Chapter 445 Anxiety (1st update)

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  Chapter 445: Anxiety (Update 1)
  Caddis was immediately stunned and lay motionless on the ground.

  Everyone was also startled and worried about him.

  Seeing that there was no movement, Mellon was about to turn around and deal with the others when suddenly a burst of laughter rang out.

  Caddis was seen covering his forehead with his left hand, with a distorted expression on his face and laughing crazily.

  Mellon immediately stepped on the ground and rushed straight towards Caddis, preparing to kill this arrogant man with force.

  Seeing that the situation was not good, Hedri pressed down on the ground with one hand.

  "Multiple ice walls!"


  Walls of ice rose up along the way, and Melon slashed them with his sword, sending ice fragments flying all over the sky.

  But when he looked over again, Caddis had disappeared without a trace.

  Mellon turned around to look for traces of Caddis.

  At this time, Shen Qiu and Yun Xiaoxi attacked at extremely fast speeds. Shen Qiu took the lead in attacking, swiping the Blue Bone Blade and slashing forward with a thunderstorm slash.

  Yun Xiaoxi hid behind Shen Qiu, taking a step slower and preparing for a second attack!

  Mellon saw through it at a glance. He did not choose to block, but cut Shen Qiu away with a fierce sword.

  At this time, Yun Xiaoxi jumped up and chopped down head on!
  Mellon then quickly drew back the Star Blade to block Yun Xiaoxi's attack.

  Sparks flew.

  Just as Mellon was about to lift his foot and kick Yun Xiaoxi away, suddenly Mellon's foot got stuck and he looked down.

  Both feet were frozen together with the ground, while dense frost spread up along the feet.

  I saw Hedley standing not far away, with his hands on the ground, veins on his forehead bulging, trying his best to restrict Mellon's movements.

  At this moment, a pair of eyes lit up from Mellon's shadow.

  Immediately afterwards, a dark figure emerged from Mellon's shadow. The figure held a green dagger, and all its power exploded, piercing the back of Mellon's head.

  "Kill with one strike!"

  Mellon was also shocked, his head tilted to avoid the attack, and the triple crown on his head suddenly fell down.

  After the attack failed, the sneak attack figure jumped back deftly and landed steadily after getting away from a distance of more than ten meters.

  This figure is none other than Caddis member Meiko.

  Melon showed an angry look, and his strength exploded instantly, breaking free of the frozen shackles, turning around and raising his left hand, condensing a scarlet blood spear, and shot it directly at Meike.

  Meike instantly sank into the shadows, and the blood spear attack failed and hit the ground in the distance.

  Suddenly the ground shattered and a gap opened, and a deep pit of blood could be seen underneath. In the entire combat area, only the arena is solid and can withstand the melee between the two sides, while other areas cannot.

  Melon snorted coldly, glanced at him with scarlet eyes, and then slashed in one direction to the side with his sword.

  The terrifying red sword energy sliced ​​along a corpse.

  Immediately, Meike emerged from the shadow of the corpse and jumped to the side!
  The corpse was directly exploded, and Meike was partially impacted and fell heavily to the ground.

  Just when Mellon was about to attack again, Caddis appeared on his side. His whole body was covered with fine black lines, and he held a black sword in his hand filled with black energy.

  "Black bite!"

  Caddis exploded instantly and slashed at Melon with a brutal sword.

  "Seeking death!"

  Mellon immediately gave up on Meco and swiped his sword at Caddis with his backhand.

  Without any surprise, Melon broke through Caddis' attack with one sword blow, and at the same time, the terrifying power severely damaged him and cut him open again. Caddis flew out like a kite with a broken string, but a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

  Mellon suddenly had a bad feeling.

  At this moment, Shen Qiu, Yun Xiao, and Hedri exploded with all their strength.

  "Ice Dragon Break!"

  "Thousand-Blade Thunder Slash!"

  "Black Flame Burning Slash!"

  Three attacks full of destructive power struck instantly.

  When Mellon turned around, before he could react, three attacks hit him in the chest.

  Melon flew backwards instantly and fell heavily to the ground. Countless wounds opened on his body, making him as embarrassed as he wanted.

  However, the situation of Shen Qiu and others was not much better.

  Hedri kept panting, and his face was as pale as a piece of paper. He has overdrawn too much strength, and now he is relying entirely on willpower to hold on.

  As for Shen Qiu and Yun Xiaoxi, they are also in an abnormal state at the moment.

  At this time, the Blood Knights who were fighting with the Caddis team members saw that Melon was injured, and they all abandoned their opponents and rushed over.

  Caddis' team members and remaining personnel also withdrew one after another.

  A comparison of the situation emerged immediately.

  Shen Qiu and the others only had Hedri, Yun Xiaoxi, Shiyao, Kedis, Baikatu, and more than fifty people as their main force.

  On Mellon's side, only two of the twelve blood knights are dead, but he still has thousands of corpse knights and corpse guards.

  In terms of numbers, Mellon still has the advantage.

  After all, most of Shen Qiu's side was severely damaged. For example, although Baikatu was still alive, he had almost no fighting power and could only fight with those trash soldiers at most. Each of Kedis's five subordinates was scarred. They also paid a high price to kill the Blood Knight.

  At this time, Mellon shook off the support of Blood Knight Danli and stood up on his own.

  He was not angry because he was injured, but instead smiled and said enthusiastically.

  "Do you really think you have a chance of winning? Let me tell you the truth, the reason why you are alive and able to fight with me here is because I want you all to die here, and your blood will become the best sacrifice. . Don’t think that just by fishing people out and closing the platform, your blood will still seep down the platform!” When Hedry and others heard Mellon’s words, their faces became extremely ugly


  Shen Qiu's expression changed, and he thought about it secretly. Now the situation is getting worse for them, and all of their people are almost dead.

  If this continues, they will definitely be the ones to die in the end. Moreover, if Mellon continues to be so rational, he will be unstoppable if he fails to protect himself. Thinking of this, Shen Qiu decided to stimulate the other party. Only by making the other party lose his mind can he have a chance.

  So Shen Qiu suddenly let out a harsh laugh and said.

  "Haha, sacrifice? You will never succeed. You are just doing useless work."

  "What did you say?"

  When Mellon heard Shen Qiu's words, his expression suddenly darkened, and he stared at Shen Qiu with his scarlet eyes.

  Hedley and others also looked at Shen Qiu with puzzled expressions. They didn't understand what Shen Qiu was doing.

  "Oh, I forgot to tell you. The body in the crystal coffin you want to resurrect has been destroyed by me, so you can't succeed. Haha!" Shen Qiu replied with a laugh


  After hearing what Shen Qiu said, the enthusiasm on Mellon's face gradually turned into anger, and then he yelled.

  "Irene! You killed Irene!"

  (End of Chapter)

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