Chapter 378 New Plan (Second Update)

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  Chapter 378 New Plan (Second Update)

  Ring 3·Inside the villa.

  Bai Lanxin was sitting on the sofa, her slender white legs straddled, and she was concentrating on playing with her mobile phone.


  At this time, the door of the villa was opened.

  Shen Qiu dragged her tired body in and took a long breath.

  "I'm back."

  No one answered him. Shen Qiu raised his head and took a look, only to see Bai Lanxin alone in the living room.

  "What are you doing?"

  "You're not doing anything. I'm just watching you quarrel with other scholars."

  Bai Lanxin replied with a smile.

  "What the hell?"

  "Someone posted the video of you rejecting the battle plan in a meeting to the forum, and now it's gone viral." "

  Who is so boring?"

  Shen Qiu replied with a frown.

  "There are many good people, let me show you."

  Bai Lanxin then handed the phone to Shen Qiu.

  Shen Qiu took a look, frowned and said.

  "Why is it so popular?"

  "What's so strange about this? You are now a celebrity in your own right. And you are also a popular celebrity. Any keyword video with your name becomes popular." Bai Lanxin didn't take it seriously

  . It seemed normal to her.

  Shen Qiu's solution to the Sinking Star City incident has attracted much attention. He had once again become famous because of the gender of the monster, but then the monster was really enraged and went crazy as he predicted.

  And many people also picked up some historical events of Shen Qiu, such as solving the alien mother queen of Clear Sky City, haunting the most dangerous area in District 8, and being the most arrogant non-staff boss in KPI.

  This series of operations directly made Shen Qiu the most popular among the popular, and he himself has almost become a legend.

  Shen Qiu calmly flipped through the messages under the video.

  "Is Shen Qiu scared?"

  "I must be scared. That plan has a possibility of success, but it is also very dangerous! If you turn around and shoot the monster, you might die." "

  Then You can't stop doing it just because it's dangerous. If everyone is afraid, then who will protect this world?" "

  How about you protecting it? If it were such a dangerous job, I would just give up the job. Whoever wants to go will go there. "

  What are responsibilities?"

  "Oh, you talk to me about responsibilities. I'm sorry, I am a non-staff person. Do you know what a non-staff person is? A temporary worker! Damn it, I am working for you with a salary of 5,000 yuan?" "

  These messages also made Shen Qiu's head hurt after reading them.

  "These people are really idle."

  "Okay, don't worry about it. I was a little worried that you would be flattered by those people, so I agreed immediately."

  Bai Lanxin teased with a smile . road.

  "You can still laugh. I don't agree, not because I want to dodge, but because I think it won't work. And it's easy to involve myself, but I still have to find other ways to deal with that monster." Shen Qiu's tired face

  , Revealing a hint of solemnity.

  "There's no point in being anxious. Let's think of a solution slowly. Anyway, the monster is building a nest in the Tenth Ring and hasn't done anything too dangerous yet. And it's only a male, so you don't have to worry about it laying eggs." Bai Lanxin sighed

  . Said after taking a breath.

  "You can keep your composure."

  "It's not bad."

  "I really admire your mentality."

  Shen Qiu was chatting with Bai Lanxin, and suddenly her phone vibrated in her pocket.

  He then took out his mobile phone and opened it, and a message popped up.

  Shen Qiu handed Bai Lanxin's phone back to her, and then edited a text message on her phone to reply.

  "What's wrong? Who are you texting?"

  Bai Lanxin asked with interest.

  "It's nothing. I have a team member named Qi Dong. I asked him to stay in the City of Sinking Star and get some exercise." "Oh, I thought you were provoking another girl." "Don't talk nonsense, by the way, Yun

  Xiao Where are Xi and Chen Ye."

  "The two of them went back to the room to rest."

  "Well, I went to rest too. You should rest more while you have time. The injuries on your body are probably not healed yet."

  After Shen Qiu sent the message and gave Bai Lanxin instructions, she walked towards the bedroom.

  "How can I possibly sleep?"

  Bai Lanxin looked at Shen Qiu's back and whispered to herself.

  The next day.

  Shen Qiu was lying on the bed and sleeping.

  Dong Dong~
  There was a rapid knock on the door.

  Shen Qiu opened her eyes, got off the bed, walked to the door and opened the door.

  I saw Chen Ye standing anxiously at the door.

  "What happened?"

  "Brother, big news! Didn't you reject the battle plan yesterday? Those people discussed a new plan and implemented it on the spot." "What plan?" Shen Qiu walked towards the living   room


Go, he asked.

  "They think that the monster is water-type, and using burning objects might be effective."

  Chen Ye roughly explained.

  Shen Qiu walked to the living room at this time and saw Yun Xiaoxi and Bai Lanxin sitting on the sofa watching the live broadcast.

  He turned to watch TV.

  "Latest news, the City of Sunny Sky has adopted a new strategic strategy. It will use gasoline, napalm and other combustible things on a large scale to continue to burn the target. The temperature in the area where monsters are entrenched will continue to rise, creating an unsuitable habitat. The environment of the nest."

  "Chen Qiu, do you think this method is feasible?"

  Yun Xiaoxi asked curiously when she saw Shen Qiu's serious expression.

  "Normally it should be feasible. The opponent is building a nest here and it is a water creature. If the environment is not good, it may really be moved away. But this is only theoretical. The actual effect depends on the operation." Shen Qiu thinks this

  idea Not bad, at least quite satisfactory.

  "Boss, are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

  Chen Ye asked when he saw that Shen Qiu had just gotten up and hadn't eaten yet.

  "Go and see what else is at home, and do something to deal with it."

  Shen Qiu was really not in the mood to cook anymore, so he picked up his phone and read relevant comments on the Internet.

  It turns out that it’s okay not to watch it, but the more I watch it, the worse it gets. Even though Clear Sky City proposed a new battle plan, his hot searches did not drop, but instead increased.

  The Internet is now divided into several factions and are making a lot of noise.

  "Oh, look, you don't even need Shen Qiu, they still have a way." "

  You said you don't need it anymore, so why bother with them? Aren't you a double standard?"

  "I'm happy with it."

  Apart from the online confrontation, There were even several cases where the rivalry went so far that they directly competed with real people offline, and ended up being beaten to a bloody head.

  At this time, Yun Xiaoxi looked at the TV and shouted in surprise.

  "Wow, so much gasoline and incendiary bombs."

  After hearing this, Shen Qiu raised his head and looked over. In the live video, you can see piles of transport trucks heading towards the blockade area, and those transport trucks are not covered with canvas.

  You can clearly see various types of incendiary bombs and gasoline bombs, and even barrels of crude oil. There are a lot of them.

  "I've spent a lot of money."

  "Why don't I spend a lot of money? Once the City of Clear Sky is finished, everyone will have to finish playing. Those guys who usually dig it to death! Now they can't wait to dig out their heart and lungs, as long as they can be used, they will Come out."

  Bai Lanxin replied calmly.


  Shen Qiu nodded.

  (End of chapter)

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