Chapter 108 The War of Avalon

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  Chapter 108 The War of Avalon
  The Eternal Queen Alarielle is dead!

  This news swept through the entire Ulthuan like a violent wind, and even the War Council being held in Lothern was forced to stop.

  Everyone falls into a kind of sadness. If the Eternal Queen dies, then Aisha's blessing will be cut off from Assur, and everyone will live in misfortune.

  For a while, some people even began to forget the fact that the Druchi army had attacked Avalon, and began to cover their faces and cry bitterly.

  At this time, Randy had already led a group of people to return to Caledor. In this negotiation, the kingdoms supported Cosqui and Yris to resist the Chaos army, and it no longer made sense to focus on the War Council in the east.

  He already understood what the prince had done in recent years, and Caledo would defeat Drucci alone.

  Three days before the news of Alarielle's death reached the kingdoms, over the Fantasy Sea, Minas Nir, flying under the moonlight, was taking Imric to Avalon.

  "What's going on? You kid actually thinks of running to Avalon." The

  flying Minasnir communicated with Imric through telepathy. It was pulled by Imrik from the Dragonspine Mountains and said. It is directly from the Eagle Gate through the Dream Sea to reach Avalon.

  "The Eternal Queen is in danger, and we need to take action."

  "This is not something you would do. Caledor needs your leadership to defeat Drucci." "

  Sir Randy will be responsible for Caledor's affairs. Ronin will also take action if necessary."

  While one person and one dragon were communicating, Imrik could see the fire and smoke from a long distance away. The chaotic energy here was more intense than other places, and the blackness was Magic is unleashed in the dense forest of Avalon, and two hydras destroy obstacles under the tamer's whip.

  Just as Minas Nir approached, more than a dozen barb arrows from the Reaper's ballista were already shooting at the dragon.

  The dark crossbow arrows looked extremely hidden under the firelight, but the Dragon Prince still captured the trajectory of the shots, and through telepathy, Minas Nir rotated his body to avoid these crossbow arrows.

  Under the experienced actions of Eternal Oath and Minas Nir, these crossbow arrows did not achieve much effect, and they were all in vain.

  But Imrik knew that what came next would be a difficult choice.

  I don't know where Alarielle is. The best result is to find her immediately, and then take her away on Minas Nir, but the Reaper Ballista and Sorceress below will obviously not find the Eternal Queen for me. time.

  After thinking for a moment, I made a somewhat difficult decision.

  "It's a bit troublesome, old guy. I'll jump right down later. You'll go back to Caledor first, and then come to me when the situation in the country is stable." "No, you are the dragon lord now. You can't take such a big

  risk. Even if Aisha's incarnation dies, the impact on Caledor will not be as great as imagined."

  Minasnir firmly opposed this idea. There were so many Druzi below, roughly at least four to five thousand. People, and the portal is still open. Unless Imric has the strength of Aenarion or a dragon tamer, it is impossible to escape, let alone taking an eternal queen with him.

  Imric didn't know the risks of doing so, but the political influence of the Eternal Queen was something he desperately wanted, and if the Eternal Queen died or was imprisoned by Druzi, Asul would not have to struggle in the future. Now, the dwindling population can wear down the race, and that psychological suggestion that is not known to be true or false...

  "Let me go down, this matter is not that simple!"

  After Imrik emphasized so, Mina Snier was a little angry. This young man really didn't know what fear was.

  After turning his body to dodge several barbed crossbow bolts, Minas Nir successfully reached the sky above Avalon, and Imric had already seen the people who were slaughtering Asur wantonly in Avalon at an altitude of 500 meters. The Druchi army, fire and black magic flashed alternately, and it was obvious that this city had fallen into the control of the Druchi army.

  Activating the magic bracelet hanging on his hand, Imrik jumped down with a spear and looked at Minas Nir.

  Let it return to Caledor first. The momentum of this attack was somewhat unexpected, and the Dragon Prince felt that there might be something strange in the country. But as long as the two Shining Star Dragons, Minas Nir and Ingersos, exist, most crises can be resolved smoothly.

