Chapter 540 Zhuo En

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  Chapter 540
  In the Forsaken City of Zhuo En.

  Shen Qiu led Yun Xiaoxi and others through the narrow alleys quickly. From time to time, he looked down at the map copied to his bracelet, perfectly avoiding the monitoring points along the way.

  Chen Ye and others were also quite curious about where Shen Qiu was taking them, but they held back and didn't ask.

  At this moment, Shen Qiu jumped to a relatively high but remote residential area.

  The iron-box houses in this area are rusty and some of the windows are damaged. The sea breeze can penetrate directly through the houses and make them whine.

  Shen Qiu looked around and led Chen Ye and the others into an inconspicuous house.

  "We'll rest here and wait for the overlap. I picked this area from the map. There are almost no surveillance points, and it's also far away from their hidden sentry points. It shouldn't be discovered." "Huh? Boss, I didn't listen

  . Is that wrong? Are we waiting here to leave together? Are we going to stop rescuing people?"

  Chen Ye was also very surprised. He was already mentally prepared to go deep into the tiger's den.

  Yun Xiaoxi also looked at Shen Qiu curiously.

  Bei Kailun showed an interesting expression. He did not expect that Shen Qiu would wait for the overlap to leave.

  Shen Qiu reached out and knocked Chen Ye on the head, and replied angrily.

  "I have a sense of justice, but I don't have cerebral palsy. If the opponent's strength is only slightly stronger than ours, I might try my best to rescue him! But look at the level of the enemy? There are two generals on the surface. Who can beat them? Not to mention there are countless masters and subordinates below. Are we going to die?"

  Shen Qiu had fought against General Dominfus of the Blue League. Although he had tricked the other party last time, Gain an upper hand.

  But he knows very well what level of strength the opponent has reached. Under normal circumstances, he can only fight with the opponent twice at most. If you want to defeat a general-level opponent, even if you enter a completely violent state, there is no 100% guarantee that you can win.

  After all, a general is a one-in-a-million existence, and he uses resources casually, which is even more outrageous than cheating. If you mess with them, you won't be able to get away with brain congestion for ten years.

  "It seems so."

  Chen Ye scratched his head and thought for a moment, and it seemed that he really didn't need to be beaten.

  "So I just squatted here and didn't go anywhere. I just bet on the surrounding overlap."

  Shen Qiu was a little lucky that when they were running around on the island at first, the other party treated them like garbage intruders and didn't send too many powerful troops. people came to arrest.

  But the good luck probably ends here. After all, after Belluc failed to be captured, the other party will definitely take it seriously.

  So it's best to hide like a mouse now.

  Forgotten City·Li Laboratory.

  Fedri held his hands behind his back and stared with sunken eyes at the staff below using the mobile hospital bed to push the experimental subjects in one after another.

  Some of these experimental subjects were Red Alliance personnel, and some were soldiers who had been put into white hospital uniforms.

  Everyone was awake, their eyes were filled with fear, but they couldn't even make a sound.

  Because they were all injected with muscle relaxants, as well as special tranquilizers.

  "Send them all in."

  Fidry said with a sullen face and a wave of his hand.

  All the staff present hurriedly put the people into the biochemical tanks, fearing that they would anger Dr. Fedri if they moved too slowly.

  You must know that after the successive failures during this period, Fedri was like a wild beast on the verge of going berserk, and no one dared to offend him.

  Fedri patrolled towards the remaining 30% of the biochemical tanks that had not failed.

  I saw that the 30% of the people soaked in the biochemical tank had their eyes closed, but their faces showed very painful expressions.

  If you look carefully, you can see that Zhou Wen, who was swept away by the tsunami, is also inside.

  It didn't take long for all the experimental subjects to be sent into the biochemical tank.

  Fedri walked to the very back and saw a special biochemical tank inside. The top of this tank was filled with dozens of tubes and filled with green viscous biological liquid.

  Through the biological fluid, you can see a mermaid monster with blue scales all over its body, hands like frog claws, fins on its back, an ugly face, eyes closed, and gills on its neck.

  On this monster's right cheek, a mysterious mark, MX532, can be faintly seen.

  Fedri walked to the control in front of the biochemical tank and operated it himself.

  From the top of the biochemical tank, a mechanical hand extended down, revealing a special needle that was inserted into the mermaid's body.

