Chapter 499 Inside Story (Second Update)

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  Chapter 499 Inside Story (Second Update)
  A few hours later.

  Red lookout level military airport.

  Armed helicopters landed one after another.

  I saw a famous doctor pushing a cart over, and a large transport plane was parked not far away.

  Shen Qiu and Wu Di carefully took down the unconscious Lu Chuan.

  Soon, Lu Chuan had specialized personnel sent to the transport plane.

  At this time Wu Di said to Shen Qiu.

  "Brother, I'm leaving. I'm going to escort Lu Chuan back to the City of Chenxing." "

  Well, have a nice trip."

  Shen Qiu waved to Wu Di.

  General Tang Yi and others were quite surprised to see Wu Di and Shen Qiu being so familiar with each other, but they did not ask any more questions.

  Then Wu Di took the people and left.

  At this time, Chen Ye came over and asked.

  "Boss, how are we going to go back?"

  "What are we afraid of? Our transport plane is also waiting for us. Let's go back!"

  Shen Qiu stretched and finally got it done. He can go back and have a good rest.

  "Oh yeah."

  Chen Ye cheered excitedly.

  At this moment, Shen Qiu suddenly remembered something. He turned to look at Bei Kailun and said.

  "Wait a minute, Bekelen, do you have an identity card?"

  "Identity card? Are you talking about this?"

  Bekelen took out a Hong League identity card.

  "You have it?"

  "I have it in all three alliances. Isn't this the most basic operation?"

  "Yes, let's go."

  Shen Qiu gave Bei Kelun a thumbs up.


  the next night.

  City of Sinking Star·Saint Star Central Hospital.

  In a separate ward, Lu Chuan was lying on the hospital bed, and his injuries had been effectively treated.

  The body monitoring equipment placed at the bedside kept ticking.

  A doctor and nurse were always watching over him, and a noncommissioned officer in military uniform stood in the corner.

  At this moment, Lu Chuan's eyelids moved and he slowly opened his eyes. The dazzling light made him close his eyes again.

  At this time, a female doctor noticed it, and she shouted excitedly.

  "He's awake, he's awake!"

  "Go and notify Chairman Long Yan!"

  the noncommissioned officer in charge said excitedly.

  Not long after, there was the sound of rapid footsteps.

  Chairman Long Yan came in with Wu Di, Vice Chairman Wang Heng and others.

  When Lu Chuan saw Council Chairman Long Yan and others, he was very excited and started to struggle.

  "Lie down and don't move."

  Long Yan said soothingly.

  After Lu Chuan heard this, he lay down and said hoarsely.

  "Master Chairman, why am I here?"

  "Thanks to Wu Di and the others, they led the team to rescue you."

  Chairman Long Yan said.

  Lu Chuan then turned to look at Wu Di and said.

  "Thank you, General."

  "No need to thank me, it's not just my fault." Wu Di waved his hand and replied.

  Lu Chuan suddenly thought of something and became excited again. He said to Chairman Long Yan.

  "Lord Speaker, I didn't keep that thing safe. It fell into the hands of the Snake Organization. I'm really sorry." "It doesn't matter, you don't have to worry about it. The matter has been settled, and I will send someone to put pressure on it

  . If they really don't spit it out, then I don't mind letting the entire city of Amokgan disappear."

  Chairman Long Yan said at the end, his tone was very firm.

  When Lu Chuan heard this, his excitement gradually calmed down.

  At this time, Chairman Long Yan asked with some confusion.

  "Lu Chuan, there's something I don't quite understand. It's okay if the Blue League knows about the things you're carrying. But the Gray League shouldn't know. Why are they chasing you and insisting on you?" "Yes

  . Why do those mad dogs from the Gray Alliance keep biting you? And they want to kill you to silence you?"

  Wu Di was also very puzzled. Normally, if the people from the Gray Alliance hadn't bitten Lu Chuan, he would have successfully escaped and returned to the Red Alliance. , the Blue League simply didn’t have enough time to react.

  After Lu Chuan heard this, he thought for a moment and said.

  "The Gray Alliance keeps biting me, maybe it's related to one thing."

  "What thing?"

  Wu Di asked next.

  "When I came back from the overlapping world, I came out of a special overlapping entrance. That exit was very special, surrounded by a large number of overlapping shadows of the world." Lu Chuan said immediately


  "Aren't they all overlapping? Isn't this a very common thing? What makes them worthy of hunting you down like this?"

  Vice Chairman Wang Heng was confused and couldn't understand it at all.

  After Long Yan heard this, his eyes flashed and he said.

  "This is not necessarily the case. Although they are all overlaps, the nature of the overlaps is not exactly the same. Under normal circumstances, there are three types of overlaps. One can only transport us to another world, and the other can unilaterally transport monsters from another world. The last one transmitted to our side is connected to both sides."

  "So that's it."

  Wang Heng suddenly realized when he heard this.

  Chairman Long Yan then asked Lu Chuan.

  "Let's talk specifically about that special overlapping entrance."

  "The overlapping entrance I came out of from the Gray Alliance subverted my understanding. It was a two-way entrance and exit. Not only could it pass in both directions, but it could also lead to different worlds. Every other As time enters the world, it changes. The most important thing is that this entrance and exit is stable. I have observed it for several days, and this entrance and exit appears as soon as night comes! When I figured out the special entrance and exit and prepared to evacuate, I directly bumped into the gray The alliance's special scout was exposed! The Gray Alliance may have been chasing me crazily to prevent leaks."

  Lu Chuan explained simply.

  Long Yan and others were also shocked when they heard Lu Chuan's words.

  They didn't expect that a stable entrance and exit would appear, and it could also lead to different worlds.

  In fact, this kind of stable entrance and exit has advantages and disadvantages.

  The disadvantage is that there will be a steady stream of monsters emerging from it and spreading around.

  The advantage is also obvious, that is, you can be directed to the designated world.

  If nothing else, take General Wu Di as an example. He should have gone to the lost underground city long ago, but he has not been able to find the entrance to return, so he has been delayed until now.

  After all, people can't be lucky every time.

  "I understand, thank you for your hard work. Recuperate here and don't have to worry about anything. Your body will be cured soon. The Red Alliance will not forget what you have done." Council Chairman Long Yan said softly to Lu Chuan


  Lu Chuan said with red eyes.

  "President of the Parliament, this is what I should do."

  "Well, have a good rest."

  Chairman Long Yan asked kindly.

  Fifth Administrative District of Hongmeng·Mixicheng Beach Area.

  People are voluntarily cleaning up the garbage and rotting fish carcasses washed up on the beach.

  At this time, the landscape lights of the buildings in Missi City were also turned on.

  "Oh, it's finally stabilizing."

  A rather old man said with emotion as he looked back at the city with thousands of lights on.

  "Yes, although the previous impact caused serious losses. But as long as people are alive, there is hope. As long as we work hard to mend things, life will get better one day." The

  friend next to him said in agreement.

  (End of chapter)

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