Chapter 115 The Destruction of the Black Army

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  Chapter 115 The Destruction of the Black Army
  On the fifth day after the news of the death of the Eternal Queen came out, in front of the Flame Phoenix Gate of the Phoenix King's Court, Tyrion with a gloomy face inserted the Yang Yan Sword into a Druzi who had fallen to the ground. In his body, he paid no attention to the reality that he had been dead for a long time.

  The corpse was riddled with holes with each strike, and the people beside him did not try to persuade him. They just stood there with a solemn atmosphere and watched Tyrion's seemingly crazy behavior.

  Colin Lionsword, the teacher who had accompanied Tyrion when he was a boy, died in his room this morning. Those present only saw the cold body leaning on the chair with blood oozing from his facial features.

  As a senior White Lion Guard, Colin is highly respected, and the person who was most affected by his death must be Tyrion. If Tyrion is asked to name the most important people in the world, Colin will definitely included in it.

  "Ahhhh!" Finally, Tyrion, who had a fierce personality, couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. He howled angrily and raised his foot, and with all his strength, he crushed the head of the already riddled Druzi to pieces. .

  As the leader of the White Lion Guard, Cohir did not stop Tyrion's behavior, even if his actions were somewhat blasphemous to the sacred Phoenix Court. He held a moment of silence in his heart and held the giant ax in his hand. This cheerful Asur man I felt that the Phoenix King's Court was starting to become different from before.

  Suspicions and suspicions are all over everyone, and no one can guarantee whether he will become the next Colin.

  As the captain of Fenubar's guards, his rank is higher than Tyrion, but this young man always brings him some surprises, defeating the besieging black army with unexpected tactics many times, and This kind of venting of anger in front of me.

  Walking to Tyrion, Cohill patted him on the shoulder and said firmly, "Tyrion, first get rid of the enemies in the city, and then we will find the murderer of Colin together. Tyrion

  was stunned when he was patted on the shoulder. He clenched the Caledor Divine Sword in his hand, gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Yes, kill those people, and then find the murderer. I want him." The corpses were broken into pieces."

  After saying that, Tyrion turned to everyone and said, raising the divine sword that was already burning with flames, "Follow me, we must kill all the enemies today!"

  ... ...

  In the Dragon Prince's Manor, Oliveira was wiping his sword with a piece of cloth. The weapon is a warrior's greatest support. If you don't take it seriously, it won't take you seriously in battle. This is a card. Ledo's famous saying is widely circulated.

  Since the last assault on the bridgehead, those Lotherns have been driven out of the Dragon Prince's Manor and beaten up. If it were in Caledor, this kind of disobedience to the commander's instructions would lead to military affairs because of cherishing life. Those who almost fail in their actions will undoubtedly be sent to the mines to dig for rocks for the rest of their lives, and their families will be ridiculed everywhere.

  The captain walked in from outside, took a bottle of water, drank a few sips, wiped his mouth, and said, "Get ready, we will join the garrison and annihilate the remaining enemies in one fell swoop." Seeing the

  room The people among them did not immediately agree. The captain knew that they had some questions and continued, "If you have any questions, just ask." The

  captain is a veteran of Caledor and the most promising person in recent years to obtain the status of a new noble. The prestige among this hundred-man team is very high.

  "Sir, who has the right to command this time?" A person raised his hand and asked the question. Caledor's army would only fight under the fire dragon flag. The militia archers recruited from the surrounding areas last time made them somewhat uncomfortable. Doubtful about the military qualities of the Lotherns.

  "We will fight alone as reinforcements, cooperating with the garrison commanded by Tyrion."

  After hearing that they did not have to follow the instructions of other kingdoms, everyone in the room had no doubts and expressed that they were ready to go.

  As the Hundred-Man Great Sword Team began to gather at the gate of the manor, the Caledonians gathered at the predetermined location. In theory, the Dragon Prince Manor had completed its duties and the enemies in the southwest had been surrendered.

  But Adela, as the manager of the manor, thought clearly that the Dragon Court needed to increase its influence, so she made a deal with the Phoenix King Court. The Claws of Patunion would support Lothern's actions, but at a cost It is necessary to provide a batch of luxury goods to the Dragon Palace every year.

