Chapter 482 Invasion 2 (Additional update for alliance leader Bingshan Muxue) (fifth update)

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  Chapter 482 Invasion 2 (Additional update for Alliance Leader Bingshan Mu Xue) (Fifth update)

  When they walked over, Xiao Hui jumped out, and it quickly ran along the corner with its cockroach brother.

  Its hearing is very good. It can judge whether there is anyone nearby or how many people there are by the subtle sounds.

  Therefore, whenever someone approaches, it will immediately find a blind corner to hide.

  Because this stronghold was built a long time ago, although the overall quality is very good, many places are not well designed and there are many small blind spots.

  Therefore, many hiding spots were created for Xiao Hui.

  Xiao Hui took two cockroaches and kept scurrying back and forth.

  It turned out that this was a forging and processing plant for steel components, with production equipment everywhere.

  The production staff are working in an orderly manner.

  "Boss, it's a production area up there. There are equipment everywhere. There's no problem."

  Chen Ye said.

  "Since it is a production area above, it is unlikely that anyone is hiding there. Find a way to find the underground entrance and search below."

  Shen Qiu immediately gave the order.

  "No problem."

  Chen Ye controlled Xiao Hui and the others to disperse and look for a way down.

  Not to mention that it didn't take long for them to find the entrance to the passage.

  Soon Xiao Hui took Cockroach Brother to the underground floor.

  It wandered around, and finally came to a large warehouse area, where a large number of boxes were piled up.

  You can see a person from the Jishe Organization moving goods with a forklift, and urging sounds are heard from time to time.

  "Be quick with your movements and get all the goods quickly."


  As a result, a forklift failed to control properly and a wooden box fell directly.

  The wooden box shattered, and faceted grenades rolled out.

  When a supervisor in charge of this area saw it, he went up and yelled.

  "Are you a pig? How did you do it?"

  "I'm sorry!"

  "If you act clumsily again, I will throw you into the snake's den later."

  The supervisor yelled viciously.

  "Yes, yes"


  At this time, Chen Ye looked at these pictures and said in amazement.

  "Good guy, these people are also selling weapons."

  "What's so strange? Isn't this a routine operation?"

  Shen Qiu said lightly.

  "No boss, these seem to be high-end goods. I have never seen them

  before." Chen Ye said while drawing the shapes.

  "It's the latest magnetic explosive grenade produced by the Blue Alliance using technology from another world. I didn't expect it to show up here, those idiots."

  Bei Kelun didn't even bother to ridicule.

  "Don't worry about this, let Xiao Hui explore other areas. Also, did you find anything about the cockroaches and flies you released in other areas?"

  Shen Qiu asked calmly.

  "I haven't found it yet, but I have been able to find the ventilation duct on the second underground floor. But I haven't let them go down yet. I will control them to search every corner and room on the underground floor one by one," Chen Ye explained to Shen Qiu

  . road.


  Shen Qiu nodded.

  At this time, inside the stronghold, Xiao Hui immediately ran out with two cockroaches.

  Because most of the people in this stronghold are old and rough men, and they have accumulated a lot of goods.

  Therefore, the hygiene is relatively average, so there are many cockroaches and rats breeding there, so even if someone happens to catch a glimpse of it accidentally.

  Most of them are used to it.

  Two hours later, Xiao Hui and other animals turned over the buildings on the ground, but couldn't find any abnormalities.

  So Chen Ye began to guide them along the ventilation duct opening to the second underground floor.

  Soon after, Xiao Hui came to the second underground floor with his two cockroach brothers.

  The defensive force on the second underground floor is much stronger than that on the first underground floor.

  Each corridor entrance is guarded by specialized gunmen, and even some important facilities and rooms are specially guarded.

  At this time, Xiao Hui was moving through the ventilation duct on the second underground floor, and he did not choose to take the normal path.

  Every time it reaches a ventilation outlet, it will look down.

  If it can't see clearly, it will instruct the cockroach boy to crawl down and have a look.

  Just when the little cockroach crawled out of the vent and looked down.

  Chen Ye was stunned.