  Under the influence of magic, the high-altitude fall did not cause much noise, and it appeared very secretive under the cover of night. Minas Nir also used dragon breath to attack the Druchi troops during the flight, in order to Get some attention for Imrik.

  It fell on a street. As soon as he raised his head, Imrik saw four gloomy swordsmen wearing Druchi black armor. Their faces were filled with smiles of hunting beasts, chasing an Avalon. girl.

  They couldn't wait to taste their beautiful cousin, and as long as they brought her back to Naggaroth, they would spend the rest of their lives enjoying a life of luxury with chests full of wealth.

  But just when a Druzi reached out to grab the girl's hair, a red spear thrown from a distance had penetrated his head.

  Then, an Asur man wearing white armor ran in front of several people at an extremely fast speed and slashed with the long sword in his hand. A Druzi warrior fell down before he could react.

  Seeing this scene, the two people next to them knew that they had encountered a ruthless person. They attacked Imrik from both sides. The swordsmen were all experienced soldiers who had practiced swordsmanship for decades, and as the vanguard, they were extremely elite. Even if they were Even the Sword Master of Hoth can fight.

  Just when the two thought they were about to succeed in the sneak attack, Imrik had already pulled out the Brave Robber inserted in Druzi's head and swept it to the right without looking back.

  The high temperature carried by the heroic gun easily cut through the armor made of Duruchi's black steel. The gun blade broke through the scarred body. The gloomy swordsman on the right had been cut into two pieces by Imrik. .

  Although the sad swordsman on the left attacked the Dragon Prince, he was blocked by the armor on his arm. The long sword made by the weapons master did not penetrate the armor, but instead made him feel numb.

  And he had no chance to attack again, and his head was chopped off by Imric's sword.

  Not caring about the outcome of the battle, it was just a few soldiers. Imric walked up to the girl who was being chased and asked, "Where is the Eternal Queen?" "Her

  Majesty the Queen is staying in the courtyard. Your Highness, please hurry up. Go save your majesty and leave me alone." Although she didn't know why the famous Dragon Prince of Ulthuan came to Avalon, the girl immediately revealed the location of the Eternal Queen.

  Staring at the weak-looking girl in front of her, she was obviously not a maid or one of the Avalon sisters. Her years of living in Avalon may have made her not know what fighting was.

  But she still didn't beg for help. Instead, she asked herself to save the Eternal Queen.

  I can't save everyone. If I rely on my nature, the Eternal Queen and the girl in front of me are both living beings. There is no difference between the two.

  But if Alarielle is given up to save this girl, then this rescue will be meaningless. He sighed in his heart and clenched the spear in his hand. For the first time, the Dragon Prince felt so powerless and cursed secretly in his heart, "This **** world."

  "Sorry, for Asul, the Eternal Queen is much more important than you. I can't save everyone. Please tell me your name." "

  Cecilia Cornelia, this is my name." A smile appeared on the girl's face, which seemed to prove her strength, but in Imrik's eyes, it looked so miserable.

  "Petals of lilies, a beautiful name, just like you, I will remember you, Cecilia Cornelia."

  After bowing his head slightly to Cecilia, the Dragon Prince stepped towards the courtyard of the Eternal Queen. , there is no need to think too much about the fate of the girl. Almost all the soldiers guarding the city were killed. The Avalon sisters and maids are guarding the Eternal Queen, and the people in the city will be in crisis.

  Imric had a way to change this situation, which was to lead all high-level dragon princes and dragon mages directly to Avalon, but as the monarch of Caledor, it was impossible to do such a thing.

  If it weren't for the fact that the Eternal Queen is too important to Ulthuan, I wouldn't be here. This operation is already a huge adventure.

  Looking at the streets full of flames and the screams that were coming constantly, Imric sighed silently. This may be the price of choice. This scene must not be allowed to appear in Caledor.

  (End of chapter)

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