  Soon the gray-blue blood was drawn out and flowed along the catheter into a special test tube outside.

  Fedri turned to his subordinate's assistant and said.

  "Dilute and improve the mermaid blood according to Plan No. 7, and then inject it into all experimental bodies." "

  Understood, let's do it."

  The researchers present responded quickly, and no one dared to ask more questions.

  After Fidry gave the order, his eyes were fixed on the mermaid in the jar, his eyes full of fanaticism.

  In fact, Fidry is confident about this experiment. Because he has already tested the blood on this mermaid monster, and the blood has a strong active assimilation ability.

  The only problem now is that the side effects are extremely strong. Even after dilution and improvement, no one can adapt to it.

  Therefore, he must find a new adaptation carrier and make it into a new matrix.

  In this way, the blood produced by the new mother's body will be gentler and more suitable for normal people to use.

  However, this most critical step has blocked Fidri for too long.

  He is now desperate for success.

  The western area of ​​the Forsaken City.

  Chu Wuji and others explored the city vigilantly.

  "What kind of civilization is this? The buildings are so densely packed that it feels like a refugee camp?"

  Lei Jing said with a frown.

  Lieutenant General Lin Yin observed carefully and said.

  "Is there a possibility that this is the last habitat in this world?"

  "General Lin Yin is right."

  Yun Feng said in agreement.

  When Chu Wuji and others heard this, they felt even more depressed.

  However, at this moment, Cui Mucheng suddenly raised his head, with a glimmer of light in his eyes, and shouted to the street in front of him.


  Lin Yin and others' expressions suddenly changed slightly, and they all drew out their weapons.

  At this moment, a figure walked out of the alley ahead and stood directly in front of everyone.

  This person was none other than Zhuo En. His eyes were very cold, as if he was looking at a group of dead people.

  "Who are you?"

  Yun Feng asked very vigilantly.

  "Do you surrender on your own, or do you want me to take action?"

  Zhuo En is like a cold killing weapon, making a sound without any warmth.

  "Bah, you're looking for death, you're so arrogant!"

  Lei Jing's temper was so bad that he couldn't stand it anymore.

  "Don't be impulsive."

  Lin Yin didn't know why, but she felt extremely dangerous.

  At this moment, figures appeared on the surrounding rooftops and behind them. They were all wearing different styles of modular armor, holding modular weapons, and the auras exuding from their bodies were very strong.

  "They are from the Blue Alliance."

  Chu Wuji and others' expressions became more serious for a while, but they were not afraid and just looked at each other.

  I immediately understood and took action instantly.

  "I'll contain them, you guys go and take down that guy, Wanrenjianshan!"

  Chu Wuji's whole body was made of metal, he slapped his hands on the ground and said.

  Countless metal spikes penetrated the houses and streets. At this time, the masters who surrounded them had no choice but to jump away.

  "Then I'll leave it to you."

  Yun Feng and the others all rushed towards Zhuo En. As the saying goes, "Capture the thief first, capture the king." As long as you capture the person in front of you first, the rest will be easy to deal with.

  Facing the many attacking masters, Zhuo En stood there without any fear or flinching, and his cold and arrogant eyes only showed deep disdain.

  Zhang Chenyun raised the cross sword in his hand, and as quickly as an afterimage, he took the lead and pierced Zhuo En with his sword.

  "Storm attack!"

  "Death thorns!"

  Yun Feng pressed his hands on the ground.

  Suddenly, the ground beneath Zhuo En's feet cracked, and thorns covered with barbs came out and bound towards Zhuo En.

  As a result, Zhuo En slowly raised his head and his pupils shrank!
  The thorns covered with barbs seemed to be stuck directly due to invisible obstruction. And the cross sword in Zhang Chenyun's hand was like piercing a tough wall of air, making it difficult to move forward!

  "Zombie, take a hit from me!"

  Lei Jing's whole body was flashing with lightning, and he jumped like a violent thunder bear and punched him hard.

  Lei Jing's fierce punch was like hitting an air sponge, and everyone was stunned.

  Zhuo En raised his hand and spoke hoarsely.

  "Tian Chong!"

  In an instant, Lei Jing and Zhang Chenyun were blown away as if they were hit hard out of thin air.

  At this moment, their faces were full of incredible expressions.

  At this time, Zhou Gu also took action. He was holding a black back-toothed sword and appeared on the left side of Zhuo En. His scarlet eyes were like a crazy beast, and he slashed with the sword violently.

