Chapter 623: Out of Control (Second Update)

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  Chapter 623 Loss of Control (Second Update)
  "What the hell?"

  You Sui looked at the mutated young man very angrily.

  "I don't know, young master, I feel a bit like a disqualified person."

  Uncle Ming said as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

  Tang Feihu said at this time.

  "Don't care what it is, let the people below kill him."

  "You don't need to remind me, kill him!"

  You Sui snorted coldly.

  Jin Qiang and others rushed towards the alienated young man.

  At this time, the young man roared, the flesh and blood on his body split open, the bones proliferated crazily and bulged, and the aura surged crazily!

  The next second, the young man rushed towards Jin Qiang and others very quickly.

  "Cone of Frozen!"


  A series of supernatural powers bombarded the young man, but the opponent didn't know the pain at all, and directly carried the attack, getting close in an instant!

  The young man's bony hand penetrated directly through the chest of a middle-aged man, and the armor he was wearing could not resist it.

  With blood splattering, the middle-aged man let out a painful scream, and then the alienated young man shook him off and rushed towards the person next to him at a very fast speed.


  You Sui's subordinates were killed one by one, and the blood splattered on the young man's body continued to seep into its body, and its aura began to grow stronger.

  When Jin Qiang saw this scene, he was so frightened that he backed away.

  "Uncle Ming, come on!"

  You Sui saw that the situation was not good, and immediately asked Uncle Ming to come on.

  Uncle Ming's pupils shrank, and he accumulated a violent flame ball in his hands. In the entire flame ball, the flames rotated like running water.


  The violent flame ball was thrown over.

  The young man felt danger and just wanted to dodge.

  A huge explosion swept directly, and the young man flew out and instantly hit a biological cabin. I saw that the biological cabin, together with the two adjacent biological cabins, were shattered.

  But even so, the alienated young man did not die and still got up.

  "Not good!"

  Tang Feihu's face sank.

  In the broken biological cabin, three people opened their eyes at the same time. The old man on the left swelled up, his muscles bulged, and terrifying hair grew, turning into a ferocious werewolf.

  The little girl in the middle had her mouth split open and her whole body burning with flames. The person on the right looks like a middle-aged woman. She has skin ulcers all over her body and exudes a poisonous smell. At the same time, her body is inflated like a balloon.

  Then the three awakened monsters, together with the young monster, rushed directly towards the people present.

  Tang Feihu's pupils shrank, black fine marks suddenly appeared on his face and neck, and he instantly entered the third realm.

  Then Tang Feihu drew out a long sword embedded in a cube atomic module and rushed towards the alienated young man as fast as an afterimage.

  "Come here, kill them all, Piercing of Darkness!"

  The young man also grabbed Tang Feihu's sword with his bare hands. Tang Feihu snorted and his strength continued to increase. The alienated young man couldn't help but retreat, and was suppressed by Tang Feihu in an instant.

  On the other side, Uncle Ming also learned his lesson and stopped using explosive abilities. Instead, he held a flaming sword and slashed at the ugly little girl.

  As for the subordinates of both sides, they used various restricted abilities to throw them at the women and the old man who turned into a werewolf.

  For a time, the situation was gradually brought under control.

  At the same time, Tang Feihu's advantage became more and more obvious, and his attacks became more and more fierce, slashing at the mutated young man with one sword after another.

  The mutated young man seemed to be irrational and would only confront Tang Feihu head-on.

  The result is a click!
  The young man's left arm was cut off, and then Tang Feihu stretched out his left hand like a dragon's claw and slapped the mutated young man on the head.

  Black aura emerged from his hands and wrapped around the mutated young man's body like a chain. "Ah~"

  It was useless to let the young man continue to struggle.


  Tang Feihu snorted coldly!
  The young man's head was crushed directly by Tang Feihu, and gray sticky tissue spattered with blood.

  At this time, Uncle Ming also gained the advantage and slashed the little girl's neck with a sharp slash.

  The little girl immediately knelt down, and the flames burning on its body rushed towards Uncle Ming, but it was of no use at all.

  "Hmph, die!"

  Uncle Ming immediately drew his sword and was about to kill the little girl with one blow.

  The little girl with a split mouth suddenly opened her mouth and let out a sharp howl.


  In an instant, rows of nearby biological cabins shattered, and the dormant aborigines opened their eyes one after another. Judging from the number, there were not a hundred people, but seventy or eighty people.

  These awakened aborigines began to mutate one by one, and they made inhuman sounds.

  Immediately afterwards, some turned into irrational beasts, some turned into petrified skin, their bodies rose up and turned into a stone giant with red eyes, and some even turned into a basilisk. In short, there was a mess of everything.

  But these alienated aboriginal people all have one characteristic, that is, the aura they exude is particularly strong.

  When You Sui saw this scene, his face turned green and he shouted quickly!

  It would have been very painful for them to deal with those few just now.

  Now there are so many of them, how to kill them?

  Unfortunately, it was too late, these alienated aborigines rushed towards them one after another.

  Just as You Sui was about to run away, a violent aboriginal whose body was made of steel rushed in front of him and punched him.

  He subconsciously raised his hands to block.

  The huge force immediately made You Sui retreat continuously.

  "Damn it!"

  You Sui was very angry. In an instant, his whole body flashed with lightning and he waved his hand!
  A violent thunder attack directly blasted the steel-made aboriginal away.

  But the next second, a very fast afterimage struck.

  You Sui immediately sensed danger and swerved to dodge!

  You Sui's left arm was cut off directly, and blood splattered!


  You Sui suddenly let out a shrill scream.

  Then a monster with a black aura all over his body, his body deformed into a mantis shape, and his hands turned into sharp bone knives appeared and blocked his way.

  You Sui covered his arms, looked at the mantis-shaped monster, and shouted in horror.

  "Uncle Ming, save me!"

  Although You Sui's genetic enhancement level is not bad, it does not mean that he is strong in combat. Because as the young leader of the Night Tour Group, he doesn't need to fight in person even when it's time to open up wasteland.

  "Master! Get out of here! Big fire explosion!"

  Uncle Ming saw that You Sui was in bad condition, and suddenly he couldn't care less. His burning body swelled, and the flames on his body exploded like a huge fireball.


  A big explosion swept across, blowing away all the surrounding monsters.

  In fact, Uncle Ming was not the only one who lost his sense of control. Almost everyone lost their sense of control and unleashed all kinds of attacks like crazy.

  As a result, one biological cabin after another was affected, and more and more aborigines were released.

  Then Uncle Ming rushed towards You Sui very quickly, trying to save the young master.

  However, at this moment, there was a roar of a wild beast.

  (End of chapter)

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