desk, Imric was learning about the specific information about Caledor he had collected in the past few days. Looking at the beautiful symbols and text in front of him, he could only be thankful that he had inherited the memory of the original owner, otherwise he would have become illiterate. .

  The complexity of Asur's language and writing makes it difficult for Imrik to imagine. The same word has several different meanings in different moods, tones, and contexts. Coupled with the variety of parts of speech and word patterns, this means Most of the time, you may need to rely on guessing to understand what the other person wants to express.

  "No wonder these pointy-eared people are engaged in palace fights all day long. They usually talk in a foggy way, which is really confusing."

  But now is not the time to complain about how strange the Asur language is. Looking at the front After reading the report, they could only gradually frown. The more they read, the more they felt that the situation in Caledo was not optimistic, and yet they were still immersed in the glory of their ancestors.

  Just a month ago, Imric's father was killed by the sudden Kane assassin when he rode a dragon towards a hydra due to his fight with Druzi, and the dragon was also pulled away. Naggarond was used as specimen material. Although the brave Dragon Prince, who was not afraid of death, took back his father's body, this was undoubtedly a huge blow to Caledor.

  Five days later, Imric will inherit the position of prince, hold a succession ceremony in the Dragon Palace, and legitimately become the Prince of Caledor. Theoretically, this is not a bad thing for the time traveler Imrik, because You can directly obtain the supreme leadership of Caledor and then prepare for the end, but the mess left by the original owner's father can only be said to be a pure-blooded Prince of Caledor.

  Since Fenubar was crowned Phoenix King, Ulthuan has become the center of world trade. Precious silks from far-off Cathay, vodka from Kislev, specialties from various empires, truffles from Bretonnia, etc. can be found in Ulthuan discovered that other kingdoms were making a lot of money from this trade, but Caledor was not.

  Seeing this, Imric just wanted to shake up the corpse of the late king lying in the coffin. What do you think? It is said that these lower races are not worthy of trading with Caledor. The dragon prince's lance can pierce all enemies.

  And this is not the only thing that is fatal. The temperature of the Vaal Anvil located at the end of the Dragon's Back Mountains has dropped due to the gradual loss of activity of the volcano, which has caused the total production of armaments to decrease. Many times, it is necessary to use some grandfather's weapons to resist foreign enemies. As the center of Ulthuan's arms manufacturing, Caledor needs some weapons every year according to the agreements between the three Caledor Phoenix Kings and other kingdoms. Providing a large amount of equipment to other kingdoms made the already tight military even more stretched. However, this was not free, and it barely guaranteed Caledo's financial situation.

  Coupled with the already sparse population, this matter became a vicious cycle. Soldiers died due to equipment issues. The Vaal Anvil needed manpower to maintain. The gradually decreasing population and unreplaced weapons, coupled with the gradual decline in the number of sleeping dragons, The increase has caused Caledor's military strength to be in a slow decline.

  Picking up the quill in his hand, Imric signed the letter sent to him by the high priest of the Vaal Priesthood. The high priest hoped that Imric could send some people from the mage tower to maintain the temperature of the volcano. Hoth The White Tower has no hope. The Vaal Priesthood itself has some conflicts with the White Tower of Hoth. They always believe that the weapons of the Hoth Sword Masters shamelessly plagiarize Vaal's wisdom, and the relationship between the two parties has never been harmonious.

  "This mess is really difficult to deal with. The rugged terrain of the Dragon's Back Mountains makes it difficult to form a large-scale gathering place. Coupled with the already sparse population, it is definitely not possible to slowly farm. And Caledor is in Ulthuan The bad reputation cannot attract a large number of people to move in like Itaien. We must find an overseas colony to expand and absorb the population."

  Looking away from the desk, Imrik concentrated on immersing himself in his spiritual world. , a book wrapped in yellow cowhide appeared in his consciousness. This was the golden finger Imrik brought. The function of this thing has not yet been figured out. Every time he wants to concentrate on opening it, Sometimes, it was only lifted halfway and there was no movement.

  As the time that this thing enters this world gradually increases, the extent to which it can be opened will become wider. It is expected that it will be opened in five days, that is, after the inheritance ceremony. I only hope that this thing can have some effect. Otherwise, Imric may have to do what the original owner did in the game and travel around the world to find ancient dragons to enhance Caledor's strength.

  After carefully checking the condition of the book, Imric could not guarantee whether this thing was a trick of Tzeentch. In the past few days, he went to the Temple of Vaal in Vaal Anvil to be baptized, except Apart from the fact that it feels tougher, nothing happens. I think this thing is reliable for the time being and is Imric's only choice now.

  He lowered his head and continued to deal with the remaining paperwork. Although Caledor had a lot of messes, fortunately because of the country's establishment of a country by force, most disputes were resolved by fighting. Few of them were like other kingdoms. The same endless palace struggle.

  The few civil servants are unable to take practical actions due to lack of influence. In addition, the dragon tamer family is even rarer than the descendants of Aenarion. Currently, only Imrik can clearly identify his identity and have pure blood. If people want to start a palace fight, they can only do it around Imrik. But with the temper of his former predecessor, Imrik, I can think of how he will answer.

  "Your shameless behavior is tarnishing the glory of Caledor." He

  stopped thinking about it and continued to process the few paperwork. Having just traveled to this world, Imric did not trust anyone to help him deal with these tasks. Things, especially Asur, who is known for infighting, it is never a bad thing to be cautious.

  (End of chapter)

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