  "Violent Slash!"

  His two teammates, Sun Le and Wu Ji, launched attacks from a distance.

  Sun Le used a modular automatic pistol. After injecting power, green lines appeared on the entire automatic pistol, and green bullets were fired.

  Wu Ji threw a hot spear.

  As a result, Zhuo En just swayed his body at an extremely fast speed and disappeared like an afterimage.

  Zhou Gu and others' attacks all failed.

  "Where are the people?"

  Zhou Gu looked left and right and roared angrily.

  As a result, in the next second, he suddenly knelt down on one foot as if he was under a huge pressure, and the entire ground was sunken.

  But Zhou Gu still clenched his teeth and held on, with veins all over his body bulging as he stood up little by little.

  At this time, Zhuo En jumped down from the roof next to him and stepped on Zhou Gu.

  "Captain, move quickly!"

  Sun Legang issued an early warning to Zhou Gu.

  As a result, before Zhou Gu could react, Zhuo En stepped on Zhou Gu's body and crushed him to the ground.

  The extremely solid ground dented again, as if it had been hit by a meteorite.

  At this time, Lin Yin took action. Fine blue lines appeared on her face and neck, and she crossed her hands to exert her strength.

  "Water Confinement!"

  The air around Zhuo En condensed a large amount of water out of thin air, and enveloped it without any blind spots, forming a huge water ball.


  Zhuo En snapped his fingers, and the water ball enveloping him exploded instantly, turning into rain all over the sky.

  Lin Yin suddenly made a dull sound, took a few steps back, and looked at Zhuo En in disbelief. What is this guy's ability? How to feel omnipotent.

  Cui Mucheng, who had not done anything at this time, shouted with a very ugly face.

  "Everyone, be careful, this guy is a super-type, and he is extremely powerful!"

  After hearing Cui Mucheng's words, Zhuo En raised his head and extended his hand directly to him.

  Cui Mucheng suddenly felt as if he was being pulled by a terrifying force, and his whole body flew directly towards Zhuo En.


  Cui Mucheng immediately stuck his sword on the ground and tried to stop the pulling, but even so it was of no use.

  At this time, Yun Feng immediately waved his hand.

  Strips of vines emerged from the ground, wrapping around Cui Mucheng's body and pulling him up.

  Zhuo En's pupils flashed with a scarlet light, and he stretched out his left hand and clenched it into a fist.

  "Death Realm!"

  In an instant, all the surrounding air was expelled by it, and the entire area directly turned into a vacuum.

  Cui Mucheng and others suddenly couldn't breathe, and they all suffocated.

  However, at this moment, all the steel buildings around Zhuo En split apart, as if they were attracted by a magnet, overwhelmingly sweeping toward Zhuo En.

  Zhuo En just reacted.

  Those countless steel houses enveloped Zhuo En like garbage and compressed crazily.

  A twisted steel ball was instantly formed, immediately interrupting Zhuo En's ability, and the surrounding air rushed in. Lin Yin and others suddenly felt relieved, as if they were alive again.

  They turned to look over and saw that Chu Wuji saw that the situation here was not good, so he released his hands to attack. Of course, there was a big reason why Chu Wuji was able to free up his hands. The masters of the Sita Company who surrounded them did not attack them with all their strength at all, but played more of a siege role.

  Because what the higher-ups wanted was alive, and if they were accidentally killed, the higher-ups would be furious and they would be finished.

  So it's better to let Zhuo En take down this group of people. They just need to contain them and prevent them from breaking through.

  "Death! Metal storm!"

  Chu Wuji immediately used all his strength to compress the metal ball to the limit, preparing to detonate the metal ball.

  However, the entire metal ball could not be compressed, and Chu Wuji had a look of shock on his face.

  The entire metal ball exploded, turning into countless metal fragments and shooting out in all directions.

  I saw Zhuo En walking out of the explosion without any trauma. The whole person was like an invincible god, giving Lin Yin and others a great sense of oppression.

  "This guy's strength has reached the level of a general. If we have no chance of winning, retreat!" Lieutenant General

  Lin Yin shouted decisively. She was very familiar with this sense of oppression. She had felt it personally with General Yun Qinghan.

  What a despairing power that was. She really didn't expect that an inconspicuous person could have such terrifying strength.

