Chapter 46 Attraction

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  Chapter 46 Attraction
  The entire nursery building echoed with the cry of the baby, and corpses were attracted everywhere as far as the eye could see.

  In the pile of corpses, a 2.5-meter-tall, bloated corpse warrior wearing a metal warrior armor, a gray steel helmet, and holding a big sword in his hand was extremely conspicuous.

  Since the safety stairs from the first floor to the second floor were piled with obstacles, a large number of corpses with low IQs were blocked there.

  The zombie warrior kept pushing towards the stairs angrily, but the corpse warriors kept blocking it.

  It directly swung its sword angrily, killing the corpses blocking the way.

  After Shen Qiu saw the situation clearly, he retracted his head and said to Amu.

  "The situation is not good. There are too many corpses gathered on the first floor, and there is one that looks quite strong. But fortunately, the safety stairs leading to the second floor are blocked with debris, and those monsters have not gone up yet. "

  After listening to Shen Qiu's report, Amu also stuck his head in, took a glance, and then stepped back and said.

  "The number is too large and cannot be solved in a short time. Can you contact the nursery and ask how the situation is." "

  I'll call Adan right now."

  Aunt Qiao immediately took out her mobile phone and found Adan's number to call. go out.

  The call was connected soon.

  "Adan, how are you doing over there?"

  Aunt Qiao asked in a low voice.

  "A monster appeared in the nursery, but we knocked it to death together. But there were several zombies in the corridor outside, and they were grabbing at our door. The door was about to collapse," Adan said in a panic


  "Hold on, we'll be here soon."

  Aunt Qiao said quickly.

  "Okay, okay."

  Adan responded in a panic.

  Aunt Qiao then hung up the phone, looked at Captain Amu and said excitedly.

  "The nursery hasn't fallen yet, everyone is alive!"

  Amu's expression became more solemn when he heard Aunt Qiao's words.

  Huang Chuan on the side also said anxiously.

  "Captain, the nursery has not fallen, what should we do now? It's just us."

  Amu raised his hand to stop Huang Chuan's words, turned to Aunt Qiao and asked.

  "How many social workers are there in the nursery?"


  Aunt Qiao was slightly startled and quickly replied.

  "Five people, plus ten of you, there are more than 130 babies, and we can't carry them away at all! I originally thought that this place had fallen, and I could save as many as I could, but now they are all alive, so it will be difficult." Amu looked

  like He said with great solemnity.

  "Captain Amu, can't we ask for more personnel support?"

  Huang Gin hesitated and asked.

  "It's unrealistic. We don't have that many manpower at all. You guys have also seen that Chief Wei Feng has more people to protect. It would be very difficult for us to be mobilized." Amu shook his head. If he could ask for help

  , He had already asked for help.

  After hearing what they said, Shen Qiu thought about it and asked.

  "Captain Amu, can you change your strategy? Since the nursery has not fallen, can we rush in and hold on to the nursery. Although the current situation is very bad, as long as we hold on until dawn, the situation will definitely get better." Amu listened

  . When it comes to Shen Qiu, his expression keeps changing.

  At this time, Huang Chuan and others also turned to look at Amu and said.

  "Captain, is this inappropriate? Captain Wei Feng."

  "Stop talking, there's nothing inappropriate. As soldiers, this is our duty. Besides, those lives are worth fighting for. A handful! As for Captain Wei Feng, just report to him when the time comes."

  Amu made a decision directly.

  "Captain, since you said so, we will fight with you!"

  Huang Chuan and others expressed their stance one after another.

  When Shen Qiu saw this scene, he also admired them deeply.

  "Okay! Let's go and let those monsters know how powerful we are, use grenades!"

  Amu took out the grenades and said.


  Shen Qiu and others also took out grenades.

  Amu led Shen Qiu and others in carefully.

  Safety stairs on the first floor.

  Groups of corpses kept crowding towards the front stairs, and the bloated corpse warriors roared angrily at the corpses blocking the way.

  Suddenly, iron lumps fell from the sky and landed on the ground beside the corpse warrior.

