Chapter 478 Plan (1st update)

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  Chapter 478 Plan (Update 1)
  Inside an inconspicuous steel building in the city of Amokgan.

  A member of the Blue Alliance stood guard at the windows and doors of the building, vigilantly observing the situation outside.

  In a hidden room inside the building.

  General Dominforus kept wandering back and forth with his hands behind his back, his brows furrowed as he wondered what he was thinking about.

  At this time, a woman with brown hair, a face as bright as the sun, and clear eyes, wearing a black leather coat, spoke.

  "Lord Dominforth, what should we do next? There is no news about Lu Chuan at all, and Harmanweis can't help us." "Hedommi, don't let the

  appearance deceive you, learn to use your heart. Let's go and see. This old dog, Harman Weiss, is probably out of control. He is perfunctory and deceiving us." "

  You mean, the person has already fallen into their hands?"

  "Nine times out of ten, that's the case. "

  General Dominforth replied calmly.

  "How dare he? Who gave him the courage?"

  Hedomi said angrily. It's really funny. The Blue League gives this guy so much money every year, but he ends up raising a white-eyed wolf.

  "It's nothing surprising. Those of us idiots who curse every day and keep giving this guy money and weapons every year don't even know that the dog has turned into a wolf! General Dominfus said indifferently. "This guy is just like

  . He is not afraid that we will destroy him. "

  " If the mutation hadn't been activated before, Harmanwes might have been a little worried, but now his wings are probably hardened.

  "Then what do we do now? "

  "Arrange manpower to invade the opponent's system, and send out reconnaissance troops to scatter microscopic reconnaissance insects to comprehensively investigate all Harmanweis' strongholds. " You have to dig deep into the ground to find the person. That person is holding something very important. "

  General Dominforth pondered for a few seconds before making a decision.

  "I understand, but there is one thing I'm a little confused about, sir. Why do the people from the Gray Alliance insist on biting that person? Logically speaking, they shouldn't! "

  Hao Duomi hesitated before asking.

  "I don't know this either. There must be something wrong with some part of it. Either someone on our side leaked the secret, or there was a problem on the Red Alliance side. But it doesn't matter, anyone who dares to intervene will not end well. We are the strongest existence in this world. "

  General Dominforth replied very confidently.

  "I understand. "

  Hedomi nodded.

  At this moment, the Blue Alliance personnel moved. They began to invade the network system of Amokgan City in all directions, hacking into all the monitoring equipment of the industries and strongholds controlled by Harmanwes, looking for clues.

  At the same time, mechanical flies and crawling mechanical spiders crawled out one after another.


  At this time, in a luxurious villa in the city of Amogan,

  Dibiluga was sitting on a soft sofa with his feet crossed, his expression uncertain.

  Standing . None of the subordinates on both sides dared to say a word. Everyone was silent. Everyone knew that Lord Dibiluga was very irritable now, for fear of offending him. At this time,

  a man with curly hair, wearing a long skirt with abstract patterns printed on it, with delicate features The woman walked in.

  "Ms. Terri. "

  The people in the room greeted each other in a low voice.

  Terry nodded slightly, came to Dibiluga and said.

  "Lord Dibiluga, the situation is not good. All the informants and personnel we can use in the city have been carried out. After searching, there was still no trace of Lu Chuan.

  "Hmph, it's expected."

  Dibiluga replied with a cold snort.

  "What do you mean?"

  Terry was also very surprised when she heard Dibiluga's words.

  "That guy was severely injured by us. Even if he has special abilities, how far can he escape with his half-broken body, and where can he hide? It's obvious that we can't find him. It's most likely the guy from Harman Weiss. The bastard is the troublemaker. If I'm not wrong, the person may have fallen into his hands." "

  Then what should we do now? Put pressure on Harman Weiss directly?"

  "Pressure is useless. He won't admit it. But don't worry, I have a way."

  Dibiluga said confidently. Just as he finished speaking, a subordinate walked in and said.

  "Sir, the man is here."

  "Let him come in."

  Dibiluga waved his hand.

  Not long after, a man with a ferocious face and tattoos on his arms walked in. He saw Dibiluga and greeted him quickly.


  "Diludo, I heard that you are very popular in the Snake Organization. Have you forgotten us a long time ago?"

  Dibiluga's eyes flashed when he said the last word. There was a hint of cold light, and the whole person exuded a terrifying aura, and the atmosphere in the entire room was stagnant for a while.

  Diludo showed a hint of fear, and quickly clasped his hands to express his stance to Dibiluga.

  "Sir, what are you talking about? Even though I'm working as a snake, my heart is on your side. I can still tell the difference between what's more important and what's more important." Dibiluga heard

  that Ludo's expression softened a lot. He stood up and walked to Diludo, stretched out his hand to hold his shoulders, and said with a sinister smile.

  "I'm very satisfied with your answer, but I hope it's what you mean from the bottom of your heart." "


  "Very good, I need you to do something now."

  "Sir, please tell me."

  "We are chasing Hong. There is a guy named Lu Chuan from the alliance, but this person seems to have fallen into the hands of Harmanweis. Now I want you to do everything you can to find him, and don't alert Harmanweis." "Understood." Di Ludo said


  . He responded hesitantly, not because he was not afraid of Harman Weiss, but because he was originally an spy planted by the Gray Alliance and could not tolerate his refusal.

  "If you do this well, you can leave here and go home to reunite with your wife and children."

  Dibiluga promised him.

  Hearing what Dibiluga said, he said excitedly.

  "Thank you, sir."


  the bustling streets of Amokgan City.

  General Wu Di was walking with a group of people dressed in casual clothes.

  The gangsters squatting on both sides of the street, the employees in the burger restaurant, and the people at the windows of the nearby buildings all looked at them silently, their eyes full of hostility.

  "General Di, something is wrong. Why are so many people staring at us?"

  General Tang Yi said with a frown.

  "I know, and it's not just one wave, there are really many dogs."

  Wu Di was also very upset.

  "Then what should we do now?"

  "There is an alley ahead. Let's go there and try to get rid of them."

  Wu Di observed it and said.


  Tang Yi and others agreed.

  However, just when they were about to reach the entrance of the alley, they saw a few slutty gangsters with colorfully dyed hair and cigarettes in their mouths, blocking them.

  "Get out of the way!"

  Wu Di said with a calm expression.

  However, these gangsters just sneered and refused to let them go, and looked at Wu Di and others provocatively.

  (End of chapter)

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