  Yun Feng and others' expressions changed drastically when they heard Lin Yin's words, and they all prepared to retreat.

  "Stupid, do you think you can run away?"

  Zhuo En slowly raised his head, with thin traces of blue light appearing all over his body, and pulled out a long sword embedded with a P4 cube atomic module, exuding the aura of death and decay. At this moment, the power fluctuations exuded by Zhuo En were even more desperate.

  "Run, I'll stop it! Awakening Skill: Wrath of Nature!"

  A look of determination flashed in Yun Feng's eyes. In an instant, his clothes tore apart, his skin turned into bark, and countless vines burst out from his body, overwhelming towards him. Zhuo En swept over.


  Zhuo En waved his sword and swept over.

  The terrifying sword energy swept across and hundreds of vines were cut off. But then Yun Feng controlled more vines to wrap around crazily.

  In fact, the reason why Yun Feng fought so hard was very simple. Chu Wuji and others were all foreign aid invited by the Yun family.

  If something happened to them, the Yun family would have to pay a heavy price.

  As the leader of the Yun family this time, he naturally had to do everything he could to create an opportunity for them to escape.

  "Damn it, let's withdraw!"

  Chu Wuji certainly saw the reason why Yun Feng did this. Although he was very unwilling and angry, he still chose to accept it rationally.

  However, just when Chu Wuji and the others were about to withdraw, the masters who were surrounded by soy sauce stopped hiding and killed each other.

  "Swamp Technique!"


  All kinds of attacks came like a storm.

  At this moment, Lieutenant General Lin Yin went into full force, and her eyes flashed with a blue halo.

  Large amounts of seawater emerged from various areas out of thin air.

  "Awakening Skill: Wrath of the Tide!"

  The terrifying sea water rushed towards the many masters who were blocking it.

  "The Wrath of Thunder!"

  At this time, thunder and lightning burst out from Lei Jing's whole body, accumulating huge thunder and lightning and pouring it into the surging tide.

  In an instant, a group of West Tower masters were rushed out, screaming, and a gap was torn open in the encirclement.

  "Let's go!"

  Chu Wuji immediately rushed out.

  At this time, Zhuo En saw that Chu Wuji and the others were about to escape, his eyes flashed with a stern look, and he raised his left hand to face the furious Yun Feng.

  In an instant, Yun Feng seemed to be suppressed by an invisible force and was unable to move.

  "How is this possible?"

  Yun Feng couldn't believe it.

  "Rotten heart!"

  Zhuo En waved the withering blade in his hand, split the dense vines with one sword, and struck Yun Feng on the chest, immediately creating a shocking wound.

  Immediately afterwards, Yun Feng's suppressive power disappeared, but severe pain surged into his head, and he fell down. His vision gradually blurred, and he could vaguely hear vague conversations.

  "Sir, they rushed out."

  "They couldn't run away, they were just struggling to death. Some of them followed me to chase, and the rest took the captured people back." "


  The Forgotten City.

  General Nosaviga, with dozens of elite subordinates, is searching for the whereabouts of Shen Qiu and the others.

  At this time, a nimble figure fell in front of Nosa Vega, and a middle-aged woman with short hair in a lieutenant colonel's uniform appeared. She saluted to Nosa Vega.

  "General, we have searched the K313 area and found no target or any clues."

  "I know, Janevi."

  Nosavega frowned.

  At this moment, a fat man next to Nosavega, who was so bloated that he could only wear a general's uniform, twisted his neck and said impatiently.

  "What the hell? I've been searching for a long time and can't find anyone at all."

  "Sorry! Admiral Dio, it was our mistake. Let's continue the search."

  Janeway apologized quickly.

  "I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the idiots in the control room. Didn't Sita Company claim to lay a spider surveillance net on this island before? It's useless at the critical moment. Let alone finding people, it can't even provide any dynamic clues. Give it to us."

  Dio mocked unceremoniously.

  "What's weird? They are essentially a capital company. How can they be willing to use the best for everything? They also have to consider the cost."

  A lieutenant with a long beard, hair tied in a braid, and wearing a lieutenant general's uniform The young man said sarcastically.

  "Enough Ankov, stop talking."

  Nosavega knew that his subordinates had great complaints against Theta Company, but now was not the time to complain.

  Ankov stopped talking when he saw Nosa Vega opening his mouth.

