Chapter 672 Dark Abyss (Second update)

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  Chapter 672 Dark Abyss (Second Update)
  Next to the knife is an exquisite scabbard with an unknown ferocious beast pattern engraved on it.

  Shen Qiu was attracted immediately. He stretched out his hand to grab the knife and waved it slightly in the air. It felt very good in the hand.

  "How's it going? Do you like it?"

  Anji asked with a smile.

  "I like it. What's the name of this knife?"

  Shen Qiu asked immediately.

  "This sword is called An Yuan, but it is the sword of the city lord."

  Anji said proudly.

  "Ah, the city lord's?"

  Shen Qiu was also a little surprised.   "Yes, the atomic module embedded in it is P3 diamond level, and its properties are

  also very unbelievable. I will show you the specific data." Anji's eyes lit up, and a picture was projected like a projector.

Shows the ability of Dark Abyss.

  Dark Abyss
  Size: 1.2M
  Material: Unknown

  Embedded Module: P3 Purity·Diamond Atomic Module.

  Characteristic 1: Dark Corrosion. Attacking the target will cause the additional effect of dark corrosion, which will reduce the target's vitality, cause irreversible damage, and have a probability of causing instant death.

  Feature 2: Judgment of Darkness, fully activates the weapon ability, causing 300% damage, while the dark erosion effect is doubled.

  Note: If you hold this weapon in battle for a long time, you will be affected by the breath of death and your life activity will decrease.

  Shen Qiu liked the properties of this weapon very much, but when he saw the last note, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. This weapon is a bit tricky, it feels like it can injure the enemy a thousand times and damage yourself eight hundred times.

  "Anji, this weapon is a little tricky, and the user will be corroded." "

  But it's very powerful. I tell you, the ones that can be preserved to this day are the best of the best."

  Anji praised Shen Qiu.


  Shen Qiu immediately picked up the Dark Abyss and put it on, then put away the Cang Bone Blade.

  In fact, from the attribute point of view, Shen Qiu can more or less feel that this weapon should be suitable for use by dark awakeners.

  Then Shen Qiu walked to the third box. This box was very delicate, but it looked small.

  Shen Qiu was also curious about what was inside. He took a deep breath and opened the box. He saw two modules inside, one of which was a diamond-shaped atomic module, and a red diamond-shaped gene module.

  Anji took a look and introduced.

  "The atomic module is P2 level, and the fire gene module is P1 level. They are the few in stock here." "Yes."


  Qiu looked at these two modules and was very satisfied, especially the The P2 diamond-shaped atomic module came just in time. The energy of his Atomic Magic Equipment was almost exhausted and he could just replace it.

  He immediately activated the atomic magic suit to cover his whole body, picked up the P2 diamond atomic module and embedded it to replace the original one.

  Although the original one still has some energy, for the sake of safety, it is better to replace it in advance. After all, during the battle, the enemy will not give you time to replace it.

  After doing this, Shen Qiu removed the atomic magic suit and walked to the last box.

  He rubbed his hands and opened the box, only to see a very delicate mechanical ring inside with a diamond-grade atomic module embedded in it.

  "This is this?"

  Shen Qiu asked in surprise.

  "Kara's Mechanical Ring is a personal mechanical ring for the city lord. It is also made with our country's latest technology. It has a P2 level diamond atomic module embedded in it. When worn, it can strengthen your abilities and at the same time, you can actively Activating it can instantly increase your abilities."

  Anji explained to Shen Qiu.

  Shen Qiu picked it up and put it on, and suddenly a chilling feeling rushed to his forehead, and then he praised it.

  "Not bad! But it seems like this is the last box."

  "There's not much left. After all, most of the things that can be used are used."

  Anji shook her head.

  "Well, let's go then."

  Shen Qiu immediately took Anji and left the secret warehouse.

  After the two people returned to the empty warehouse, the door of the secret warehouse was closed again.

  Anji immediately jumped out of Shen Qiu's pocket, and she said proudly to Shen Qiu.

  "Okay, I've seen it, and I'll give you the things. I'm leaving."

  "Okay, be careful along the way." Shen Qiu nodded and replied.

  When Anji heard Shen Qiu's words, her expression was a little unnatural, and then she turned and left.

  Shen Qiu looked at Anji's back and felt a little sad.

  However, An Ji suddenly stopped, turned to look at Shen Qiu and said hesitantly.

  "I'm leaving."


  "I'm really leaving."

  "What? You don't want to leave, you don't want to follow me, do you?"

  Shen Qiu looked at Anji's coy look and asked with a dumb smile. road.

  "No way."

  Anji felt embarrassed.

  Shen Qiu then said to Anji.

  "How about you follow me and I'll take you to various worlds."


  Anji asked happily after hearing what Shen Qiu said.


  "That's great. We can finally travel. I'll stay with you for the time being." "

  Well, let's go!"


  Anji replied excitedly.

  Shen Qiu stretched out his hand and put Anji into his pocket, and gave her instructions as he walked out.

  "By the way, you should be careful. If there are strangers, don't say anything to avoid being discovered." "

  No problem, I know how to do it. I am very smart."

  The two of them walked out while chatting.

  The next day.

  Shen Qiu left the city of Anjikara and returned to the city of Enoden.

  At this time, the city of Enoden was more lively than ever, with many people queuing up to take the lift platform into the underground city.

  But if you look carefully, you can see that there are many wounded here.

  Angie curiously stretched her little head out of her pocket a little, looked at the dark man and said.

  "There are so many people!"

  "Usually there aren't that many people. It seems like everyone who was outside has returned."

  Shen Qiu whispered to An Ji.

  "Chen Qiu!"

  At this time, a familiar and surprising voice shouted.

  Shen Qiu turned his head and looked over and saw Huang Gin leading Shang Feng and others towards him. He was also quite surprised and immediately went to meet them.

  "Huang Gin, what a coincidence!"

  "What a coincidence, I just met you when I came back."

  Huang Gin said to Shen Qiu.

  "Where's your hover car?"

  Shen Qiu suddenly noticed that Huang Gin's car seemed to be gone, but that many of his subordinates behind him were in trouble.

  "Forget it, it's ruined. We were forced to recruit and participate in the mechanical corps interception battle. We suffered heavy losses for this."

  Huang Gin seemed to have found a pouring outlet and spit out his bitterness at him.

  "Oh, that's it."

  Shen Qiu's expression suddenly stiffened and he replied awkwardly.

  "Let me tell you, the most embarrassing thing is that after finally blocking it for a long time, the fight suddenly stopped. There was also an order from above not to wipe out the mechanical corps at will. We were all confused and had no idea what was going on." (End of this chapter.

  ) )

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