Chapter 163 The Drunkard Trio

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  Chapter 163:

  The Iron Wolf of the Drunkard Trio is not just a few simple elementary spells as Imrik initially thought. On the contrary, his ability to specialize in fire spells is simply astonishing. In the beginning, he used the oxhide book When adding points to him, only two of the ten skills were not lit, Flame Control and Teleportation.

  After investing three skill points respectively, this man who looks a little frivolous is simply a magic turret. Coupled with his own combat training, he is the strongest among the dark trio from the perspective of killing efficiency. .

  The flaming meteorite fell towards the ground under Iron Wolf's spell. Everyone could see the huge shadow, and the scorching breath even noticed Mi Shan who was fighting with Druzi.

  He raised his head and looked at the meteorite with a rugged surface in the sky, dragging a long tail of flames and falling not far away at an oblique angle. Even in the daytime, it was still extremely dazzling. Mishan shook his head helplessly. Once this guy made a move, he was careless and had no regard for the life and death of his friendly troops.

  Storm Spire spun in a circle under Mi Shan's wave, and after killing the approaching Druzi, he began to drive his horses away from the central area. The meteorite falling down would not be a good experience for him.

  Druchi's reaction also confirmed the terror of the Iron Wolf. Everyone was running away to the outside, trying to stay away from this nightmare.

  The flaming meteorite fell to the ground, making a violent impact. First, it smashed the enemies who could not escape into a pulp, and then the outer rocks were scattered around under the impact. These flaming rubbles quickly dispersed around, Breaking through those who were unlucky, and in the end, Iron Wolf clenched the long sword emitting red light in his hand, and a violent flame explosion appeared in the center of the battlefield.

  Seeing those pointed ears wailing in pain and wailing in the flames, he started to laugh, "Hahaha." He hung

  the shield in his left hand on the hook of the armor, took out a bottle of vodka from the horse's bag and took a swig. It feels so good, and there's nothing better than stepping on the charred corpses of your enemies and drinking vodka.

  This time, Druzi, who spread fear to the world, found that fear itself had looked towards them, and the elves present were enveloped in the pain caused by others.

  Mishan ignored Iron Wolf's laughter and just continued to kill the fleeing Druchi soldiers with the Storm Spire. These people were just like bugs. They had killed many when they were guarding Caledor, and now they appeared again. There are so many of them, they are almost of a different breed from the elves in Ulthuan.

  Iron Wolf was finally satisfied. He drank two gulps of this bottle of special battlefield-specific vodka donated by the Supreme Archmage Luo Ning of the Flame Tower. He drove the war horse and began to charge forward. The long sword appeared in flames under the swing, like a long flame. The whip continuously sweeps over the surrounding enemies.

  His fighting style is more gorgeous and eye-catching than Damian's ferocity and brutality, and Mishan's precision and lethality, but underneath this magnificence is the same brutality and lethality.

  After a long time, this encounter was finally over.

  After slaughtering all the crossbowmen, Damian felt much better and drove the chariot to the supply trucks carried by Druchi, intending to find some wine to satisfy his cravings. Pulling open the black covering cloth, he found several wine barrels filled with wooden barrels. He couldn't wait to open the stoppers with his hands, carefully put down the helmet, raised the wood with both hands and started pouring it into his mouth.

  But the moment the wine entered his mouth, his face changed instantly, he threw the barrel far away, and spit out the wine in his mouth.

  When Tie Lang next to him saw him like this, he came to his side, reopened a wooden barrel, dipped his fingers into the yellow liquid, put it in his mouth, tasted it for a moment, and then spit it out.

  "Batonnia's low-quality beer, these black bean sprout soldiers can only afford to drink this kind of thing. Grapes are a very precious commodity in Naggaroth. The cold environment there is not suitable for fruit growth. Wine can only be purchased by those with good taste." Only rich people can afford it, otherwise they can only drink beer brewed from this kind of inferior wheat. And those Druchi will not be engaged in this industry. They can only brew it with captured Bretonnian slaves. It can be imagined that it is a What does it taste like?"

  Tie Lang, a senior alcoholic, explained for a moment. The brewing technology of beer is not very high, but the taste depends on the level of the brewer. He feels that among various types of beer, only dwarf beer is It's not bad, and it tastes mellow and flavorful. Unfortunately, there are very few dwarf beers flowing into Ulthuan. It was Luo Ning who specially asked people to get two barrels of fine brew from Fierce Pass so that Iron Wolf could enjoy this prestigious beer.

  Then he walked to another baggage truck, opened it, took out the wine carefully packed inside, and looked at the logo on the cork, which was produced by Avalon Red Rose Winery.

  He didn't care why the wine appeared in Druchi's baggage car. Anyway, he could drink it when it was in his hand. Red Rose Winery was one of the few wine merchants that could rival Rothern Winery, and its products were promoted Every grape is carefully cultivated and selected by girls. The grapes are plump and plump. Then the most beautiful girls from nearby villages are selected to crush the grapes. During the fermentation process, the special red color of the Avalon jungle is added. Rose flowers give each bottle of wine a unique flavor of Avalon.

  At that time, he was thinking that there was a grape plantation around Fengxiao City, run by Luo Ning's family, and the wine it produced was collectively known at home and abroad as Gushui, which can only soothe the throat. Since it cannot be made well according to the traditional brewing method, , then you have to add some Caledo characteristics and directly ferment the dragon's breath grass in a wooden barrel to ensure that everyone who drinks it will have an unforgettable memory.

  This matter has been put on the agenda. As long as the amount of dragon's breath grass is enough, the first batch of special dragon's breath wine will start to be brewed. It is guaranteed to be more marginal than this, allowing buyers to purchase it in person, and then have personal contact with the most beautiful girls. The red rose is much better.

  Iron Wolf threw a barrel to Damian. The hundreds of kilogram wine barrel was like a small toy in his hands. Then he picked up another barrel and started drinking. He didn't bring much with him when he came out. It was quite satisfying now.

  Just as the two of them were drinking wine, Mi Shan came back from chasing the deserters. His body was completely soaked in blood. The wool material used in the dark gold armor, the bane of the fighter, was covered with blood on the surface. , the wool fiber inside is very absorbent, causing him to become a bloody man.

  "How could such a good thing happen without waiting for me? It's hard for me to drink to my heart's content when I'm in the palace." Mishan dismounted from his horse, walked to Iron Wolf's side, inserted the Storm Spire into the ground, raised the barrel and started drinking.

  In a desolate land, three people started a banquet among the messy piles of corpses, without paying any attention to the stench and hellish environment that poured into their noses.

  (End of chapter)

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