  "General, we don't have to complain. The question is what should we do next? We can't continue to search aimlessly, right? Those people are like evaporating out of thin air." Dio said distractedly


  After listening to Dio's words, Nosa Vega fell into deep thought and rationally analyzed the current situation.

  No matter how bad the reputation of Theta Company is, given their technology and level, it is impossible that the monitoring room will not be able to provide any clues.

  There is only one possibility. The other party obtains the distribution map of all monitoring points through some means, so it avoids all monitoring points.

  Thinking of this, Nosavega raised his left arm, stretched out his hand and clicked on the bracelet a few times, and the map of the entire island was displayed.

  He quickly found the blind spot area of ​​the surveillance, where Shen Qiu and the others were hiding, and then spoke.

  "I know where they are."

  "General? Do you know where they are?"

  Dio and others were also stunned.

  "Follow me!"

  Nosavi accelerated very fast and rushed towards the area where Shen Qiu and the others were hiding.

  Dio and others followed closely behind Nosa Vega.

  More than half an hour later, Nosavega and the others arrived at the area where Shen Qiu and the others were hiding.

  At this time, Dio sniffed his nose and said with a evil smile.

  "Sure enough, no one will come to this ghost place for a long time. It can't be human! They are hiding in it." "

  Dio, your nose is still so good, even better than a dog."

  Ankov teased road.

  "Go away, I'm not a dog, I just have some special skills."

  Dio said with a cold snort.

  "Stop talking nonsense, Dio leads the way!"

  Nosa Vega said to Dio.

  "Let's go!"

  Dio took the lead and rushed into the residential area, and soon they arrived at the entrance of the house where Shen Qiu and the others were hiding.


  Dio didn't hesitate at all. He went up and kicked the door open.

  Nosa Vega and others rushed in very quickly.

  As a result, when they rushed into the house, they saw it was empty and there was nothing.

  Dio was slightly startled and said in disbelief.

  "How is that possible?"

  Nosa Vega took a deep breath and said solemnly.

  "What a cunning mouse, but I want to see where you can escape. Let's chase you!"


  Dio and others responded in a deep voice.

  On the other side, Shen Qiu, Yun Xiaoxi and others were running through the narrow alley.

  "Boss, have we traveled so far? Is it safe?"

  Chen Ye asked while panting.

  "It's safe. The one chasing us is a general. Run away!"

  Shen Qiu was also shocked. He had never thought that the other party would send experts to round them up. But I didn't expect to throw out the trump card directly. I really think highly of them.

  The reason why Nosa Vega failed was also very simple. On their way to where Shen Qiu and the others were hiding, a camera at a surveillance point turned.

  That spot camera was hacked by Chen Ye, so Nosa Vega's whereabouts were directly exposed.

  After Shen Qiu and the others saw it, they immediately fled.

  "If the island wasn't full of their people, we might have tried to ambush him and kill him."

  Bekelen said with some pity.

  Shen Qiu turned to look at Bei Kelun and said helplessly.

  "How long have you been thinking of ambushing the other party? Just save your life and run away."


  Bei Kelun snorted coldly and said nothing more.

  Just as Shen Qiu and the others were fleeing forward, suddenly there was a rumble of explosions in front of them.

  When Shen Qiu and the others heard the noise, they immediately stopped.

  "Chen Qiu, there seems to be someone fighting in front."

  Yun Xiaoxi said in surprise.

  "Aren't all the people on this island from the Blue Alliance? Are there others?"

  Qi Dong was also very puzzled.

  "Chen Ye, let Xiao Hui go investigate."

  Shen Qiu said with a sudden change of expression.

  "Okay, Xiao Hui, go!"

  Chen Ye immediately gave the order to Xiao Hui.

  Xiao Hui immediately ran out very fast. It was running very fast now, its movements were very agile, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  Chen Ye then activated his abilities and shared Xiao Hui's vision.

  I saw Xiao Hui running near the sound of the explosion, quickly running up to the roof of an iron box, and looking over from a distance.

  On the street in the distance, a group of people were trying to escape, and the leader of the escape was Chu Wuji.

  On the ground behind them, huge boulders were lifted up and smashed towards them out of thin air.

  "It's Chu Wuji and the others! They are being hunted!"

  Chen Ye blurted out in shock.

  ps: Sorry, I have a meeting tonight. I have to organize the meeting materials and resume the update tomorrow (*^▽^*).

  (End of chapter)

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