  He had returned to Tal Kaled once before and felt deeply that Imrik did not look like a prince at all. The alcoholic drinks he usually drank were actually produced in Caledor, just like low-quality wine that had been poured out of water, and his usual clothes looked like a slut. Others, this simply undermines the thousands-year-old prestige of the Dragon Tamer family. Following the leadership of the captain, the team of 100 people began to set off. The city of Lothern was very large, and it was expected to take a long time to reach the destination.

  After walking for an hour, on a street, the Claws of Pathunuin had already seen the black-clad troops fighting with the garrison led by Tyrion.

  And they obviously noticed the Caledonians. Some of them changed their formation and diverted part of their firepower to fire towards the street on the left.

  The metal mage accompanying the army began to cast spells. This place was not Caledor anyway. It didn't matter how many broken guide stones there were. A bright golden magic light enveloped the soldiers.

  The mage remembered what the prince had said before, and felt that this occasion was just right. He loudly encouraged his comrades, "You have been strengthened, go and send it away." The captain ignored

  this metal man who seemed a little nervous after spending so much time with the supreme mage of the Flame Tower. The mage raised his sword in front of his chest and started to charge.

  As a newly formed unit that was only three years old, even though years of training had made them pretty good, they still didn't have the skills to cut arrows like the Sword Master of Hoth, but they were not strong enough. With all the equipment, he believed in the armor and magic on his body. Can block those crossbow shots.

  But the actual situation was somewhat beyond his expectation. Some crossbow arrows seemed to have been specially modified and were much more powerful than the repeating crossbows that Druchi was used to using. They made the armor on his body clank, and some of them were Only the crossbow arrow had penetrated the weaker arm armor.

  Just when the Claw of Patunyuin was in the situation of being sniped by long-range firepower, the metal mage hiding behind had already begun to cast spells. The powerful wind of magic condensed on the raised staff, and a magic vortex began to appear. It hit the head of the black-clothed army, and a few seconds later, hundreds of silver-white entities were released in a torrent downwards.

  The mages in the black army were obviously fighting with the garrison and had no energy to pay attention to the threats from the side.

  The melting flow of destruction hit the black-clad soldiers who were still loading their crossbows. The kinetic energy brought by gravity and the sharp prismatic metal caused at least forty people to die on the spot, and countless others were injured.

  The mage's spell bought some time for the soldiers. Oliveira endured the pain in his arm caused by the barbed crossbow arrow. When he was about to reach the enemy's line, he swung his sword towards a man wearing black robes and holding a sharp sword. Shield the enemy.

  And the army in black will not be ordinary people without any military qualities. When Oliveira attacked, the long sword had already been swung towards his abdomen. This weapon produced from the Val Anvil may have a taste of Caledor. Human blood.

  Just when the army in black thought they were about to succeed, the long sword hit the armor, leaving only a white mark. Then he looked up and saw that the big sword was getting bigger and bigger in his field of vision. He only had one thought in his mind, "It turns out it's stuck." Ledo also sells fakes."

  After using his big sword to attack the black-clad soldier, Oliveira followed the captain's combat rhythm. Every time he swung hard, an enemy in black would fall.

  Under attack from two sides, even if the purple light representing Kane's blessing began to appear on the black army, it was still difficult to withstand the attacks of the garrison and the claws of Patunyuin on both sides. Druchi may be fierce and fierce, But in a place like Azul's home court, it's still difficult to gain much advantage.

  As the ground began to be covered with corpses wrapped in black cloth, these Druzi spies who had been lurking in Lothern for a long time were finally eliminated.

  Tyrion pulled off the mask of the leader of the black army, and an extremely familiar face appeared in front of him. The fair face looked very pale due to drinking the lethal poison, Yamser!
  For a moment, Tyrion felt that his breathing was a little short. Yamser was Italis's personal attendant and had known him for hundreds of years, but why did he appear here as the leader of the black army, massacring the compatriots of Lothern? .

  An idea that had never occurred before appeared in Tyrion's mind, that Italis was the murderer of Colin.

  (End of chapter)

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