  A corpse man standing next to the corpse warrior inexplicably caught an iron lump with his outstretched hand.

  It looked at the iron lump in confusion, its blood-red eyes revealing a hint of confusion.

  "???" Next second!
  Continuous explosions rise!
  Thick blood and limbs flying everywhere.

  When the explosion ended, a mass of corpses fell down. But the corpse warrior was still standing. It covered its face with one hand, and the armor on its body was blown black.

  "Damn, you're not even going to die?"

  Huang Chuan and others' eyes almost bulged out.

  Shen Qiu's heart also trembled violently, this was a bit beyond conventional understanding.

  At this time, Amu took out another grenade, pulled the safety cover and threw it.

  At this time, the corpse warrior reacted, turned around suddenly, roared, swung his sword, and hit the thrown grenade with incomparable accuracy.

  The grenade exploded out of thin air without damaging it at all.

  "What should I do, captain? That monster is so strong that it can't be killed!"

  Huang Chuan asked in horror.

  At this time, the provoked corpse warrior also became furious and rushed towards Shen Qiu and the others with a big sword in hand.

  "No, I can't beat him. I'll lure him away and leave this place to you!"

  Amu made a decision immediately.

  At this time, Shen Qiu quickly grabbed Amu and spoke.

  "I'll lead you. Your command is needed here!"

  Before Amu could refute, Shen Qiu ran to the right. He has observed that there are no monsters on the right side, which is the best route to lead away.

  Then Shen Qiu shot the corpse warrior in the face frequently.

  Bang bang~
  Two shots accurately hit his face.

  All the bullets were stuck in its face, and its already ugly face became even more eye-catching.

  In an instant, the corpse warrior became furious, its hatred moved to Shen Qiu, and it chased after him.

  Amu glanced at Shen Qiu's back and gritted his teeth.

  "Let's go!"

  On the other side, Shen Qiu kept running faster and rushed out of the building in an instant.

  After running more than ten meters, Shen Qiu turned and looked back.


  At this time, the corpse warrior chased out angrily, with scarlet eyes that seemed to bite people.

  Shen Qiu glanced around and then ran towards the right door of the orphanage.

  He thought about escaping towards Wei Feng, but in the end Shen Qiu gave up. This monster seems to be different from ordinary zombies. Its vitality is too tenacious.

  In case Wei Feng and the others are unable to solve it immediately.

  When the time comes to let it rush into the crowd, it will be a nightmare.

  So Shen Qiu prepared to lure him away and then find a way to get rid of him.

  With the roar like a wild beast, the corpse warrior also pursued Shen Qiu.

  Even though it is huge and bloated, it runs very fast. If it were an ordinary person, they really might not be able to outrun it. It's a pity that it bumped into Shen Qiu. Shen Qiu's physical fitness was not outstanding.

  Soon Shen Qiu saw the right door of the orphanage.

  At this time, there was a large hollow iron door with a large iron lock on it.

  He immediately raised the gun in his hand and shot at the iron lock!

  Bang bang~
  After a few shots, sparks flew everywhere.

  The iron lock is still intact.


  Shen Qiu was speechless when he saw this scene.

  At this time, the corpse warriors were also approaching quickly and were about to catch up.

  Shen Qiu also twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, put his gun on his back, accelerated towards the iron gate, and jumped when he approached.

  He stepped on the door with one foot, grabbed the iron door railing with the other hand, and climbed up!

  Just when Shen Qiu climbed to the top of the door, the corpse warrior was already chasing him.

  When Shen Qiu saw this, he immediately jumped down.


  The corpse warrior slashed the iron door with his sword.

  The whole old iron door smashed down with a sound.

  Shen Qiu's heart suddenly shrank, and she bent over and rushed out.

  The iron door hit the ground hard, almost hitting Shen Qiu.

  Shen Qiu was also sweating profusely and almost died. Not daring any more slights, he fled down the street at full speed.

  While running, Shen Qiu noticed the gray fog in the air and the visibility was getting lower and lower, now less than eight meters.

  Looking at the gray mist, Shen Qiu also frowned.

  (End of chapter)

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