Chapter 636: Light Sleep (Additional update for Bai Alliance leader An Jingyuan) (third update)

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  Chapter 636 Qian Mian (Added update for White Alliance Leader An Jingyuan) (Third update)

  "What should we do now? Report to the superiors?"

  "There are no senior generals in the city of Enoden now. It is definitely unrealistic to wait for the superiors to take command. ."

  "Then what should we do?"

  "Why are you still hesitating and talking nonsense? It is obvious that there is a problem in the city of Anjikara. We cannot let these troops pass under our noses." "

  You mean to intercept?"

  " To intercept! Each intercept the mechanical corps in their own area!"

  Major Lu Wei said solemnly.

  "This is no problem, but it seems a bit difficult to rely on us alone. We don't have enough manpower!" "

  Then inform us of all the development companies, individual people, and mercenaries in each area that are opening up wasteland, and force them to recruit and stop them. If that doesn't work, destroy the roads. , blow up bridges, etc. In short, we just don’t let them pass."



  Many officers responded one after another.

  As the consensus was reached, personnel at checkpoints in various regions began to move.

  They began to violently block the passing mechanical troops.

  Seeing that they were intercepted, those mechanical troops launched a fierce counterattack one by one.

  Some strongholds were poorly defended. When they saw the incoming mechanical soldiers, they detonated the mines they had planted.

  On the other side, run back and use the wireless device to notify your teammates.

  "Quick, blow up the bridge!"

  With a huge explosion, a bridge in front collapsed.

  The mechanical troops who finally crossed the minefield looked at the collapsed bridge and had no choice but to take a detour.

  But as soon as they turned around, a small group of soldiers appeared from behind them and followed them to attack.

  The city of Dorok.

  Huang Gin is leisurely directing his subordinates to sort out their profits.

  Since the last time he woke up drunk and found Bao Tong missing, he had taken over the entire security force of Haima Company.

  The people who originally acted in both positive and negative ways were all very honest.

  As for why Bao Tong disappeared, Huang Gin didn't even bother to look for it. He didn't know where he went. It had nothing to do with him.

  Huang Gin wished that the guy really died, so that he could legitimately promote Shang Feng to the position of security captain.

  However, at this moment Shang Feng rushed over and said breathlessly.

  "It's not good, Mr. Huang."

  "What happened?"

  Huang Gin was also slightly startled.

  "It's like this. There is a large-scale mechanical corps passing by outside of us, and then the military department asked us to block it." "

  Ah? We block it?"

  "To be precise, it's not just us, it's everyone! Even individual people have to block it. Come on! I heard from others that the Inoden dungeon is almost empty, and everyone has been driven out and blocked."

  Shang Feng explained.

  Huang Gin's expression kept changing and he said immediately.

  "Leave some people to look after the supplies, while the rest go to intercept them. This work must be done! Otherwise, you will never want to stay in this world again." "

  Okay! I understand."

  Shang Feng replied quickly.

  Suddenly, fighting broke out in all areas, and the entire market was in chaos.
  this time, we are on the main road to Anjikara City.

  A mighty army is advancing.

  This force is the support force assembled by Lieutenant General Cao Hao. The equipment of this force is very messy.

  At the same time, there were quite a few people, howling and shouting, and their voices were very noisy. They looked like a motley crew.

  But there is nothing we can do about it. After all, the number of regular assembled troops is really limited. Most of these troops are composed of security personnel from the development company, KPI external staff, as well as mercenaries and individual personnel.

  It's impossible to expect them to be very disciplined.

  At this moment, a wind awakener wearing a second lieutenant's military uniform landed on Lieutenant General Cao Hao's command vehicle very quickly. "General!"

  "Hu Tan, what's wrong? What happened?"

  Lieutenant General Cao Hao asked.

  "A large number of mechanical corps appeared behind us."

  Hu Tan reported anxiously.

  "What did you say? Where did they come from?"

  "I don't know. This mechanical army is very messy and different from what I have seen before. Besides, it doesn't feel like they are coming for us." "They

  are not coming for us. "That's for the city of Anjikara."

  Lieutenant General Cao Hao reacted immediately.

  "Then what should we do now? Should we hurry up and rush to the city of Anjikara?" "

  No, there is no point in rushing there. Give me the order! Stop the troops immediately, and everyone forms a blocking defense line on the spot to cut off the enemy's support."

  Cao Hao immediately issued the order.

  The reason why he did this was after careful consideration. After all, the troops he led were too messy.

  If they were allowed to engage in large-scale legion battles, they probably wouldn't be very effective. But if they are allowed to play interception, the situation will be different.

  Can make good use of their strengths.


  Hu Tan responded immediately.

  Soon the entire support force stopped, and after everyone received the order, they quickly spread out to form a defense line.

  Six o'clock in the morning, Anjikara City Right Wing Area.

  Shen Qiu was lying on the ground sleeping lightly, and every detail of him and Bai Mucheng kept popping up in his mind.

  The two of them once conquered the highest mountain in the world together, looked at the starry sky on the boundless grassland together, and explored the secrets of the depths of the ocean together.
  In a daze, Shen Qiu felt as if someone was looking at him, and then he opened his eyes. , and then he saw a tall figure.

  General Wu Di was seen wearing a white nightgown, a shower cap on his head, and his hair was wet.

  Shen Qiu was suddenly startled and stood up suddenly.

  "Wake up!"

  Wu Di said to Shen Qiu cheerfully.

  "No, why are you dressed like this?"

  Shen Qiu asked confused.

  "Is there any problem?"

  "Of course there is a problem, why don't you take a shower?"

  "Of course you have to take a shower, nonsense. Only after washing can you feel refreshed. Get up quickly and wash up. You will have breakfast later."

  Wu Di looked like he was used to it . With a look on his face, he then picked up a toothbrush and a water glass to brush his teeth.

  Shen Qiu glanced over and saw rows of soldiers squatting neatly, holding toothbrushes and cups to wash themselves there.

  Seeing this scene, Shen Qiu shook his head and said.

  "Brother, this is a battlefield, not a home. It doesn't need to be like this, right?" "

  Oh, what's the problem? The place where I fought is my home!"

  Wu Di replied while brushing his teeth.

  The corners of Shen Qiu's mouth twitched when he heard this. He looked into the distance. Except for the guards, the rest of the soldiers were washing up neatly.

  So Shen Qiu went to the countryside to do as the Romans did and started washing up.

  After washing up, a strong soldier set up pots and poured in pieces of meat, seasonings and water.

  Then start simmering the broth over high heat.

  Not long after, the air was filled with the alluring aroma of meat.

  Then one by one, soldiers brought out boxes of chocolates and vitamin tablets.

  Shen Qiu looked at the food with astonishment on his face.

  (End of chapter)

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