Chapter 678 Everyone has his own ambitions (Additional update for Bai Alliance Leader An Jingyuan) (Third update)

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  Chapter 678 Everyone has his own ambitions (Additional update for Bai Alliance Leader An Jingyuan) (Third update)

  At this time, Wang Shu finally called Tang Feihu and the others.

  "Assigned by the Tang family, the area in the northwest corner of Level 3 Dudili City, the specific area is as follows."

  Tang Fei's expression suddenly darkened when he heard General Wang Shu's assignment. Although this reward is not bad, it is definitely not good.

  The other party didn't even take care of himself, he just gave himself such a small reward.

  Just when Tang Feihu was very dissatisfied, someone next to him suddenly spoke doubtfully.

  "Have you noticed? Level 3 Dodili City has almost been allocated, why haven't you mentioned the Haima Group yet?" "Are

  you stupid? The last time the Haima Group offended General Wang Shu, there must have been no good consequences."

  " Oh, I understand."

  Tang Feihu felt much more balanced after hearing this.

  He thought about it, and he had some suspicions because Wang Shu didn't take care of him in order to avoid suspicion when a hole was discovered in the laboratory last time.

  If that's the case, it makes sense.

  At this time, everyone in the Haima Group was almost anxious, and they all said to Huang Gin.

  "Mr. Huang, we're almost done reading, and we're not here yet! Wouldn't that guy take revenge on us and cancel our rewards?"

  Huang Gin was very calm and reprimanded.

  "Why are you so anxious! Just be quiet and don't say that to General Wang Shu. He is fair and just. How could he do this?"

  Shang Feng and others immediately shut up helplessly.

  At this time, after Wang Shu divided up the third-level city, he finally mentioned the Haima Group.

  "Next is the Haima Group, and the reward is the Level 3 Dobby Guard City."

  Following Wang Shu's announcement, Zhang Ke and others were dumbfounded and said in disbelief.

  "What the hell, the Haima Group has its own city?"

  Tang Feihu's face twitched fiercely, his face looking as ugly as possible.

  "We are assigned a city!"

  "Oh my God"

  everyone in the Haima Group cheered.

  Huang Gin was also stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

  He didn't expect that Wang Shu would allocate a city to him. This was simply incredible.

  When Shen Qiu saw this, he immediately raised his bracelet and sent a message to Huang Gin.

  "I'm leaving, take good care of yourself."

  Huang Gin, who was cheering at this time, saw the text message and quickly called Shen Qiu back, and the communication was quickly connected.

  "Brother, where are you going? Why don't you get together for a while? I also want to thank you."

  Huang Gin asked quickly.

  "No, I still have things to do. Why are we brothers so polite? Take care of yourself. See you later."

  Shen Qiu smiled and replied.


  Huang Gin nodded when he saw what Shen Qiu said.

  After Shen Qiu hung up the phone, he immediately turned around and walked out. He was going to find Overlap and return to Hongmeng.

  Things here have come to an end, so we have to go back quickly.

  Enoden Dungeon·War Readiness Department Building.

  Wu Di stood in front of a giant sand table. This sand table restored a map of more than a thousand kilometers around the Underground City of Enoden and the city of Anjikara, and it was filled with flags.

  Generals with stern expressions stood quietly behind Wu Di.

  At this time, Shen Qiu walked in and shouted to Wu Di, who was concentrating on the sand table.

  "Wu Di."

  Wu Di turned his head and looked over. When he saw Shen Qiu approaching, he asked with a hearty smile.

  "Why are you here, brother?"

  Shen Qiu said with a smile.

  "I'm here to say goodbye."

  "Why are you leaving?"

  Wu Di asked, his expression suddenly changed after hearing Shen Qiu's words.


  Shen Qiu replied affirmatively.

  Wu Di immediately said to Shen Qiu.

  "Brother, don't leave, stay. Let's conquer the world together as brothers, okay? What could be happier than this!" To be honest, Wu Di was very reluctant to let Shen Qiu leave. In his eyes, Shen Qiu was brave and capable. Mu, this is the stage that suits him best.

  "That's right, stay, we are very optimistic about you! This is what the saying goes, heroes cherish heroes."

  At this time, General Lu Yang also clasped his hands and walked over to persuade.

  "That's right, Shen Qiu can say anything as long as you stay!"

  Wu Di said again to persuade him to stay.

  "I know you don't want to let me go, but I'm sorry."

  Shen Qiu replied with a smile.

  "Well, I know your ambition is not here, but a broader world. Forget it, you won't be happy if I force you to stay. As a brother, I still want to bless you." Although Wu Di was very reluctant, in the

  end He still reached out and patted Shen Qiu's shoulder and replied.

  "Thank you."

  Shen Qiu was also very moved.

  "By the way, where are you going?"

  Wu Di asked immediately.

  "Anywhere is fine, anywhere in the world."

  Shen Qiu replied with a smile.

  "Okay, come back and see us if you have the chance. I look forward to us fighting side by side next time."

  Wu Di said to Shen Qiu boldly.

  "No problem, I believe we will meet again soon. Of course, if you encounter trouble and need help, you can always come to me and I will definitely come over." Shen Qiu promised

  Wu Di and Lu Yang.

  "Okay, your words are enough, have a nice journey!"

  Wu Di and Lu Yang solemnly nodded their heads in farewell.

  "Well, goodbye."

  Shen Qiu waved his hand, turned and walked outside. At this moment, he felt extremely relaxed all over his body.
  Based World·Lime Valley.

  Giant gray stoneworms with gray skin, chrysanthemum-like mouths, and sharp teeth, swarmed after the two running figures.

  These two people were none other than Chen Ye and Qi Dong.

  "Ah, help!"

  Chen Ye shouted in horror as he ran. Xiao Hui stood on his shoulder and kept squeaking, seeming to cheer him up.

  At this time, a gray stone insect pounced from the side. Although these insects seemed to be very bloated, they moved at an amazing speed, no different from slithering snakes.

  Qi Dong noticed it immediately and raised his left hand.

  "Ice wall technique!"


  A thick wall of ice suddenly rose.

  The ice wall was smashed into pieces, and the lime worm opened its mouth with a strong fishy smell and bit it.

  Qi Dong immediately waved the Blue Sky Blade in his hand and slashed at it.

  "Ice-Cracking Slash!"

  The entire gray stone insect was struck, and its whole body froze immediately, then shattered into pieces.

  "Well done Qi Dong."

  Chen Ye gave Qi Dong a thumbs up.

  However, Qi Dong was breathing heavily, and the hand holding his sword was trembling slightly.

  Just then the ground suddenly rose up.

  "No, down below!"

  Chen Ye noticed it immediately and quickly issued a warning.

  Qi Dong grabbed Chen Ye with one hand and jumped away, but unfortunately he was a little late. A giant gray stone insect king penetrated from the ground.

  Knocking the two people away directly.

  The two fell heavily to the ground. Chen Ye landed directly on his face and took a big mouthful of dirt.

  Bah, bah~
  Chen Ye got up and spit out the dirt in his mouth.

  However, at this moment, the giant gray stone insect king pounced over, and Chen Ye and Qi Dong's hearts trembled suddenly.

  "It's over, dead!"

  Chen Ye shouted in horror.

  (End of chapter)

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