Chapter 191 Alarielle’s Determination

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  Chapter 191 Alarielle’s Determination

  While the Dark Trio was fighting Skarbrand, they were in Caledor’s position.

  "We need to close the portal first." Belannar held the Koyus Staff left to him by the Master of Knowledge and instantly judged the situation. Thousands of Khorne demons had entered. In the mortal world, even though the most terrifying Skarbrand was stopped by those few humans, the pressure on the Caledorian front did not ease at all.

  But Alfonso put forward a different opinion. The Muni Blade in his hand was inserted into the ground, as if he was feeling the flow of earth energy. "There are two options. Our current magic power can banish most of the demons to the Chaos Demon Realm. Or temporarily close the portal and wait for the Dragon Tamer to adjust the framework of the maelstrom." God of Hoss

  did not explain the pros and cons of the two options, but everyone knew what he wanted to express. If the demon was exiled back to the Chaos Demon Realm, Caledor's tense defense line could be temporarily suspended. Even after the Dragon Prince joined the battlefield, the Chaos Demon Army and Druchi's army still caused serious casualties to Caledor's army. As long as Druchi's army was eliminated first, Can handle portals slowly.

  And by closing the portal, no one knows whether more demons will be transported to the battlefield later. Neither is an easy choice, but for the current battlefield, both choices are correct.

  Imrik, who is now the most qualified to decide which option to choose, is fighting Malekith. The only ones fighting the enemy are Caledonians. Only the Dragon Prince can bear the consequences of his choice.

  "Imric wants the Archmage Council to temporarily close the portal. He seems to have a way to solve this problem, but he needs us to buy him some time." Teclis repeated what the Dragon Prince had just said. Even a naturally rational and silent person like Teclis did not dare to make a decision for him. If Imric wanted to get rid of the impact of excessive casualties, anyone present could become the scapegoat.

  Just when everyone was hesitant, the Eternal Queen, who was protected by the maids, came to the front line. As a queen who had just ascended the throne, everyone only regarded her as a spiritual leader, not a powerful God Aisha. The biggest contribution to this war was to have the chief maid lead people in the rear to support Caledor with magic bows.

  "Maybe I have a way to banish these Chaos Demons." Alarielle held the wand of Avalon, which symbolized the eternal queen's royal power. The radiance of divine power emerged from her body. It was obvious that Elsa had noticed this weak queen and paid special attention to it. Now, the speed of receiving power is much faster than that of the previous queen.

  After hearing this, Alfonso's gray eyes glowed faintly. As the Chosen God of Hoss, he did not need to salute the Eternal Queen like others, and the two had known each other for a long time. When Alarielle was still young, "You should know the consequences of doing this. That boy Imric definitely doesn't want you to do such a thing."

  After Alfonso mentioned Imric, Alarelle looked at the center of the battlefield with some worry. Still in the midst of a fierce battle, the white Caledor armor turned black under the attack of black magic, and his body was covered with blood and scars, fighting to the death with the Witch King who was the most feared in Ulthuan.

  He was fighting bloody battles for Ulthuan, and there was nothing I could do.

  Alarielle clenched the wand of Avalon in her hand, and a nameless sadness surged into her heart. Caledor had sacrificed so much for Ulthuan, couldn't Avalon make sacrifices?
  "We all have our own destiny. What I have done is nothing compared to those warriors who are still fighting bloody battles, Teacher Alfonso." Alarielle stared at the God of Hoss in front of her. She said to Alfonso Fonso was familiar with her, because this cutting-edge artist in Ulthuan had been invited to the court of Avalon to serve as her mentor in art and philosophy when she was young.

  "Destiny, a concept that is feared and attached to by everyone. Even if I have understood all the knowledge in the world, I still cannot understand destiny rationally, so I chose to devote myself to art. Truth exists in beauty. I sacrificed something. In exchange for what I truly pursue." Alfonso shook his head slowly, pulled out the Blade of Muni, and seemed to express regret for some things.

  He turned and walked towards the distance. The portal would be temporarily closed by his leadership, and the remaining large number of demons would have to wait and see whether the Eternal Queen would make a sacrifice. Although the others didn't know what riddle Alfonso and Alarelle were playing, they could see that they followed him one after another when they saw him leaving.

  Alfonso's words touched Alarielle's heart. If she chooses to use the power inherited from the Eternal Queen to drive away the demon army of Khorne, will she still be Alarielle in the future?

  This makes the elves who have just experienced what life is called hesitant. No one wants to be a puppet of a certain will. Everyone should have free will. This is what Alfonso taught Alarelle when she was a child.

  But now, the Eternal Queen knows what this free will is.

  She raised the wand of Avalon and couldn't help but hesitate in her heart. Is this really what I want? This identity called the Eternal Queen binds me to Avalon. Any choice I make is determined by others. I've never really done anything out of my heart.

  Why can't I be like an ordinary girl, travel the world with the one I love, feel the beauty of the starry sky and flowers, and then build a manor by the sea to grow up with my children.

  Instead of being occupied by those wills because of her identity as the Eternal Queen, she sacrifices her will for others.

  Thinking of this, he looked at Imric who rescued her from Druzi, and thought of Caledor's answer to him in the cave where he was hiding.

  "Is it all of life?" She seemed to already have the answer in her heart.

  For the first time, the Wand of Avalon was held so firmly in his hand. The ancient wills sleeping in the depths of Ulthuan felt the call of the Queen, a vortex of magic stronger than that generated when the Council of Mages fought with the Grond sorceresses and Chaos Warlocks. Even greater energy flowed into Alarielle's body from the ley line network.

  The long-dead flowers and green grass grew vigorously beside Alarielle. Countless innocent souls on the battlefield were calmed by Elsa's power to soothe their souls. Everyone could feel a giant magic source appearing on the battlefield. Even Imrik, who fought fiercely with the Witch-King.

  After resisting the injury on his arm from escaping from the Witch King's attack, and kicking away the pursuing Malekith, Imric turned his head to look at the Eternal Queen shrouded in pure white light, and couldn't help but curse in his heart, " This idiot."

  The moment he finished cursing in his heart, he rushed towards the Witch King with a more ferocious offensive. If he wanted to get to her side, he had to resolve the battle in front of him first, otherwise everyone would be sacrificed. In vain.

  (End of chapter)

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