  In the room below, there were operating tables set up, and doctors wearing masks were removing bloody organs and putting them into the freezer next to them.

  At this moment, a man wearing black armor with a triangular atomic module embedded in it, a scar like a centipede on his face, yellow hair and black teeth came in and said.

  "Pick everything that can be picked, and throw the rest into the cage for feeding."

  "Understood, Master Gota."

  ... "Damn! These people are still doing such a sinful thing."

  Chen Ye said in great surprise. .

  "What's so strange? There's nothing in this world that the Snake Organization doesn't dare to do. Its reputation is only slightly better than that of the Church of the Defeated Army." Bekelen said coldly


  Chen Ye swallowed and felt something strange about the other flies.

  He immediately switched his vision and saw a huge holding area with rows of cages similar to dog cages.

  All kinds of people were imprisoned inside.

  Everyone had a look of fear on their faces.

  "Boss, I found a detention area with many people!"

  Chen Ye said with great joy.

  When Shen Qiu heard this, he immediately opened the Destiny Workers APP, found the task information column, pulled out Lu Chuan's photo, and then sent it to Chen Ye.

  "Lu Chuan looks like this. Let's look for him one by one!"

  "Okay, keep it with me."

  Chen Ye said confidently, and he immediately controlled the fly to fly over.

  Shen Qiu and others waited quietly.

  Chen Ye controlled the flies and began to confirm one face after another.

  There were some very young men and women imprisoned in the cage, but each of them was tortured to the point of numbness, like a puppet.

  Some people had shocking wounds all over their bodies, and the wounds had suppurated and rotted.

  Flies fly over from time to time, so Chen Ye's flies are not conspicuous at all.

  However, as time passed little by little.

  Chen Ye, who was originally full of expectations, began to scratch his head a little, and he kept muttering.

  "It's strange, why didn't I see it?"

  "Did I miss it?"

  "No, I checked it several times."

  "Are there other detention rooms?"

  Shen Qiu asked thoughtfully.

  "Okay, let me check the other rooms."

  Chen Ye nodded, and he controlled the other pets to continue searching.

  As a result, the more he searched, the more his eyelids twitched. He found a contraband production area on the second underground floor, as well as a biological and chemical weapons production line, etc. Chen Ye was frightened by what he saw.

  Unfortunately, he searched almost the entire second underground floor and couldn't find Lu Chuan's whereabouts.

  Chen Ye scratched his head and said to Shen Qiu.

  "Boss, is Huang Lang's information wrong? We can't find anyone at all."

  "It's unlikely. Have you checked everything?"

  Shen Qiu said.

  "I searched everything, even Gota's room secretly."

  Chen Ye said helplessly.

  "If we look further, there must be something wrong somewhere, especially in the areas where people are detained."

  Shen Qiu frowned and said to Chen Ye.


  Chen Ye really had no choice but to look for it again.

  Three hours passed.

  Chen Ye said with a severe headache.

  "Boss, I really looked for it, but I couldn't even find a single figure. And I even asked some cockroaches to take the risk of eavesdropping on what Gota said, but I didn't hear them mention Lu Chuan. Could we really have made a mistake?"

  "It shouldn't be. Wait, is it possible that in addition to the second underground floor, this stronghold also has three underground floors?"

  Shen Qiu suddenly thought of something and asked.

  "It's unlikely. I didn't see the entrance to the third floor."

  Chen Ye hesitated and said.

  "Is it possible that you missed something somewhere?"

  Bekelen asked hoarsely.

  Chen Ye's expression changed for a while, and then he said.

  "Let's do this. I'll let Xiao Hui and all the pets search along the ventilation duct openings on the second floor. If there really is a third floor, it must be ventilated. It can't possibly suffocate itself to death, right?" "Okay.


  After hearing this, Chen Ye immediately agreed.


  Chen Ye did as he said and immediately gave orders to Xiao Hui and the others.

  So Xiao Hui and other pets started running around in the ventilation duct on the second floor.

  Even at the mouth of a small pipe, they crawl in.

  However, despite this extensive search, they never found an entrance to the third floor.

  But he bumped into something unexpected.

  (End of chapter)

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